15 research outputs found

    The Analysis of Banking Governance in Indonesia: the Financial Services Authority Perspective

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the factors that influence the ranking of banking governance in Indonesia. This study uses the perspective of regulatory authority of financial services concerning self-assessment of bank governance as regulated in Regulation of Financial Services Authority Number (POJK). The data in this study using the report of banking governance in 2014-2017 with a sample obtained as many as 294 banks. Hypothesis testing technique is done by using ordinal regression analysis. The results showed that the variable owner, ROA, asset, and status have a positive effect on GCG. In contrast, the leverage in this study showed a negative influence on GCG. Testing the growth and age does not affect the level of banking governanc

    Designing Prototype User Interface Digital Library for Elementary School Based on Probability Bayesian

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    Recently of digital library technology is not only developed on the aspect of the system, but also in the interface design, because it has a significant role to reach the level of usefulness and success as source of knowledge. Digital library's interface should be developed and can adapt to the needs of children, who have different of ability and expectation when interact the user interface design than adult. This research aims to design the interface prototype digital library for elementary school students, based on the analysis of chosen existing library. Tests performed limited on the interface “simple search” form on the ICDL, with field observation approach methods, and the 6 task were completed over 15 minutes. Layout space used a single room setup when doing the observation. Data were taken from 12 elementary school students (7-12 years old), who come from three different schools. Processed analysed by Bayesian probability methods. From the results obtained, it can be concluded that the certainty of children had a difficulty when accessed forms simple search ICDL at the first used. From the analysis of the design 1 login register on the form ICDL display showed the probability of students choosing Register / Login influenced by his perspective and the time given is 0.5.Recently of digital library technology is not only developed on the aspect of the system, but also in the interface design, because it has a significant role to reach the level of usefulness and success as source of knowledge. Digital library's interface should be developed and can adapt to the needs of children, who have different of ability and expectation when interact the user interface design than adult. This research aims to design the interface prototype digital library for elementary school students, based on the analysis of chosen existing library. Tests performed limited on the interface “simple search” form on the ICDL, with field observation approach methods, and the 6 task were completed over 15 minutes. Layout space used a single room setup when doing the observation. Data were taken from 12 elementary school students (7-12 years old), who come from three different schools. Processed analysed by Bayesian probability methods. From the results obtained, it can be concluded that the certainty of children had a difficulty when accessed forms simple search ICDL at the first used. From the analysis of the design 1 login register on the form ICDL display showed the probability of students choosing Register / Login influenced by his perspective and the time given is 0.5

    Determinating the Value of Capital Expenditure Allocation in Indonesia Local Government

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    Capital expenditure allocation is aimed to preservation and expansion of local government fixed assets that provide long-term benefit. This paper investigates the factors that affect the capital expenditure allocation in Indonesian local government. Employing a panel pooled data-regression (fixed effect), our results reveal that local productivity, local funding, local budget requirement, and local establishment status are related to the value of capital expenditure. This research found that efficiency of capital expenditure management is related with fiscal dependence

    Pembuatan Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Akuntasi Pada CV. Sablon Makmur

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    CV. Sablon Makmur is a company engaged in screen printing services. The company's current systems still using manual systems. All recording report purchases, sales, bookkeeping still use hand writing, so it's easy errors in the registration process. Calculation of benefits are still estimated, the company also made sometimes difficulties in calculating benefits.Based on the analysis of the problems faced by CV. Sablon Makmur, then made the creation of applications that are useful for operations. Applications can implement transaction processing purchase orders, sales orders, purchasing reports, sales, accounts payable and receivable, so that the company can manage its report. Data Flow Diagram and ERD using power applications designer 15. Applications created using CodeIgniter Framework and uses MySQL as a database.Based on the test results of the application indicates that this application can make record purchase and sale transactions in a structured and automated, and equipped with a calculation of the stock using the Average. This application helps the process of recording with journaling and posting of computerized and automate

    Faktor-faktor Terkait Aspek Biaya Yang Mempengaruhi Mahasiswa Menggunakan Sepeda Motor

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    Proses menganalisa faktor-faktor terkait aspek biaya yang mempengaruhi mahasiswa menggunakan sepeda motor merupakan salah satu cara dalam perencanaan transportasi dan pengembangan pengaturan kebijakan tata transportasi. Faktor-faktor terkait aspek biaya merupakan hal yang penting pada pengembangan perencanaan transportasi sepeda motor yang masih susah untuk diprediksi secara presisi faktor terkait aspek biaya yang paling mempengaruhi mahasiswa menggunakan sepeda motor.Faktor-faktor terkait aspek biaya meliputi Biaya Kepemilikan dan Biaya Operasional. Selain faktor-faktor tersebut adapun faktor Distance-Based Tax yang masuk dalam bagian biaya kepemilikan sebagai faktor tambahan yang mempengaruhi mahasiswa menggunakan sepeda motor. Faktor-faktor tersebut akan saling dihubungkan untuk mendapatkan faktor yang paling mempengaruhi mahasiswa menggunakan sepeda motor.Faktor-faktor tersebut dihubungkan dengan perangkat lunak Partial Least Square (PLS). Adapun beberapa tahap uji terhadap faktor-faktor tersebut yaitu uji reliabilitas dan validitas.Hasil dari tahap uji menunjukkan bahwa Biaya Operasional paling berpengaruh terhadap penggunaan sepeda motor

    Penyusunan Tata Kelola Keamanan Informasi pada Produksi Film Animasi (Kasus di PT. XX)

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    Berjalannya perkembangan teknolgi informasi yang semakin maju dan pesat di era global ini, hal ini berpengaruh terhadap penggunaan teknologi informasi di kalangan Perusahaan swasta. PT. XX yang juga beketergantungan erat terhadap teknologi informasi dalam kegiatan produksi film animasi. Namun, permasalahan teknologi informasi yang berperan penting terhadap Perusahaan seringkali kurang mendapat perhatian. Akibatnya tidak dipungkiri akan muncul ancaman maupun kelemahan dalam teknologi informasi yang menganggu jalannya kegiatan produksi film animasi. Oleh karena itu diperlukannya pengelolaan teknologi informasi yang dituangkan dalam tata kelola untuk mengelola ancaman maupun kelemahan yang muncul. SNI ISO/IEC 27001:2005 merupakan framework sistem manajemen keamanan informasi yang dapat dijadikan dasar dalam pengelolaan informas

    Penyusunan Tata Kelola Keamanan Informasi pada Produksi Film Animasi (Kasus di PT. XX)

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    Berjalannya perkembangan teknolgi informasi yang semakin maju dan pesat di era global ini, hal ini berpengaruh terhadap penggunaan teknologi informasi di kalangan Perusahaan swasta. PT. XX yang juga beketergantungan erat terhadap teknologi informasi dalam kegiatan produksi film animasi. Namun, permasalahan teknologi informasi yang berperan penting terhadap Perusahaan seringkali kurang mendapat perhatian. Akibatnya tidak dipungkiri akan muncul ancaman maupun kelemahan dalam teknologi informasi yang menganggu jalannya kegiatan produksi film animasi. Oleh karena itu diperlukannya pengelolaan teknologi informasi yang dituangkan dalam tata kelola untuk mengelola ancaman maupun kelemahan yang muncul. SNI ISO/IEC 27001:2005 merupakan framework sistem manajemen keamanan informasi yang dapat dijadikan dasar dalam pengelolaan informas

    Pengembangan Aplikasi Konversi Representasi Not Balok Ke Not Angka Untuk Paduan Suara Campur

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    Beam notation is a notation that is officially used in the whole world as an intermediary to do musical communication. In Indonesia, notation that is more absorbed and mostly easy to learn autodidactly is numbered notation, while beam notation is more difficult to learn and tend to be avioded. Traditionally, beam notation can be converted to numbered notation by fully relying on human skills and abilities. It is obvious that the conversion process would require much time and energy. Therefore, a new conversion application is developed to cope the conversion from beam notation into numbered notation specally for mixed choir, with representated in a XML file called MusicXML. MusicXML is a representation of beam notation that are more easily to be compressed and has a universal characteristic, can be opened in a wide range of applications. The purpose of this research was to design a fast, reliable and accurate application to convert beam notation into numbered notation for mixed choir which consist of multiple voice parts, according to the prevailing theory of music. Kata-kunci: rekayasa perangkat lunak, konversi notasi musik, MusicXM