295 research outputs found

    Parasitoids and Predators of Insect Pests on Chrysanthemums in Hawaii

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    Trials were conducted at a commercial cut-chrysanthemum nursery in Mountain View, Hawaii to evaluate biological control of chrysanthemum insect pests. No chemical pesticides were applied throughout the growing season. Numerous parasitoids and predators of the agromyzid leafminer, Liriomyza trifolii (Burgess), the green peach aphid (GPA), Myzus persicae (Sulzer), and the variegated cutworm (VC), Peridroma saucia (Hubner), were recovered. The two dominant parasitoid species of L. trifolii, Diglyphus intermedius (Girault), and Ganaspidium utilis Beardsley, provided biological control during the first 7 to 9 weeks after planting when the unmarketed portion of the chrysanthemum foliage was growing. Additional biorational or chemical control methods are necessary for GPA. VC, and L. trifolii when their damage affects the marketable portion of the crop

    A Pre-FFT OFDM adaptive antenna array with eigenvector combining

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    Abstract-This paper proposes a novel pre-FFT type OFDM adaptive array antenna called "Eigenvector Combining." The eigenvector combining is a realization of a post-FFT type OFDM adaptive array antenna through a pre-FFT signal processing, so it can achieve excellent performance with less computational complexity and shorter training symbols. Numerical results demonstrate that the proposed eigenvector combining shows excellent bit error rate performance close to the lower bound just with two training symbols. I. INTRODUCTION Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), which is a pre-distortion or an equalization technique at transmit side in a sense, is an efficient technique for high-speed digital transmission over severe multipath fading channels To maintain high-speed reliable wireless communications systems, the use of multiple antennas at receive side has been considered as an effective tool not only for gain enhancement, increased spectral efficiency[3] but also for interference suppressio

    Linear Basal Cell Carcinoma in an Asian Patient

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    Linear basal cell carcinoma (BCC), which has a ratio of its long and short axes of more than 3: 1, is a distinct clinical entity among BCC. We report the first case report of a linear BCC in an Asian patient. An 87 year-old woman presented with an ulcerated black nodule, 15×5mm (3: 1), on her nasojungal fold of the right lower eyelid. The tumor was excised with 5 mm safety margin. The pathological examination confirmed the tumor was a BCC with a clear margin. Diagnosis of a linear BCC is based on its morphological features and occurrence along the wrinkle line, which needs to be also considered in Asian

    Reaction pathway analysis for dislocation nucleation from a Ni surface step

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    Abstract Threshold strain required for a thermally activated dislocation nucleation from a Ni surface step has been measured using an atomistic-based reaction pathway analysis. We show that the saddle-point configuration and the stress-dependent activation energy are strongly influenced by the presence of a surface step. Our results provide insight into the previous experimental findings concerning the mechanism on a coherency loss at the Ni/Cu(001) interface. We conclude that the coherency strain caused by a lattice mismatch between Ni and Cu does not yield a sufficient driving force for the dislocation nucleation

    Graph Laplacian-Based Sequential Smooth Estimator for Three-Dimensional RSS Map

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    In wireless links between ground stations and UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles), wireless signals may be attenuated by obstructions such as buildings. A three-dimensional RSS (Received Signal Strength) map (3D-RSS map), which represents a set of RSSs at various reception points in a three-dimensional area, is a promising geographical database that can be used to design reliable ground-to-air wireless links. The construction of a 3D-RSS map requires higher computational complexity, especially for a large 3D area. In order to sequentially estimate a 3D-RSS map from partial observations of RSS values in the 3D area, we propose a graph Laplacian-based sequential smooth estimator. In the proposed estimator, the 3D area is divided into voxels, and a UAV observes the RSS values at the voxels along a predetermined path. By considering the voxels as vertices in an undirected graph, a measurement graph is dynamically constructed using vertices from which recent observations were obtained and their neighboring vertices, and the 3D-RSS map is sequentially estimated by performing graph Laplacian regularized least square estimation

    Differentiation between Metastasis and Synchronous Double Cancers of the Esophagus

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    Simultaneously two independent tumors were detected in the esophagus. Histological examination could not necessarily distinguish the two tumors from double cancers. It is emphasized that cellular DNA analysis by using FCM is of great benefit for this purpose. It is difficult to determine clinically whether double cancers are simultaneously existing two cancers or cancerous lesion accompanying metastatic lesions. Until recently histologic finding was the only method to identify them. The criteria of identifying double cancers from primary cancer with metastasis are that different types of histology should be individually revealed and no histologic sequence between both. lesions should be defined with or without submucosal lymphatic involvement. It is well known that malignant tumors are characterized by abnormalities in cellular DNA content. However, it is no doubt that metastatic tumors arising from the primary one display a similar pattern of DNA, suggesting identical stem cells with an original tumor when surgeons encounter in independent cancerous lesions in the same surgical specimen, two separated cancerous lesions should be identified whether double primary cancers or metastasis. Flow cytometry (FCM) provides a fast and precise means for determination of DNA-aneuploidy index. we experienced with independent double cancerous lesions in the esophagus and these were regarded as primary cancer with skipping metastatic lesions with the help of analysis of DNA histogram

    Evaluation of Surgical Treatment for Breast Cancer

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    The prognosis of breast cancer is evaluated with respect to age. In theis is study, the patients\u27 age was divided into the three catgories, younger (under age 35), middle-aged (over age 36 and under age 65), and older (over age 66) patients. The survival rates among the three goups were almost the same according to age and disease stage. However, the prognosis in younger patients with advanced disease stage was unsatisfactory and it was inferior to that in older ones. It is concluded that advanced disease in younger patients contributed to poor prognosis in reflection of changes in hormonal circumstances such as pregnancy, delivery and lactation