9 research outputs found
Case study: Dosimetric comparison of VMAT, IMRT and 3DCRT techniques for left-sided breast cancer treated in deep inspiration breath-hold
The aim of this case study was to compare 3D conformal radiotherapy (3DCRT) plans for patients treated for left-sided breast cancer (whole breast without positive lymph nodes in deep inspiration breath-hold (DIBH)) to volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) and intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) plans. The original clinical plans used tangential field-in-field 3DCRT technique with a combination of 6 MV and 18 MV photon beams. VMAT and IMRT plans were based on several previously published techniques and used 6 MV beams. Two patients were included in this case study and 4 plans were created and compared for each one. All plans were compared in terms of tumour coverage, gradient measure and conformity index, doses to organs at risk (OARs), the volume of body receiving 5 Gy and also the number of Monitor Units (MUs). While better tumour coverage and conformity was achieved with IMRT and VMAT plans, OARs were better spared with the 3DCRT technique, which also resulted in the lowest dose bath and number of MUs
Intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) planning and verification is a complex process but it could be simplified without compromising patient safety. One such way is suggested in our work. A new method for estimation of fluence complexity in IMRT fields is proposed. Unlike other previously published works, it is based on portal images calculated by the Portal Dose Calculation algorithm in Eclipse (version 8.6, Varian Medical Systems) in the plane of the EPID aS500 detector. Fluence complexity is given by the number and the amplitudes of dose gradients in these matrices. Our method is validated using a set of clinical plans where fluence has been smoothed manually so that each plan has a different level of complexity. Fluence complexity calculated with our tool is in accordance with the different levels of smoothing and correlates well with dose volume histogram parameters. Thus, it is possible to estimate plan complexity before carrying out the measurement, which could save time in the replanning and remeasuring process
Terénní výuka na PdF MU
Title in English: Outdoor Education and its Inclusion into Teaching at PdF MU: Support for the Use of Technology and the Implementation of Research Activities in the Undergraduate Education of Future Teachers The teaching material “Outdoor Education and its Inclusion into Teaching at PdF MU. Support for the Use of Technology and the Implementation of Research Activities in the Undergraduate Education of Future Teachers“ is the outcome of the project OP VVV Development of the process of undergraduate education at PdF MU: thorough preparation for good practice. One of the outcomes of the project was the preparation of innovative educational materials and courses. The courses were to reflect the educational areas within the updated Framework Educational Programme. In their content, there was to be a maximum connection of teaching with the use of cross-curricular topics. In the course of these, modern strategies for managing learning activities were to be adequately included
The Bosnian Diaspora in Ljubljana
This thesis aims at the Bosnian diaspora in Ljubljana. The thesis considers three research questions: How do members of the Bosnian diaspora in Ljubljana evaluate their life of the ethnic minority in Slovenia, how do they perceive current events in Bosnia and Herzegovina and whether they are considering their return to the country. To answer questions, the thesis uses the method of qualitative research, namely semi-structured interviews. The research was conducted among members of the Bosnian diaspora aged 18-22. Respondents were not only representatives of the second generation of diaspora, but also young migrants, who came to Slovenia themselves, mostly for the purpose of studies at the university. Theoretical part aims at the context and development in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the past 20 years, emigration from the country and at the theory of the Bosnian diaspora in Slovenia. In the analytical part I am evaluating the research. According to the research, a large proportion of Bosnian migrants experienced some kind of prejudices during their stay in Ljubljana, but they generally agree that the situation in Slovenian society is steadily improving. Most respondents said that they are worried about the current situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina and they agree that only the young generation..
Comparison of the position of the current Hungarian minority in Vojvodina and Transylvania
Diplomová práce se s použitím komparativní metody zabývá postavením maďarské menšiny v srbské Vojvodině a v rumunské Transylvánii. Maďaři v Srbsku i v Rumunsku tvoří velmi početnou národnostní menšinu a stali se neoddělitelnou součástí tamní kultury a společnosti. Úroveň menšinových práv Maďarů v hostitelských státech je srovnávána ve čtyřech oblastech: v legislativě, v politickém zastoupení a institucionalizaci menšiny, v možnostech vzdělávání v mateřském jazyce a v oblasti maďarských menšinových médií. Kromě krátkého nastínění historického kontextu se práce soustředí výhradně na časové období po pádu komunistických režimů v obou státech až po současnost. Právě v těchto letech došlo k největším posunům v oblasti menšinových práv. Na problematiku všech zkoumaných oblastí je aplikován koncept etnického paralelismu zabývající se organizací a reprodukcí menšinového světa uvnitř většinové společnosti. S tím souvisí i další použitý přístup, tzv. přístup etno- jazykové vitality, který se zabývá podmínkami pro zachování menšinových jazyků ve většinové společnosti. U všech zkoumaných témat je brán zvláštní zřetel i na vliv maďarské vlády pod vedením premiéra Viktora Orbána na život Maďarů v zahraničí, který v posledních letech výrazně vzrostl.The diploma thesis deals with the position of the Hungarian minority in Serbian Vojvodina and Romanian Transylvania using the comparative method. Hungarians in Serbia and Romania represent a very large national minority and they became an integral part of the local culture and society. The level of Hungarian minority rights in the host countries is compared in four areas: legislation, political representation and institutionalization of the minority, mother tongue education opportunities and the Hungarian minority media. Apart from a brief outline of the historical context, the work focuses exclusively on the period after the fall of communism in both states to the present. During these years, there has been the biggest shift in the area of minority rights. The concept of ethnic parallelism is applied to all researched areas. Related to this, the so-called ethnolinguistic vitality approach is used, which deals with the conditions for the preservation of minority languages in the majority society. Special attention is paid to the influence of the Hungarian government under Primer Minister Viktor Orbán on the life of Hungarians abroad, which is significantly growing.Department of Russian and East European StudiesKatedra ruských a východoevropských studiíFakulta sociálních vědFaculty of Social Science
Comparison of the position of the current Hungarian minority in Vojvodina and Transylvania
The diploma thesis deals with the position of the Hungarian minority in Serbian Vojvodina and Romanian Transylvania using the comparative method. Hungarians in Serbia and Romania represent a very large national minority and they became an integral part of the local culture and society. The level of Hungarian minority rights in the host countries is compared in four areas: legislation, political representation and institutionalization of the minority, mother tongue education opportunities and the Hungarian minority media. Apart from a brief outline of the historical context, the work focuses exclusively on the period after the fall of communism in both states to the present. During these years, there has been the biggest shift in the area of minority rights. The concept of ethnic parallelism is applied to all researched areas. Related to this, the so-called ethnolinguistic vitality approach is used, which deals with the conditions for the preservation of minority languages in the majority society. Special attention is paid to the influence of the Hungarian government under Primer Minister Viktor Orbán on the life of Hungarians abroad, which is significantly growing