1,364 research outputs found

    Three-dimensional numerical simulations of fast-to-Alfven conversion in sunspots

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    The conversion of fast waves to the Alfven mode in a realistic sunspot atmosphere is studied through three-dimensional numerical simulations. An upward propagating fast acoustic wave is excited in the high-beta region of the model. The new wave modes generated at the conversion layer are analyzed from the projections of the velocity and magnetic field in their characteristic directions, and the computation of their wave energy and fluxes. The analysis reveals that the maximum efficiency of the conversion to the slow mode is obtained for inclinations of 25 degrees and low azimuths, while the Alfven wave conversions peaks at high inclinations and azimuths between 50 and 120 degrees. Downward propagating Alfven waves appear at the regions of the sunspot where the orientation of the magnetic field is in the direction opposite to the wave propagation, since at these locations the Alfven wave couples better with the downgoing fast magnetic wave which are reflected due to the gradients of the Alfven speed. The simulations shows that the Alfven energy at the chromosphere is comparable to the acoustic energy of the slow mode, being even higher at high inclined magnetic fields.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Finite-volume matrix elements of two-body states

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    In this talk, we present a framework for studying structural information of resonances and bound states coupling to two-hadron scattering states. This makes use of a recently proposed finite-volume formalism to determine a class of observables that are experimentally inaccessible but can be accessed via lattice QCD. In particular, we shown that finite-volume two-body matrix elements with one current insertion can be directly related to scattering amplitudes coupling to the external current. For two-hadron systems with resonances or bound states, one can extract the corresponding form factors of these from the energy-dependence of the amplitudes.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, Proceedings of Lattice 201

    Optimized Effective Potentials in Finite Basis Sets

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    The finite basis optimized effective potential (OEP) method within density functional theory is examined as an ill-posed problem. It is shown that the generation of nonphysical potentials is a controllable manifestation of the use of unbalanced, and thus unsuitable, basis sets. A modified functional incorporating a regularizing smoothness measure of the OEP is introduced. This provides a condition on balanced basis sets for the potential, as well as a method to determine the most appropriate OEP potential and energy from calculations performed with any finite basis set.Comment: 23 pages, 28 figure

    Horseshoe priors for edge-preserving linear Bayesian inversion

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    In many large-scale inverse problems, such as computed tomography and image deblurring, characterization of sharp edges in the solution is desired. Within the Bayesian approach to inverse problems, edge-preservation is often achieved using Markov random field priors based on heavy-tailed distributions. Another strategy, popular in statistics, is the application of hierarchical shrinkage priors. An advantage of this formulation lies in expressing the prior as a conditionally Gaussian distribution depending of global and local hyperparameters which are endowed with heavy-tailed hyperpriors. In this work, we revisit the shrinkage horseshoe prior and introduce its formulation for edge-preserving settings. We discuss a sampling framework based on the Gibbs sampler to solve the resulting hierarchical formulation of the Bayesian inverse problem. In particular, one of the conditional distributions is high-dimensional Gaussian, and the rest are derived in closed form by using a scale mixture representation of the heavy-tailed hyperpriors. Applications from imaging science show that our computational procedure is able to compute sharp edge-preserving posterior point estimates with reduced uncertainty

    El general de sanidad militar Ezequiel Abente y Lago (1841-1923)

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    Biography of the Spanish Army doctor Ezequiel Abente y Lago (1841-1923). After completing his medical career at the University of Santiago de Compostela, he entered the medical corps of the Spanish Army as an assistant doctor, and he was repeatedly promoted while there until he finally attained the top position in the service. He was awarded several medals in acknowledgement for his medical merits both in war and peace periods. The former Military Hospital of Coruña was officially given his name in the year 1996, thus acknowledging his competent directorship of the hospital in the period of the repatriation from Cuba of wounded soldiers after the Spanish-American war of 1898.Biografía del médico del Cuerpo de Sanidad Militar Ezequiel Abente y Lago (1841-1923). Tras estudiar la carrera de medicina en la Universidad de Santiago, ingresó como ayudante médico en el ejército donde ascendió hasta ser el primero de su escala. Fue un laureado militar por su labor en tiempos de guerra y paz. En 1996 el antiguo Hospital Militar de A Coruña fue rebautizado con su nombre, reconociendo su competente dirección del mismo durante la repatriación de los soldados de Cuba, tras perder la guerra de 1898 con los EE.UU

    El abastecimiento y las crisis de la sal en los puertos de A Coruña y Betanzos durante la segunda mitad del siglo XVI

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    A research is undertaken about the salt supply to the harbours of Corunna and Betanzos (NW of Spain) during the second half of the sixteenth century, in which the periods of scarcity (1574-75/1598-99) and their results are particularly stressed. A thorough analysis of everything connected with the management of the salt warehouses in both cities, through the documentation of the public notaries as well as the accountancy books of these warehouses, is equally included. From these records it has also been possible to establish the maritime salt trading routes between these two harbours and those of Portugal and Andalusia (South of Spain).Se realiza un estudio sobre el abastecimiento de la sal en los puertos de Coruña y Betanzos durante la segunda mitad del siglo XVI, prestando especial interés a los periodos de carestía (1574-75/1598-99) y sus consecuencias. Igualmente se analiza todo lo relacionado con la gestión de los alfolíes en cada una de dichas ciudades a través de diversa documentación notarial y de los libros de cuentas de dichos alfolíes, a partir de los cuales también ha sido posible establecer las rutas marítimas del comercio de la sal entre ambos puertos y los de Portugal y Andalucía

    El problema pesquero con los delfines y su persecución en Galicia (siglos XIII al XX)

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    An historical study is undertaken to show the conflictive interaction between man as a fisher and dolphins in Galicia, which results in a chase of cetaceans, held responsible as predators for the driving away of fish schools from the coastal waters and for the damaging of fishermen's nets. Special attention is given to the most peculiar aspects of this chase, such as its legislation, the massive killing of dolphins in Pontevedra, or the chasing runs by navy patrolboats in the river estuaries of Galicia. Finally, after mentioning the attempts at establishing a dolphin industry in the 18th and 19thcenturies, a study is made of the most ambitious plan undertaken in the 20th century to secure the involvement of the whaling industry into this activity. The study also refers to the situation of this activity in the rest of Spain both for its direct relationship with and as a precedent for the Galician case, and makes a comparison between them.Se realiza un estudio histórico sobre la problemática interacción entre el hombre como pescador y los definidos en Galicia, con la consiguiente persecución de los cetáceos, a los cuales culpan de la escasez de pescado, como depredadores y ahuyentadores de los bancos de peces lejos de la costa, además de ocasionar destrozos en las redes. Se presta especial atención a los aspectos más peculiares de su persecución, como la legislación, los consejos del ilustrado fray Martín Sarmiento, las corridas de arroaces en Pontevedra o las batidas por parte de las patrulleras de la Armada dentro de las rías. Finalmente, tras haber aludido a las primeras tentativas de industrialización de las manadas de delfines desde el siglo XVIII, se analiza el proyecto más destacado en el siglo XX, intentando involucrar en el negocio a la industria ballenera gallega. Todo ello sin obviar lo que acontece en el resto de España por su relación directa, como precedente del caso gallego o a modo comparativo

    El senador Salvador Parga Torreiro (1838-1901)

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    Biography of Salvador Parga Torreiro (1838- 1901), a member of the Spanish Senate, a professor at the Law School of the University of Santiago de Compostela, and the president of one of the Spanish societies for economic development. Throughout his life he carried out a fruitful task of promoting local life in the social and economic levels and he became one of the first defenders in Spain and Europe of the right for women’s vote.Biografía de Salvador Parga Torreiro (1838- 1901), senador, catedrático de Derecho de la Universidad de Santiago y presidente de la Sociedad Económica de Amigos del País de Santiago. A lo largo de su vida desarrolló una importante labor en pro de la modernización socio-económica del país a nivel local, siendo uno de los primeros en reclamar el sufragio femenino en España y Europa en 1870
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