23 research outputs found

    On the geometry of silent and anisotropic big bang singularities

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    This article is the second of two in which we develop a geometric framework for analysing silent and anisotropic big bang singularities. In the present article, we record geometric conclusions obtained by combining the geometric framework with Einstein's equations. The main features of the results are the following: The assumptions do not involve any symmetry requirements and are weak enough to be consistent with most big bang singularities for which the asymptotic geometry is understood. The framework gives a clear picture of the asymptotic geometry. It also reproduces the Kasner map, conjectured in the physics literature to constitute the essence of the asymptotic dynamics for vacuum solutions to Einstein's equations. When combined with Einstein's equations, the framework yields partial improvements of the assumptions concerning, e.g., the expansion normalised Weingarten map K\mathcal{K} (one of the central objects of the framework, defined as the Weingarten map of the leaves of the foliation divided by the mean curvature). For example, the expansion normalised normal derivative of K\mathcal{K} can, under suitable assumptions concerning the eigenvalues of K\mathcal{K}, be demonstrated to decay exponentially and K\mathcal{K} can be demonstrated to converge exponentially, even though we initially only impose weighted bounds on these quantities. Finally, the framework gives a unified perspective on the existing results. Moreover, in 3+13+1-dimensions, the only parameters necessary to interpret the results are the eigenvalues of K\mathcal{K} and an additional scalar function determined by the geometry induced on the leaves of the foliation. In the companion article, we obtain conclusions concerning the asymptotic behaviour of solutions to linear systems of wave equations on the backgrounds consistent with the framework.Comment: 65 pages, 6 figure

    The future asymptotics of Bianchi VIII vacuum solutions

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    Bianchi VIII vacuum solutions to Einstein's equations are causally geodesically complete to the future, given an appropriate time orientation, and the objective of this article is to analyze the asymptotic behaviour of solutions in this time direction. For the Bianchi class A spacetimes, there is a formulation of the field equations that was presented in an article by Wainwright and Hsu, and we analyze the asymptotic behaviour of solutions in these variables. We also try to give the analytic results a geometric interpretation by analyzing how a normalized version of the Riemannian metric on the spatial hypersurfaces of homogeneity evolves.Comment: 34 pages, no figure

    Formation of quiescent big bang singularities

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    Hawking's singularity theorem says that cosmological solutions arising from initial data with positive mean curvature have a past singularity. However, the nature of the singularity remains unclear. We therefore ask: If the initial hypersurface has sufficiently large mean curvature, does the curvature necessarily blow up towards the singularity? In case the eigenvalues of the expansion-normalized Weingarten map are everywhere distinct and satisfy a certain algebraic condition (which in 3+1 dimensions is equivalent to them being positive), we prove that this is the case in the CMC Einstein-non-linear scalar field setting. More specifically, we associate a set of geometric expansion-normalized quantities to any initial data set with positive mean curvature. These quantities are expected to converge, in the quiescent setting, in the direction of crushing big bang singularities. Our main result says that if the mean curvature is large enough, relative to an appropriate Sobolev norm of these geometric quantities, and if the algebraic condition is satisfied, then a quiescent (as opposed to oscillatory) big bang singularity with curvature blow-up forms. This provides a stable regime of big bang formation without requiring proximity to any particular class of background solutions. An important recent result by Fournodavlos, Rodnianski and Speck demonstrates stable big bang formation for all the spatially flat and spatially homogeneous solutions to the Einstein-scalar field equations satisfying the algebraic condition. Here we obtain analogous stability results for any solution inducing data at the singularity, in the sense introduced by the third author, in particular generalizing the aforementioned result. Moreover, we are able to prove both future and past global non-linear stability of a large class of spatially locally homogeneous solutions.Comment: 77 page

    Future asymptotic expansions of Bianchi VIII vacuum metrics

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    Bianchi VIII vacuum solutions to Einstein's equations are causally geodesically complete to the future, given an appropriate time orientation, and the objective of this article is to analyze the asymptotic behaviour of solutions in this time direction. For the Bianchi class A spacetimes, there is a formulation of the field equations that was presented in an article by Wainwright and Hsu, and in a previous article we analyzed the asymptotic behaviour of solutions in these variables. One objective of this paper is to give an asymptotic expansion for the metric. Furthermore, we relate this expansion to the topology of the compactified spatial hypersurfaces of homogeneity. The compactified spatial hypersurfaces have the topology of Seifert fibred spaces and we prove that in the case of NUT Bianchi VIII spacetimes, the length of a circle fibre converges to a positive constant but that in the case of general Bianchi VIII solutions, the length tends to infinity at a rate we determine.Comment: 50 pages, no figures. Erronous definition of Seifert fibred spaces correcte

    The Bianchi IX attractor

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    We consider the asymptotic behaviour of spatially homogeneous spacetimes of Bianchi type IX close to the singularity (we also consider some of the other Bianchi types, e. g. Bianchi VIII in the stiff fluid case). The matter content is assumed to be an orthogonal perfect fluid with linear equation of state and zero cosmological constant. In terms of the variables of Wainwright and Hsu, we have the following results. In the stiff fluid case, the solution converges to a point for all the Bianchi class A types. For the other matter models we consider, the Bianchi IX solutions generically converge to an attractor consisting of the closure of the vacuum type II orbits. Furthermore, we observe that for all the Bianchi class A spacetimes, except those of vacuum Taub type, a curvature invariant is unbounded in the incomplete directions of inextendible causal geodesics

    Cosmic Censorship for Gowdy Spacetimes

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    Due to the complexity of Einstein’s equations, it is often natural to study a question of interest in the framework of a restricted class of solutions. One way to impose a restriction is to consider solutions satisfying a given symmetry condition. There are many possible choices, but the present article is concerned with one particular choice, which we shall refer to as Gowdy symmetry. We begin by explaining the origin and meaning of this symmetry type, which has been used as a simplifying assumption in various contexts, some of which we shall mention. Nevertheless, the subject of interest here is strong cosmic censorship. Consequently, after having described what the Gowdy class of spacetimes is, we describe, as seen from the perspective of a mathematician, what is meant by strong cosmic censorship. The existing results on cosmic censorship are based on a detailed analysis of the asymptotic behavior of solutions. This analysis is in part motivated by conjectures, such as the BKL conjecture, which we shall therefore briefly describe. However, the emphasis of the article is on the mathematical analysis of the asymptotics, due to its central importance in the proof and in the hope that it might be of relevance more generally. The article ends with a description of the results that have been obtained concerning strong cosmic censorship in the class of Gowdy spacetimes