71 research outputs found

    Organisasjonssosialisering - en stressende prosess?

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    Denne bacheloroppgaven undersøker hva som kan gjøres i oppstartsfasen av onboardingsprosessen for å redusere nyansattes stressnivå. Dette er et tema vi mener fortjener mer forskning. Vi har tatt utgangspunkt i to forskningsspørsmål: Hva sier forskning og litteratur på området (stress) om hva organisasjoner kan gjøre for å redusere/håndtere stress, og hvordan kan dette settes i sammenheng med oppstartsfasen i en onboardingsprosess. Vi har benyttet kvalitativ metode for å besvare problemstillingen og oppgaven er gjennomført som et rent litteratursstudie. Empirien som er benyttet er litteratur og teori relatert til onboarding/organisasjonssosialisering og stress. I besvarelsen av det første forskningsspørsmålet konkluderer vi med at sosial støtte og jobbressurser er spesielt viktige aspekter i arbeidet med å mitigere stress. Videre fant vi at organisasjoner bør kartlegge de ansattes kunnskap og kompetansenivå for å sette arbeidskravene som gis i forhold til dette. I besvarelsen av det andre forskningsspørsmålet fant vi ut at når det angår organisasjonssosialiseringstaktikker, kan det lønne seg å bruke institusjonelle taktikker for å mitigere nyansattes stressnivå. Dette er dog veldig avhengig av hva slags organisasjon det er snakk om

    Identification and validation of G protein-coupled receptors modulating flow-dependent signaling pathways in vascular endothelial cells

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    Vascular endothelial cells are exposed to mechanical forces due to their presence at the interface between the vessel wall and flowing blood. The patterns of these mechanical forces (laminar vs. turbulent) regulate endothelial cell function and play an important role in determining endothelial phenotype and ultimately cardiovascular health. One of the key transcriptional mediators of the positive effects of laminar flow patterns on endothelial cell phenotype is the zinc-finger transcription factor, krüppel-like factor 2 (KLF2). Given its importance in maintaining a healthy endothelium, we sought to identify endothelial regulators of the KLF2 transcriptional program as potential new therapeutic approaches to treating cardiovascular disease. Using an approach that utilized both bioinformatics and targeted gene knockdown, we identified endothelial GPCRs capable of modulating KLF2 expression. Genetic screening using siRNAs directed to these GPCRs identified 12 potential GPCR targets that could modulate the KLF2 program, including a subset capable of regulating flow-induced KLF2 expression in primary endothelial cells. Among these targets, we describe the ability of several GPCRs (GPR116, SSTR3, GPR101, LGR4) to affect KLF2 transcriptional activation. We also identify these targets as potential validated targets for the development of novel treatments targeting the endothelium. Finally, we highlight the initiation of drug discovery efforts for LGR4 and report the identification of the first known synthetic ligands to this receptor as a proof-of-concept for pathway-directed phenotypic screening to identify novel drug targets

    Thyroid Disorders

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    The influence of carpet flooring on the indoor climate; effects on perceived air quality, symptoms and particle concentrations

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    Carpet flooring is a commonly used flooring material and is becoming a trend in offices with open plan landscape. Previous studies have found relations between the presence of carpet flooring and worsening of the perceived air quality, increased severity of symptoms, and higher levels of dust and mite allergens. However, carpet producers and distributors claims that the previous knowledge is obsolete and that modern carpets no longer represent a problem for the indoor air quality. This study has explored if the presence of carpets leads to worsened perceived air quality, increased severity of symptoms, and higher concentrations of airborne particles. Untrained panels of subjects were used in the studies to assess the perceived air quality and the intensity of symptoms by answering two separate questionnaires, both when carpets were present and when carpets were absent. This was used to determine if the presence of carpets led to worsened perceived air quality and increased intensity of symptoms. Airborne particles were measured in order to explore if the presence of carpets leads to higher concentrations of airborne particles. The results showed no significant differences in the perceived air quality when carpets were present compared with no carpets. The subjects experienced 4.5 % more intensity of symptoms when carpets were present compared with no carpets, and indicated that the presence of carpets may lead to higher intensity of symptoms. The particle measurements showed no differences in particle concentrations, but indicated that carpets may contain bigger concentrations of particles compared with hard, smooth floors. People don’t seem to think about possible negative effects when choosing carpet flooring, the focus is on the noise reduction and aesthetics

    Minnet om Narviks krigshistorie 1940 «Krigshistorisk landskap-Narvik 1940» i et minnepolitisk perspektiv

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    I denne masteroppgaven går jeg gjennom "Krigshistorisk landskap Narvik 1940" i et minnepolitisk perspektiv. "Krigshistorisk landskap Narvik 1940" er en serie monumenter som er reist på veien mellom Bardufoss og Narvik. Oppgaven tar for seg hvem som har vært sentrale minneaktører i etableringen av dette prosjektet. Oppgaven kommer også til å se prosjektet "krigshistorisk landskap-Narvik 19040" i sammenheng med aktuelle debatter for samtiden. Oppgaven drøfter også hvilke verdi monumentene har i lokalt, nasjonalt og internasjonal sammenheng