4,121 research outputs found

    The relationship between international humanitarian law and human rights law from the perspective of a human rights treaty body

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    The debate about the simultaneous applicability of international humanitarian law and human rights law also affects human rights treaty bodies. The article first considers the difficulty for a human rights body in determining whether international humanitarian law is applicable; second, it examines the problems in practice in applying the lex specialis doctrine and the question of derogation in this particular context. The author finally outlines the impact of the debate as to the extent of extraterritorial applicability of human rights law

    The evolution of futures in school education

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    School education seems to be mostly stuck in an outdated industrial era worldview, unable to sufficiently address the significance and increasing rapidity of changes to humanity that are upon us. An integrated forward-looking view should, now more than ever, be of central importance in how we educate. Yet there is little sign that - unlike corporations - school systems are recognising the true value of futures studies. A brief history of futures in school education shows the significant role played by the World Futures Studies Federation in its evolution to date. The article also introduces integral analysis as a way of opening up new possibilities to help school education develop due foresight and to more fully realise its potential as a prime facilitator in individual and cultural evolution

    Problems posing as solutions: Criticising pragmatism as a paradigm for mixed research

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    Mixed research is a methodology of growing importance both within and without education. This type of research forces researchers to reconcile conflicting ways of justifying and understanding research with results that have the potential to be forward pointing for all researchers. As mixed research has grown, mixed research has gained an increasingly solidified identity which is increasingly associated with the pragmatic paradigm. This paper seeks to describe and criticise pragmatism as a paradigm for mixed research. We identify six features of pragmatism which we argue render it unfit for purpose. 1. That it is a “paradigm of convenience” 2. That it takes a consequentialist view of good research. 3. That it takes a consequentialist view of truth. 4. That it assumes the answers to epistemic questions is “somewhere in the middle” 5. That it priorities the research question, rather than ontology or epistemology 6. That it treats itself as a prerequisite for mixed research. We argue that in prioritising flexibility and practicality over principles, pragmatism loses the ability to offer guidance to researchers. Furthermore, many of the issues with pragmatism arise from a conflation of paradigm and method. I.e., by thinking that there are quantitative and qualitative paradigms. We conclude that traditional paradigms are better served to act as a paradigm for mixed research

    Fluid structure interaction of submerged metallic and composite plates subjected to low velocity impact loading

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    An instrumented low velocity impact rig has been used to acquire experimental data for impacts in air and underwater for both metallic and composite plates when subjected to a low velocity drop-weight impact with a 2kg steel impactor. Initial impact studies were conducted in air and then repeated for submersed conditions underwater. Experimental results are compared for all tests with numerical solutions and are found to be in good agreement. For underwater impact, the numerical model incorporates the use of a Eulerian formulation for the water with a coupled fluid-structure interaction algorithm. The effect of the water surrounding the target plates was found to reduce the peak accelerations and also reduce the overall impact duration when compared to the same impacts in air. X-Ray imagery of the composite plates also showed visibly reduced damage for the submersed test specimens. This research provides data on the impact response of metallic and composite materials, and validates numerical methodologies for use in future work on fluid-structure interactions which show strong potential for relevant industrial applications

    A comparison of center of pressure variables recorded during running in barefoot, minimalist footwear, and traditional running shoes in the female population

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    In recent years, barefoot running and running in minimalist footwear as opposed to running in traditional running shoes has increased in popularity. The influence of such footwear choices on center of pressure (COP) displacements and velocity variables linked to injuries is yet to be understood. The aim of this study was to investigate differences between COP variables, linked to injuries measured in barefoot running, a minimalist running shoe, and with traditional running shoes and conditions during running in a healthy female population. Seventeen healthy female participants were examined. Participants performed five footfalls in each footwear condition while running at 12km/h±10% over a pressure plate while COP variables were recorded at 500Hz. The results suggest that minimalist running shoe COP characteristics were similar to those of barefoot runners, with various significant differences reported in both groups compared to runners with the traditional running shoe

    Spirochaetes as intestinal pathogens: Lessons from a Brachyspira genome

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    Anaerobic spirochaetes of the genus Brachyspira have long been known as important gut pathogens of pigs, but increasingly they are recognised as causing disease in birds and other animal species, including human beings. The genome sequence of the major swine pathogen Brachyspira hyodysenteriae was recently published, and this revealed extensive genome optimisation that leads to adaptation to the complex environment of the colon. The genome sequences of other pathogenic and non-pathogenic Brachyspira species are becoming available, and this data will help to reveal how these species have evolved and adapted to varied lifestyles in the large intestines of different species, and why some but not others can induce colitis and diarrhoea

    Transmission dynamics and prospects for the elimination of canine rabies

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    Rabies has been eliminated from domestic dog populations in Western Europe and North America, but continues to kill many thousands of people throughout Africa and Asia every year. A quantitative understanding of transmission dynamics in domestic dog populations provides critical information to assess whether global elimination of canine rabies is possible. We report extensive observations of individual rabid animals in Tanzania and generate a uniquely detailed analysis of transmission biology, which explains important epidemiological features, including the level of variation in epidemic trajectories. We found that the basic reproductive number for rabies, R<sub>0</sub>, is very low in our study area in rural Africa (∼1.2) and throughout its historic global range (<2). This finding provides strong support for the feasibility of controlling endemic canine rabies by vaccination, even near wildlife areas with large wild carnivore populations. However, we show that rapid turnover of domestic dog populations has been a major obstacle to successful control in developing countries, thus regular pulse vaccinations will be required to maintain population-level immunity between campaigns. Nonetheless our analyses suggest that with sustained, international commitment, global elimination of rabies from domestic dog populations, the most dangerous vector to humans, is a realistic goal

    Experimental infection of broiler breeder hens with the intestinal spirochaete Brachyspira ( Serpulina ) pilosicoli causes reduced egg production

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    The pathogenic potential of the anaerobic intestinal spirochaetes Brachyspira ( Serpulina ) pilosicoli and Brachyspira innocens was evaluated in adult chickens. Thirty 17-week-old Cobb broiler breeder hens were individually caged in three groups of 10 birds. Control birds (group A) were sham inoculated with sterile broth medium. Birds in the other two groups (groups B and C) were inoculated, respectively, with an isolate of B. innocens or of B. pilosicoli . Birds were monitored daily, and killed at 41 weeks of age. Infection had no consistent effect on body weight gain, but inoculation with B. pilosicoli resulted in a transient increase in faecal water content. B. innocens infection had no effect on egg production, but B. pilosicoli infection caused a delayed onset of laying, and a highly significant reduction in egg production over the first 11 weeks of lay. This study confirms that B. pilosicoli can cause serious egg production losses in adult chickens, while B. innocens is not obviously pathogenic