1,909 research outputs found

    Persaingan Obat Produk Industri di Pekanbaru

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    The research was conducted in the city of Pekanbaru to consumer products of drugs manufactures. This study aims to determine the factors that influence the level competition for drugs industries products in Pekanbaru. The population numbered 937,939 people and a sample of 100 people was determined by the method Slovin. The data used in the Secondary and Primary Data obtained from PT. BERNOFARM-PKU,PT. KIMIA FARMA-PKU, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) Riau and questionnaires. The analysis method used is descriptive analysis using ordinal scale (Likert Scale) to classify the measured variables in order to avoid errors in determining the outcome of the data. The results showed that the partial variable consumer tastes which consists of the brand, quality, future expectation, packaging and labels, the price of the item itself and the price of other goods greatly affect the city of Pekanbaru in selecting medicine products they use. While consumer income variable does not affect the demand of drugs for people In the city of Pekanbaru. Based on these results it is suggested to the company to keep value of brand equity, quality, reasonable prices and promotions are always held. Besides, it is also expected the company to expand sales outlets drugs product so consumers have no difficulty in finding the products they are looking for. Thus, consumer loyalty to use one brand of drugs it will remain intact.Keywords: Brand Equity, Quality, Future Expectations, packaging and labels

    Nalisis Penerimaan Pajak Hotel dan Restoran Kabupaten Bengkalis Pasca Otonomi Daerah

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengetahui kecendrungan penerimaan pajak hotel danrestaurant pasca otonomi daerah di Kabupaten Bengkalis Propinsi Riau. Metoda yang digunakandalam penelitian ini adalah metoda survey, dari hasil penelitian diperoleh, setelah berjalannyapelaksanaan otonomi daerah Tahun 2001, terjadi peningkatan penerimaan dari pajak hotel danrestaurant dan terus berlanjut hingga Tahun 2006, dimana perolehan dari pajak tersebut mencapaiRp.906.063.008,00 untuk pajak hotel dan sebesar Rp.1.566.637.145,64 dari penerimaan pajak rumahmakan dan restoran. Dari hasil persamaan regresi diperoleh estimasi penerimaansampai tahun 2012untuk pajak hotel adalah sebesar Rp.4,071,053,720.69 dan Rp. 5,339,055,946.51 untuk pajak rumahmakan dan restaurant. Problematika kedepan dari penerimaan pajak hotel dan restaurant diKabupaten Bengkalis adalah yang menyangkut dengan aspek ekonomi dan manajemen, sosial politikdan aspek juridis yang sangat diperlukan dalam pengelolaan penerimaan daerah terutama bagi pajakhotel dan restaurant

    The Application of Dynamic Compaction to HFO Tanks

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    Three heavy fuel oil (HFO) tanks with diameters of up to 60 m, a pump station, a pump shed station and a vent stack station have recently been constructed as part of the HFO Tank Farm in Ras Laffan, Qatar. The project was located in an area near the sea with high groundwater level. The ground was composed of 11 to 12 m of silty sand and gravel with cobbles and boulders with diameters up to 300mm followed by limestone. The preliminary soil investigation using Standard Penetration Test (SPT) indicated that while the soil was generally dense, but a loose layer of sand was identified and soil improvement was stipulated. During later stages, a supplementary geotechnical investigation using the Menard Pressuremeter Test (PMT) indicated that the high SPT blow counts were not representative of the actual ground conditions and that due to the presence of the large cobbles the soil had erroneously been represented as dense. In fact, the soil was loose from the surface down to bedrock. Dynamic Compaction was used to improve the soil's strength and to reduce its compressibility. PMT in conjunction with finite element analysis were used to verify the ground condition after ground treatment

    Correlations between CPT and PMT at a Dynamic Compaction Project

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    A Case of Vibro Compaction Vibration Monitoring in a Reclaimed Site

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    Vibro Compaction is a ground improvement technique in which the soil is compacted using waves generated from an equipment called a vibroflot. As the vibration magnitude is less than some other vibratory ground improvement methods this technique is sometimes preferred when the improvement zone is relatively close to existing structures and facilities. Unfortunately, not much can be found in literature on peak particle velocity (PPV) that is generated by this method. This paper reports and interprets vibration monitoring of a Vibro Compaction project that was recently performed on about 13 m of hydraulically placed sand in Palm Jumeira, Dubai. PPV was measured at different distances from the vibroflot. The depth of the vibroflot was also varied to provide a better understanding of the critical depth that creates the largest PPV. A formula is also presented to estimate Vibro Compaction generated PPV during planning stage

    Dynamic Compaction Vibration Monitoring in a Saturated Site

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    Dynamic Compaction is a well established ground improvement technique in which a heavy pounder is dropped from a significant height to improve the soil’s mechanical properties. The pounder impact creates waves that compact the soil; however these waves may also be a nuisance to and damage neighbouring structures and facilities. Peak particle velocity (PPV) has been identified as the most suitable parameter for assessing vibration associated risks. Previous researchers have proposed a number different equations for predicting PPV. Dynamic Compaction has recently been used for soil improvement in Oman’s Blue City Project. Particle velocities and vibration frequencies in three directions have been monitored at several distances during the different phases of ground treatment. In all phases PPV has been recorded to be in the radial direction. It has been observed that although it appears that vibration frequency is not influenced by the deep compaction phase, does increase with the progression of work and application of later phases of Dynamic Compaction. This increase is more pronounced at farther distances, but becomes negligible when impact point is closer than a critical distance

    Application of Dynamic Replacement in a Steel Pipe Factory

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    Prior to the construction of Al Jazira Steel Pipe Factory (AJSPF), almost all buildings in the Industrial City of Abu Dhabi were constructed on piles. This was due to the presence of compressible layers of soil, especially a superficial layer composed of one to four metres of soft sandy silts and clays. To the knowledge of the authors AJSPF is the first project in this area that has been built without the implementation of any piles and founded on shallow foundations improved by Dynamic Replacement. Variations of loading conditions and design criteria has made this pioneer project of special interest. While classical Dynamic Replacement was used for some ground slabs, pre-excavated Dynamic Replacement was applied under single footings and heavily loaded storage areas. As a cost saving method, sand from local Abu Dhabi excavations was used as granular material in lieu of the more commonly used crushed stone. Pressuremeter Tests (PMT) and finite element analysis was able to demonstrate that acceptance was achieved
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