128 research outputs found

    Madborgerskab? Når videnskab møder hverdagspraksis

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    Food is an ordinary practice in everyday life. At the same time, food practices become politicised through at- tempts to regulate food related collective problems such as health, risk and climate by way of encouraging self- disciplining and normative regulation of everyday habits among citizens. Such regulatory technologies cover medialised change communication, and in the food eld, such communication often builds upon scienti c knowledge and arguments. us, when citizens relate to such communication, links between complicated scienti c knowledges and everyday translations are produced. Building on a practice theoretical approach, the article shows three empirically based ways in which Danish citizens handle scienti cally based change communication on food in their daily lives: Empowerment, resistance towards disciplining, and do-ability. e typology demonstrates that citizenship in the scienti cally based politicised food eld – „food-izenship“ – is more varied and compound than presumed in the existing approaches to change communication and the Public Understanding of Science literature.

    Tillid til mad: forbrug mellem dagligdag og politisering

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    Bente Halkier og Lotte Holm: Trust in food: Food consumption practice Food consumption has become part of the political agenda in Denmark, in that responsibilities for environmental and similar concerns are increasingly being transferred to ordinary consumers. This article discusses how this new political agenda has influenced the every day understandings and practices as regards food consumption. It commences with a discussion of the concept of trust and its relevance to risk and handling risk in the arena of food consumption. Data come from a telephone survey carried out among a representative sample of adults in Denmark. On the one hand, Danish respondents expressed a general trust, and felt that the foods they eat are not harmful. On the other, they distrusted the safety of a list of specific but ordinary foods found on the market. In order to minimize risks, respondents employed differentiated shopping strategies, reflecting the structure of the food market. A majority of them replied that their shopping practices are influenced by concerns about health and environment, while only 8% report no concern at all about these issues. Danish consumers trusted personal networks more than either public food control systems or market mechanisms in order to procure good and safe food

    Det sociale som performativitet – et praksisteoretisk perspektiv på analyse og metode

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    Artiklen introducerer de nyeste internationale forsøg på at syntetisere teoretiske elementer fra blandt andre Bourdieu, Butler og Giddens til praksisteori. Praksisteori er en særlig form for kulturteori, hvor det sociale placeres i performative processer. Forfatternes position fremhæver, at praksisteori bør ses som en særlig analytisk optik, kaldet et praksisteoretisk perspektiv. Derfor kan perspektivet tilpasses analytisk til specifikke empiriske forskningsfelter med hver deres viden, begreber og diskussioner. Et sådant praksisteoretisk perspektiv ser derfor også sociale praksisser som multirelationelle konfigurationer. Artiklen fremhæver tre områder, hvor et praksisteoretisk perspektiv i særlig grad bidrager til sociologiske epistemologiske diskussioner, nemlig i relation til krop, agency og normativitet. Ud fra forfatternes to forskellige sociologiske forskningsfelter (mad-sociologi og interkulturel kommunikation) viser og diskuterer artiklen de konkrete analytiske og metodiske fordele ved at anvende et praksisteoretisk perspektiv. Af disse kan nævnes, at man kan lave hverdagslivsanalyse uden at privilegere fænomenologi; man kan arbejde socialkonstruktivistisk uden at privilegere diskurs; man kan nytænke agency begrebet som empirisk kategori; og man kan tænke magt som konventionalitet. ENGELSK ABSTRACT: Bente Halkier & Iben Jensen: The Social as Performativity. A Practice-theoretical Perspective on Analysis and Method The article introduces recent international attempts to synthesize theoretical elements from among others Bourdieu, Butler and Giddens into a practice theory. Practice theory is a particular type of cultural theory in which the social is placed in performative processes. The authors argue that practice theory should be seen as a particular analytical approach, called a practice theoretical perspective. This perspective can be adapted analytically to specific empirical research fields, each representing its own assemblages of knowledge, concepts and discussions. Hence, such a practice theoretical perspective sees social practices as multi-relational configurations. The article emphasizes three areas, in which a practice theoretical perspective contributes to epistemological sociological discussions; the areas of the body, agency and normativity. The article demonstrates and discusses the concrete analytical and methodological advantages of using a practice theoretical perspective in relation to two different sociological research fields: sociology of food and intercultural communication. Some of these advantages are that it is possible to do everyday life analysis without privileging phenomenology; it is possible to work social constructivist without privileging discourse; it is possible to rethink the concept of agency; and power can be thought of as conventionality. Key words: Practice theory, cultural theory, performativity, epistemology, qualitative methods

    Public communication campaigns as mundane category

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    This article examines the public connection and understanding of public communication campaigns. Public communication campaigns are widespread, but the audience dimension of the campaign category itself is still a blind spot in research. Drawing on focus group interviews and a survey among Danish citizens, the article shows that public campaigns are recognized as a mundane communicative category. Moreover, drawing on theories of public connection and governmentality, we show how citizens receive and resist, accept and negotiate public campaigns.&nbsp

    Creating New Food Practices : A Case Study on Leftover Lunch Service

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    Food wastage is a growing environmental, financial, and social problem: as much as one-third of all food is thrown away. Simultaneously, malnutrition is a huge problem globally, and many people even in developed countries are unable to provide for their basic needs. A lot of attention is paid to food waste prevention in the industry, retail sector, and households, whereas the role of the food service sector (such as restaurants and canteens providing food in schools, hospitals, and workplaces) has thus far been understudied. This article uses a practice theoretical approach to study a leftover lunch service first tested in Jyvaskyla in 2013. It describe how the experiment was organized, how the service has spread around Finland, and how the leftover lunch has become a routine that outlines the course of the day of the diners. These findings are used to illustrate the insights of the service for both environmental and social sustainability, and to situate the service in the field of food waste prevention and food redistribution in Finland.Peer reviewe

    Miljøhensyn i forbrug:erfaringer og forhandlinger i ambivalente hverdagsliv

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    Grønt Forbrug - Hverdagspolitik?

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    Unge stemmer om miljøhensyn i forbrug

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