28 research outputs found

    Viscotaxis: microswimmer navigation in viscosity gradients

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    The survival of many microorganisms, like \textit{Leptospira} or \textit{Spiroplasma} bacteria, can depend on their ability to navigate towards regions of favorable viscosity. While this ability, called viscotaxis, has been observed in several bacterial experiments, the underlying mechanism remains unclear. Here, we provide a framework to study viscotaxis of self-propelled swimmers in slowly varying viscosity fields and show that suitable body shapes create viscotaxis based on a systematic asymmetry of viscous forces acting on a microswimmer. Our results shed new light on viscotaxis in \textit{Spiroplasma} and \textit{Leptospira} and suggest that dynamic body shape changes exhibited by both types of microorganisms may have an unrecognized functionality: to prevent them from drifting to low viscosity regions where they swim poorly. The present theory classifies microswimmers regarding their ability to show viscotaxis and can be used to design synthetic viscotactic swimmers, e.g.\ for delivering drugs to a target region distinguished by viscosity

    Phototaxis of synthetic microswimmers in optical landscapes

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    Many microorganisms, with phytoplankton and zooplankton as prominent examples, display phototactic behaviour, that is, the ability to perform directed motion within a light gradient. Here we experimentally demonstrate that sensing of light gradients can also be achieved in a system of synthetic photo-activated microparticles being exposed to an inhomogeneous laser field. We observe a strong orientational response of the particles because of diffusiophoretic torques, which in combination with an intensity-dependent particle motility eventually leads to phototaxis. Since the aligning torques saturate at high gradients, a strongly rectified particle motion is found even in periodic asymmetric intensity landscapes. Our results are in excellent agreement with numerical simulations of a minimal model and should similarly apply to other particle propulsion mechanisms. Because light fields can be easily adjusted in space and time, this also allows to extend our approach to dynamical environments.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Colloidal Brazil nut effect in microswimmer mixtures induced by motility contrast

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    We numerically and experimentally study the segregation dynamics in a binary mixture of microswimmers which move on a two-dimensional substrate in a static periodic triangular-like light intensity field. The motility of the active particles is proportional to the imposed light intensity and they possess a motility contrast, i.e., the prefactor depends on the species. In addition, the active particles also experience a torque aligning their motion towards the direction of the negative intensity gradient. We find a segregation of active particles near the intensity minima where typically one species is localized close to the minimum and the other one is centered around in an outer shell. For a very strong aligning torque, there is an exact mapping onto an equilibrium system in an effective external potential that is minimal at the intensity minima. This external potential is similar to (height-dependent) gravity, such that one can define effective `heaviness' of the self-propelled particles. In analogy to shaken granular matter in gravity, we define a `colloidal Brazil nut effect' if the heavier particles are floating on top of the lighter ones. Using extensive Brownian dynamics simulations, we identify system parameters for the active colloidal Brazil nut effect to occur and explain it based on a generalized Archimedes' principle within the effective equilibrium model: heavy particles are levitated in a dense fluid of lighter particles if their effective mass density is lower than that of the surrounding fluid. We also perform real-space experiments on light-activated self-propelled colloidal mixtures which confirm the theoretical predictions.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, JCP Special Topic on Chemical Physics of Active Matte

    Brownian motion of a circle swimmer in a harmonic trap

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    We study the dynamics of a Brownian circle swimmer with a time-dependent self-propulsion velocity in an external temporally varying harmonic potential. For several situations, the noise-free swimming paths, the noise-averaged mean trajectories, and the mean square displacements are calculated analytically or by computer simulation. Based on our results, we discuss optimal swimming strategies in order to explore a maximum spatial range around the trap center. In particular, we find a resonance situation for the maximum escape distance as a function of the various frequencies in the system. Moreover, the influence of the Brownian noise is analyzed by comparing noise-free trajectories at zero temperature with the corresponding noise-averaged trajectories at finite temperature. The latter reveal various complex self-similar spiral or rosette-like patterns. Our predictions can be tested in experiments on artificial and biological microswimmers under dynamical external confinement.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figure

    Non-Gaussian behaviour of a self-propelled particle on a substrate

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    The overdamped Brownian motion of a self-propelled particle which is driven by a projected internal force is studied by solving the Langevin equation analytically. The "active" particle under study is restricted to move along a linear channel. The direction of its internal force is orientationally diffusing on a unit circle in a plane perpendicular to the substrate. An additional time-dependent torque is acting on the internal force orientation. The model is relevant for active particles like catalytically driven Janus particles and bacteria moving on a substrate. Analytical results for the first four time-dependent displacement moments are presented and analysed for several special situations. For vanishing torque, there is a significant dynamical non-Gaussian behaviour at finite times t as signalled by a non-vanishing normalized kurtosis in the particle displacement which approaches zero for long time with a 1/t long-time tail.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figure

    Gravitaxis of asymmetric self-propelled colloidal particles

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    Many motile microorganisms adjust their swimming motion relative to the gravitational field and thus counteract sedimentation to the ground. This gravitactic behavior is often the result of an inhomogeneous mass distribution which aligns the microorganism similar to a buoy. However, it has been suggested that gravitaxis can also result from a geometric fore-rear asymmetry, typical for many self-propelling organisms. Despite several attempts, no conclusive evidence for such an asymmetry-induced gravitactic motion exists. Here, we study the motion of asymmetric self-propelled colloidal particles which have a homogeneous mass density and a well-defined shape. In experiments and by theoretical modeling we demonstrate that a shape anisotropy alone is sufficient to induce gravitactic motion with either preferential upward or downward swimming. In addition, also trochoid-like trajectories transversal to the direction of gravity are observed.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl