2,350 research outputs found

    Avoided crossings in mesoscopic systems: electron propagation on a non-uniform magnetic cylinder

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    We consider an electron constrained to move on a surface with revolution symmetry in the presence of a constant magnetic field BB parallel to the surface axis. Depending on BB and the surface geometry the transverse part of the spectrum typically exhibits many crossings which change to avoided crossings if a weak symmetry breaking interaction is introduced. We study the effect of such perturbations on the quantum propagation. This problem admits a natural reformulation to which tools from molecular dynamics can be applied. In turn, this leads to the study of a perturbation theory for the time dependent Born-Oppenheimer approximation

    Institutionelle Erfolgsfaktoren einer Ausdehnung des Ökologischen Landbaus – Analyse anhand von Regionen mit einem besonders hohen Anteil an ökologisch bewirtschafteter FlĂ€che

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    Ziel dieser Untersuchung war die Gewinnung von Informationen darĂŒber, inwieweit die Ausdehnung des Ökologischen Landbaus in Regionen mit einem auffallend hohen Anteil an ökologisch bewirtschafteter FlĂ€che auf den Einfluss institutioneller Faktoren zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren ist, welcher Art diese institutionellen Erfolgsfaktoren sind und ob sie politisch gestĂ€rkt werden können. Forschungsleitend war die Arbeitshypothese, dass auch bei ansonsten gĂŒnstigen Bedingungen das Fehlen oder der ungenĂŒgende Entwicklungsstand institutioneller Voraussetzungen fĂŒr die Ausdehnung des Ökologischen Landbaus einen entscheidenden Engpass bilden kann. In einem ersten Arbeitsschritt wurde zunĂ€chst ein umfassendes VerstĂ€ndnis des Ökologischen Landbaus aus einer institutionellen Sichtweise entwickelt. Ausgehend von einer problemorientierten sowie von einer historisch-kulturalistischen Sicht werden Erfolgsfaktoren (gesellschaftliche Einbettung, Organisation des Wissens, staatliche Förderung, regionale Nachfrage) ausgewĂ€hlt, die die regionale Ausdehnung des Ökologischen Landbaus theoretisch beeinflussen können, und Erfolgskriterien (FlĂ€chenausdehnung, Einkommen, QualitĂ€t, StabilitĂ€t, Breite gesellschaftlicher AktivitĂ€ten, Akzeptanz und Legitimation) benannt, die der empirischen Beurteilung einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung des Ökologischen Landbaus dienen. Den Kern der Studie bilden vier regionale Fallstudien in Regionen mit einem verhĂ€ltnismĂ€ĂŸig hohem Anteil an ökologisch bewirtschafteter FlĂ€che (SĂŒdbaden, Region Bonn, SĂŒdthĂŒringen, Uckermark). Aufbauend auf eine Beschreibung wird die Bedeutung der Erfolgsfaktoren fĂŒr die Ausweitung des Ökologischen Landbaus sowie ihre Wirkung auf die o.g. einzelnen Erfolgskriterien analysiert. Hierbei wird erkennbar, dass die Bedingungen, die zu einer FlĂ€chenausdehnung des Ökologischen Landbaus beitragen, lokal sehr spezifisch sein können und sich heterogene Wirkungen der untersuchten Erfolgsfaktoren abzeichnen. Einzig die verbesserte finanzielle staatliche Förderung begĂŒnstigt in allen Regionen eine Ausweitung, allerdings bevorzugt auf den extensiv bewirtschafteten GrĂŒnlandstandorten. In den Fallstudien wird ein grundlegender Wandel des gesellschaftlichen Systems Ökologischer Landbau deutlich. Spezifische StĂ€rken des alten, endogen gewachsenen Ökologischen Landbaus drohen verloren zu gehen, ohne dass gegenwĂ€rtig adĂ€quate funktional Ă€quivalente Strukturen entwickelt worden sind. Diese Beobachtungen legen insgesamt den Schluss nahe, dass die politisch unterstĂŒtzte Ausdehnung des Ökologischen Landbaus einen riskanten Wachstumspfad darstellt. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird davor plĂ€diert, sowohl den Fokus als auch die Art der politischen Intervention zu verĂ€ndern, wofĂŒr VorschlĂ€ge gemacht werden

    The canonical effect in statistical models for relativistic heavy ion collisions

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    Enforcing exact conservation laws instead of average ones in statistical thermal models for relativistic heavy ion reactions gives raise to so called canonical effect, which can be used to explain some enhancement effects when going from elementary (e.g. pp) or small (pA) systems towards large AA systems. We review the recently developed method for computation of canonical statistical thermodynamics, and give an insight when this is needed in analysis of experimental data.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Talk given in Strangeness in Quark Matter, Frankfurt am Main 2001. Submitted to J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phy

    Chemical equilibration due to heavy Hagedorn states

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    A scenario of heavy resonances, called massive Hagedorn states, is proposed which exhibits a fast (t≈1t\approx 1 fm/c) chemical equilibration of (strange) baryons and anti-baryons at the QCD critical temperature TcT_c. For relativistic heavy ion collisions this scenario predicts that hadronization is followed by a brief expansion phase during which the equilibration rate is higher than the expansion rate, so that baryons and antibaryons reach chemical equilibrium before chemical freeze-out occurs.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures. Invited talk given at 8th International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter (SQM2004), Cape Town, South Africa, 15-20 September 200

    Probability distributions in statistical ensembles with conserved charges

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    The probability distributions for charged particle numbers and their densities are derived in statistical ensembles with conservation laws. It is shown that if this limit is properly taken then the canonical and grand canonical ensembles are equivalent. This equivalence is proven on the most general, probability distribution level.Comment: 5 pages. A little bit shorter version due to some editorial and language changes. To be published in Phys. Rev.

    Particle production in p-p collisions and prediction for LHC energy

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    We analyze recent data on particle production yields obtained in p-p collisions at SPS and RHIC energies within the statistical model. We apply the model formulated in the canonical ensemble and focus on strange particle production. We introduce different methods to account for strangeness suppression effects and discuss their phenomenological verification. We show that at RHIC the midrapidity data on strange and multistrange particle multiplicity can be successfully described by the canonical statistical model with and without an extra suppression effects. On the other hand, SPS data integrated over the full phase-space require an additional strangeness suppression factor that is beyond the conventional canonical model. This factor is quantified by the strangeness saturation parameter or strangeness correlation volume. Extrapolating all relevant thermal parameters from SPS and RHIC to LHC energy we present predictions of the statistical model for particle yields in p-p collisions at sqrt(s) = 14TeV. We discuss the role and the influence of a strangeness correlation volume on particle production in p-p collisions at LHC.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, 4 tables, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    On the Asymptotic Dynamics of a Quantum System Composed by Heavy and Light Particles

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    We consider a non relativistic quantum system consisting of KK heavy and NN light particles in dimension three, where each heavy particle interacts with the light ones via a two-body potential αV\alpha V. No interaction is assumed among particles of the same kind. Choosing an initial state in a product form and assuming α\alpha sufficiently small we characterize the asymptotic dynamics of the system in the limit of small mass ratio, with an explicit control of the error. In the case K=1 the result is extended to arbitrary α\alpha. The proof relies on a perturbative analysis and exploits a generalized version of the standard dispersive estimates for the Schr\"{o}dinger group. Exploiting the asymptotic formula, it is also outlined an application to the problem of the decoherence effect produced on a heavy particle by the interaction with the light ones.Comment: 38 page

    Electric field-driven coherent spin reorientation of optically generated electron spin packets in InGaAs

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    Full electric-field control of spin orientations is one of the key tasks in semiconductor spintronics. We demonstrate that electric field pulses can be utilized for phase-coherent +/- pi spin rotation of optically generated electron spin packets in InGaAs epilayers detected by time-resolved Faraday rotation. Through spin-orbit interaction, the electric-field pulses act as local magnetic field pulses (LMFP). By the temporal control of the LMFP, we can turn on and off electron spin precession and thereby rotate the spin direction into arbitrary orientations in a 2-dimensional plane. Furthermore, we demonstrate a spin echo-type spin drift experiment and find an unexpected partial spin rephasing, which is evident by a doubling of the spin dephasing time.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure
