362 research outputs found

    Vertices and the CJT Effective Potential

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    The Cornwall-Jackiw-Tomboulis effective potential is modified to include a functional dependence on the fermion-gauge particle vertex, and applied to a quark confining model of chiral symmetry breaking.Comment: 10 pages (latex), PURD-TH-93-1

    Teologi Pendidikan Multikultural (Melacak Konsep Multikulturalisme Dalam Islam)

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    The fact of the plural Life is as unavoidable reality. But, how we shouldappreciate and treat this wealth as social capital to build and develop the peacefullife and tolerant? Education as social negotiation sphere and transfer ofknowledge is assumed effective to conduct the resuscitation and understandingabout the values of plurality and multiculturality. Islam is also teaching us aboutthis plural reality in which has to be accepted. Based on a study of the doctrineand history of Islam, this paper also want to show the evidence from detailed casehistory of the Muhammad Prophet in Madina

    Simulating the Crack Propagation Mechanism of Pre-Cracked Concrete Specimens under Shear Loading Conditions

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    Исследуется механизм роста трещин в бетонных образцах с исходными трещинами при нагружении сдвигом. Выполнены лабораторные испытания бетонных образцов с двумя предварительно нанесенными краевыми трещинами. Для численного моделирования механизма роста трещин в хрупких телах при нагружении чистым сдвигом используются концепция разрывности перемещений высокого порядка и специальные конечные элементы для вершины трещины для учета взаимовлияния берегов трещин. Предложен специальный метод моделирования эффекта перекрытия берегов трещины на процесс разрушения лигаментной зоны между двумя параллельными трещинами.Досліджується механізм росту тріщин у бетонних зразках із початковими тріщинами при навантаженні зсувом. Виконано лабораторні випробування бетонних зразків із двома попередньо нанесеними крайовими тріщинами. Для чисельного моделювання механізму росту тріщин у крихких тілах при навантаженні чистим зсувом використовуються концепція розривності переміщень високого порядку і спеціальні скінченні елементи для вершини тріщини для урахування взаємовпливу берегів тріщин. Запропоновано спеціальний метод моделювання ефекту перекриття берегів тріщини на процес руйнування лігаментної зони між двома паралельними тріщинами

    Compiler support for parallel evaluation of C++ constant expressions

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    Metaprogramming, the practice of writing programs that manipulate other programs at compile-time, continues to impact software development; enabling new approaches to optimisation, static analysis, and reflection. Nevertheless, a significant challenge associated with advanced metaprogramming techniques, including the constexpr functionality introduced to C++ in 2011, is an increase in compilation times. This paper presents ClangOz, a novel Clang-based research compiler that addresses this issue by evaluating relevant constant expressions in parallel, thereby reducing compilation time

    Uniform Methods Project: Methods for Determining Energy Efficiency Savings for Specific Measures; January 2012 - March 2013

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    Under the Uniform Methods Project, DOE is developing a framework and a set of protocols for determining the energy savings from specific energy efficiency measures and programs. The protocols provide a straightforward method for evaluating gross energy savings for common residential and commercial measures offered in ratepayer-funded initiatives in the United States. They represent a refinement of the body of knowledge supporting energy efficiency evaluation, measurement, and verification (EM&V) activities. This document deals with savings from the following measures: commercial and industrial lighting, commercial and industrial lighting controls, small commercial and residential unitary and split system HVAC cooling equipment, residential furnaces and boilers, residential lighting, refrigerator recycling, whole-building retrofit using billing analysis, metering, peak demand and time-differentiated energy savings, sample design, survey design and implementation, and assessing persistence and other evaluation issues

    Multi-stimuli control over assembly and guest binding in metallo-supramolecular hosts based on dithienylethene photoswitches

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    It is difficult to assemble multi-component metallo-supramolecular architectures in a non-statistical fashion, whichlimits their development toward functional materials. Herein, wereport a system of interconverting bowls and cages that are able torespond to various selective stimuli (light, ligands, anions), basedon the self-assembly of a photochromic dithienylethene (DTE)ligand,La, with PdIIcations. By combining the concept of“coordination sphere engineering”, relying on bulky quinolinedonors, with reversible photoswitching between the ligand’s open(o-La) and closed (c-La) forms, a [Pd2(o-La)4] cage (o-C) and a[Pd2(c-La)3] bowl (c-B) were obtained, respectively. This structuralrearrangement modulates the system’s guest uptake capabilities.Among three bis-sulfonate guests (G1,G2, andG3), the cage canencapsulate only the smallest (G1), while the bowl binds all of them. Bowlc-Bwas further used to synthesize a series of heterolepticcages, [Pd2LA3LB], representing a motif never reported before. Additional ligands (Lc‑f), with short or long arms, tune the cavity size,thus enabling or preventing guest uptake. Addition of Br−/Ag+makes it possible to change the overall charge, again triggering guestuptake and release, as well as fourth ligand de-/recomplexation. In combination, site-selective introduction of functionality andapplication of external stimuli lead to an intricate system of hosts with different guest preferences. A high degree of complexity isachieved through cooperativity between only a few components

    Integrative assembly of heteroleptic tetrahedra controlled by backbone steric bulk

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    A bent fluorenone-based dipyridyl ligand LA reacts with PdII cations to a solvent-dependent dynamic library of [PdnL2n] assemblies, constituted by a [Pd3LA6] ring and a [Pd4LA8] tetrahedron as major components, and a [Pd6LA12] octahedron as minor component. Introduction of backbone steric hindrance in ligand LB allows exclusive formation of the [Pd6LB12] octahedron. Combining equimolar amounts of both ligands results in integrative self-sorting to give an unprecedented [Pd4LA4LB4] heteroleptic tetrahedron. Key to the non-statistical assembly outcome is exploiting the structural peculiarity of the [Pd4L8] tetrahedral topology, where the four lean ligands occupy two doubly bridged edges and the bulky ligands span the four remaining, singly bridged edges. Hence, the system finds a compromise between the entropic drive to form an assembly smaller than the octahedron and the enthalpic prohibition of pairing two bulky ligands on the same edge of the triangular ring. The emission of luminescent LA is maintained in both homoleptic [Pd3LA6] and heteroleptic [Pd4LA4LB4]

    Experimental and Numerical Simulation of the Microcrack Coalescence Mechanism in Rock-Like Material

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    Скальные породы и скалоподобные материалы часто разрушаются при сжатии вследствие инициирования, распространения и слияния ранее возникших микротрещин. Выполнены экспериментальные и численные исследования механизма процесса слияния микротрещин в материалах типа скальных пород. Экспериментальные исследования включают в себя испытания на одноосное сжатие образцов, изготовленных из смеси цемента марки портланд пуццолан, слюды и воды..Скельні породи і скелеподібні матеріали часто руйнуються при стисненні внаслідок ініціювання, поширення і злиття мікротріщин, що з’явилися раніше. Виконано експериментальні і числові дослідження механізму процесу злиття мікротріщин у матеріалах типу скельних порід. Експериментальні дослідження включають випробування на одновісний стиск зразків, виготовлених із суміші цементу марки портланд пуцолан, слюди і води

    Overcoming evanescent field decay using 3D-tapered nanocavities for on-chip targeted molecular analysis

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    Enhancement of optical emission on plasmonic nanostructures is intrinsically limited by the distance between the emitter and nanostructure surface, owing to a tightly-confined and exponentially-decaying electromagnetic field. This fundamental limitation prevents efficient application of plasmonic fluorescence enhancement for diversely-sized molecular assemblies. We demonstrate a three-dimensionally-tapered gap plasmon nanocavity that overcomes this fundamental limitation through near-homogeneous yet powerful volumetric confinement of electromagnetic field inside an open-access nanotip. The 3D-tapered device provides fluorescence enhancement factors close to 2200 uniformly for various molecular assemblies ranging from few angstroms to 20 nanometers in size. Furthermore, our nanostructure allows detection of low concentration (10 pM) biomarkers as well as specific capture of single antibody molecules at the nanocavity tip for high resolution molecular binding analysis. Overcoming molecule position-derived large variations in plasmonic enhancement can propel widespread application of this technique for sensitive detection and analysis of complex molecular assemblies at or near single molecule resolution