132 research outputs found

    Indonesia’s maritime strategy facing The Kra Isthmus Canal agenda

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    This research will comprehensively analyze the Kra Isthmus Canal’s agenda and its possible impacts on Thailand and also to some other countries in ASEAN, specifically for Indonesia. By employing descriptive and qualitative methods, this study will investigate two types of paradigm through documentation and literature review from several studies in the past. The results are expected to encourage Indonesia to be more agile in adjusting steps to become the world's maritime fulcrum and also to sharpen the state sovereignty in sea polic

    Pengembangan Model Intersepsi Pada Semak Belukar

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    INTISARI Penelitian yang dilakukan ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan model intersepsi pada semak belukar. Hujan yang jatuh sebelum sampai Ire permukaan tanah umumnya akan tertangkap terlebih dulu pada tutupan lahan, kecuali pada lahan gundul. Banyaknya bagian air yang tertahan ini merupakan bagian air hujan yang terintersepsi. Besarnya intersepsi pada semak belukar digambarkan dalam persamaan regresi antara intersepsi dengan hujan. Penelitian dilakukan di laboratorium dengan terlebih dulu mengambil contoh rumpun semak di lapangan: Contoh rumpun semak yang tidak terusik kemudian diberi perlakuan dengan memberinya hujan buatan. Hujan ini dihasilkan oleh alat simulator hujan yang intensitas dan lamanya dapat diatur Bagian air yang terintersepsi dapat dihitung dengan mengetahui selisih volume air hujan yang jatuh dengan volume limpasan yang tertampung.- Percobaan dilakukan berulang-ulang dengan karakteristik hujan yang berbeda. Hasilnya adalah persamaan regresi I = 93,79 P"°\u278004 (dengan R2 = 0,907). Selain itu juga dapat mengetahui hubungan yang signifikan antara lama hujan dengan intersepsi. Penelitian ini juga dapat diketahui kapasitas intersepsi pada semak belukar sebesar 1 mm. Kata kunci: model intersepsi, semak beluka

    Water Quality Modeling For Pollutant Carrying Capacity Assessment Using Qual2Kw In Bedog River

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    Considering the abundance of potential pollutant sources along Bedog River, i.e. highly dense residential areas, agricultural lands, and industrial areas, this study aimed to quantitatively assess the Pollutant Load (PL) and Pollutant Carrying Capacity (PCC) of the river based on Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD)parameters. The assessment employed a water quality modeling using Qual2Kw that provided not only the comprehensive values of PL and PCC but also the amount of PL that should be reduced to meet the PCC of every river segment. Water sampling and primary parameter measurement were conducted purposively in seven observation points, which included one point source and six non-point sources (river segments). River segments were determined according to the characteristics of land use and drainage system. Descriptive, graphic, and spatial analyses on water quality modeling show that the COD and BOD of Bedog River (2.24 km) indicates a small presence of PL compared to the river’s PCC. The PCC allows additional pollutant loads of 566.95 kg/day or 0.024 ton/hour BOD and 22,965.12 kg/day or 0.96 ton/hour COD. However, a high BOD in segments 3, 5, and 6 and a high COD in segment 5 imply the needs for PL reduction


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    This research is aimed to assess the flood hazard in part of Surakarta usinghydrodynamic modelling. Flo2D software is used to simulate the flood for 10, 25and 100 year return period. The modeling results include two flood parameters, i.ewater depth and flow velocity. A comparison was made in flood hazard mappingbetween single parameter and multi parameters. The multi parameters hazardmaps improve the reliability of the hazard class delineation. The impact assessmentis done in two point of view, human safety and property damage. The furtherimpact assessment is done by calculating the number of buildings affected by flood


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    ABSTRACT This research aims to propose a method to study the effect of data availability in disaster-response study. This research focused on how to quantify the relation between data availability and actions taken by decision maker. The more specific topic is represented as disaster response due to varying data availability using Serious Game method in the Public WorIes Unit Surakarta. The serious game provide scenario to gather data about several issues. Digital elevation model, flood alert stage decision making, and damage prediction information were needed. This research also could promote as a complement the other method for collecting data and decision-making training program for flood manager. The result of analysis has shown that there are differences of responses based on the data availability. Better responses can be achieved by the improvement of data availability. It also proves that the number of correct decision was raised by the improvement of data availability. Keywords : disaster response, data availability, spatial information, serious game, flash

    Pengaruh Pemberian Tiga Jenis Pupuk Kandang Dan Dosis Urea Pada Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Cabai (Capssicum Annum L.)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk Mengetahui pengaruh tiga jenis pupuk kandang terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman cabai pada masing-masing dosis pupuk Urea. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan Universitas Lampung. Perlakukan ditetapkan dalam Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK). Faktor pertama yaitu jenis pupuk kandang (sapi, ayam, kambing). Faktor kedua adalah pemberian pupuk Urea dengan dosis 0 kg ha-1, 50 kg ha-1, 100 kg ha-1, 150 kg ha-1, 200 kg ha-1. Kesamaan (homogenitas) ragam antara perlakuan diuji dengan Uji Bartlet dan kenambahan data (aditivitas) di uji dengan Uji Tukey. Jika asumsi terpenuhi, maka data di analisis ragam. Data diolah dengan Analisis Ragam dan dilanjutkan dengan Polinomial Orthogonal pada taraf 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat interaksi antara dosis pupuk Urea dan pupuk kandang terhadap jumlah bunga, jumlah buah, bobot buah, panjang buah, bobot kering berangkasan


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    This research aims to propose a method to study the effect of data availability indisaster-response study. This research focused on how to quantify the relationbetween data availability and actions taken by decision maker. The more specifictopic is represented as disaster response due to varying data availability usingSerious Game method in the Public Works Unit Surakarta. The serious gameprovide scenario to gather data about several issues. Digital elevation model,flood alert stage decision making, and damage prediction information wereneeded. This research also could promote as a complement the other method forcollecting data and decision-making training program for flood manager. Theresult of analysis has shown that there are differences of responses based on thedata availability. Better responses can be achieved by the improvement of dataavailability. It also proves that the number of correct decision was raised by theimprovement of data availability

    Analisis spasial temporal zona rawan kekeringan lahan pertanian berbasis remote sensing

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    A mapping model of drought-prone zones for agricultural land based on Geographic Information Systems is needed to determine the distribution of drought vulnerability levels that occured in Bantul Regency, DI Yogyakarta. This study aims to determine the estimated area of agricultural land drought based on the interpretation of aerial images. This study compares the performance of the drought potential index of agricultural land using the Normalized Difference Drought Index (NDDI) algorithm based on remote sensing technology/ Landsat 8 satellite imagery to identify the estimated zones indicated for agricultural land drought that occurred in Bantul Regency, based on trends in spatio-temporal data with recording intervals from the 2015 until 2020 data representative during the dry season. Comparisons were made by looking at the performance between indices extracted from Landsat 8 imagery data based on the value of the green vegetation parameter/ Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and the soil and vegetation moisture parameters/ Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI). The method used in this research is descriptive correlative method: quantitative and qualitative deductive using geostatistical indicators based on big data analysis to measure and compare various data variables spatio-temporal. The distribution of agricultural land drought through the NDDI index transformation method on a normal, mild, moderate, to severe scale occurs in almost all areas of Bantul Regency. This happened, due to the influence of natural activities of the global climate phenomenon ENSO, the impact of the transition of the El Nino phenomenon to La Nina (wet drought) which was more dominant in 2016. The average area affected by drought in Bantul Regency on a normal scale affected was ± 6.500,49 ha, affected by mild drought was ± 17.192,16 ha, affected by moderate-scale drought was ± 8.636,155 ha, and affected by drought of heavy scale agricultural land was ± 2.407,485 ha
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