220 research outputs found

    Dematerialization in the AV industry, from boxes to attention. A case study of a newcomer, Tivo

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    The audiovisual industry's evolution towards the digital era has enabled new actors to enter the market. Tivo Inc has positioned itself as a new comer on the home electronics market by offering both equipment - digital video recorders - and recording services. Although this offer is innovative and evolutive, Tivo's entrance into the AV industry has been highly constrained in that Tivo's interests often conflict with those of established actors. It is Tivo's penetration and dematerialization strategy that we shall analyse in this article; in particular we will examine the services and technologies Tivo has mobilized, the evolution of the valued intermediation functions and the various dimensions of the targeted users. Understanding how these different dimensions combine with one another helps to understand the different attention capturing mechanisms on which this strategic positioning is based

    Analyse du bruit de jet installé par traitement de réseaux de microphones

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    International audienceThis paper presents the identification of jet noise sources carried out at ONERA in the framework of the European Project JERONIMO. A dedicated test campaign was conducted in the anechoic wind tunnel CEPRA19 for a UHBR dual-stream nozzle with and without wing model installed. Arrays of microphone were implemented in order to apply advanced processing for noise source identification. The analysis focused on the wing installation effects. Correlated monopoles model was used in order to identify the different noise sources radiation occurring in installed jet configurations. The results projected in far field have been assessed with the farfield measurement. The acoustic localization processing applied to the numerical simulation demonstrates a good agreement with the experiments. Tonal jet-flap interaction noise is also highlighted, showing strong correlation between source at bypass exit and flap trailing edge.Ce papier prĂ©sente les rĂ©sultats de l’identification des sources de bruit de jet menĂ©e par l’ONERA dans le cadre du programme europĂ©en Jeronimo. Une expĂ©rimentation dĂ©diĂ©e a Ă©tĂ© conduite dans la soufflerie anĂ©choĂŻque CEPRA19 de l’ONERA sur une tuyĂšre double flux Ă  trĂšs haut taux de dilution avec et sans la prĂ©sence d’une voilure. Des rĂ©seaux de microphones ont Ă©tĂ© implantĂ©s afin d’identifier les sources de bruit Ă  l’aide des mĂ©thodes de traitement du signal dĂ©veloppĂ© Ă  l’office. L’analyse se focalise dans ce papier sur les effets d’installation motrice, en utilisant une mĂ©thode basĂ©e, pour les sources acoustiques, sur une modĂšle de monopoles corrĂ©lĂ©s qui permet de pouvoir restituer la directivitĂ© des diffĂ©rents mĂ©canismes de bruit impliquĂ©s dans ces configurations. Afin d’évaluer les rĂ©sultats, les distributions de sources acoustiques obtenues par le traitement d’antenne ont Ă©tĂ© projetĂ©es en champ lointain et comparĂ©es aux mesures directes rĂ©alisĂ©es en champ lointain. Enfin ces mĂȘmes techniques ont Ă©tĂ© appliquĂ©es aux simulations numĂ©riques rĂ©alisĂ©es pour une condition de jet de l’essai. Les rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© un accord satisfaisant avec l’expĂ©rimentation. Le phĂ©nomĂšne de bruit tonal dĂ©crit par diffĂ©rents auteurs a Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© mis en Ă©vidence et indique une forte corrĂ©lation entre une source situĂ©e dans le plan de sortie du jet secondaire et une au bord de fuite du volet

    CapacitĂ©s d’absorption et d’interaction : une Ă©tude de la coopĂ©ration dans les PME françaises

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    La coopĂ©ration est frĂ©quemment envisagĂ©e comme un levier pour l’innovation dans les PME, notamment Ă  l’égard de leurs ressources internes limitĂ©es. A travers une Ă©tude menĂ©e auprĂšs de plus de 600 PME françaises (combinant approches qualitative et quantitative), nous mettons en Ă©vidence les facteurs d’apprentissage et d’innovation par la coopĂ©ration. Les rĂ©sultats Ă©conomĂ©triques montrent, tout d’abord, que l’innovation par la coopĂ©ration repose sur une complĂ©mentaritĂ© et une articulation des capacitĂ©s organisationnelles (absorption) et inter-organisationnelles (interaction). Par ailleurs, l’exploration par la coopĂ©ration repose moins sur un pilotage et une stratĂ©gie dĂ©libĂ©rĂ©e que sur une recherche active et actualisĂ©e d’opportunitĂ©s d’apprentissage se traduisant par une Ă©volution et une redĂ©finition des frontiĂšres et du pĂ©rimĂštre de la relation.Cooperation is frequently considered as a key ingredient for innovation for SMEs, particularly when considering their limited internal resources. Using a survey conducted among more than 600 French SMEs (combining quantitative and qualitative data), we shall highlight the factors related to learning and innovation through cooperation. Econometric results first show that innovation through cooperation relies on the complementarity and articulation of both organisational (absorption) and inter-organisational (interaction) capacities. Secondly, exploration through cooperation relies less on monitoring and deliberation than on active and up to date research on learning opportunities, which leads to the evolution and the redefinition of the frontiers and perimeter of the relation

    Capacité d'absorption et d'interaction : une étude de la coopération dans les PME françaises

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    International audienceTest économétrique de la notion de capacité d'apsortion sur un échantillon de 400 PME en France dans plusieurs industries et services

    PLM-based approach for collaborative design between OEM and suppliers : case study of aeronautic industry.

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    To achieve different assembly operations on the aircraft structure, the aeronautic OEM needs to create and manage various fixture tools. To cope with these needs, the OEM begun to adopt the supplier integration into the tooling development process. This paper presents a conceptual PLM-based approach to support new business partnership of different suppliers. The new business partnership aims to improve the role of supplier in the different tasks of design, configuration and fabrication of the tooling. The use of the PLM concepts is proposed to enhance the collaboration between OEM and the equipment's suppliers. UML models are proposed to specify the structure of the PLM solution. These models describe the relation between the aircraft assembly project, and the tooling design process

    Approche couplĂ©e essais-calculs pour l’analyse du comportement des assemblages boulonnĂ©s en composites stratifiĂ©s

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    Approche couplĂ©e essais-calculs pour l’analyse du comportement des assemblages boulonnĂ©s en composites stratifiĂ©s

    La campagne de communication comme rĂ©ponse d’un rĂ©seau Ă  un Ă©vĂ©nement ?

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    Dans cet article, nous examinons l’influence d’un Ă©vĂ©nement dans les pratiques communicationnelles dĂ©veloppĂ©es au sein d’un territoire productif. Plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment, nous Ă©tudions l’ensemble d’actions de communication liĂ©es Ă  la mise en Ɠuvre de la PAC europĂ©enne, qui ont Ă©tĂ© entreprises par une institution publique Ă  laquelle l’Etat a confiĂ©e cette mission. Cet ensemble d’actions a mobilisĂ© une vaste rĂ©organisation de l’institution, afin de pouvoir encadrer de longs processus d’agencements entre les diffĂ©rents acteurs du monde agricole. Notre objet d’étude concerne la mise en place par le Centre « Agro-transfert, Ressources et Territoires » de la rĂ©gion de Picardie d’une stratĂ©gie communicationnelle dont l’objectif est de traduire les principaux enjeux de la nouvelle politique agricole entre les diffĂ©rents acteurs (agriculteurs, scientifiques, industriels
) de la rĂ©gion et surtout d’inciter ces acteurs Ă  mettre en Ɠuvre des pratiques d’agriculture durable et des programmes de recherche autour de ses enjeux.In this article, we attempt to evaluate the influence of what we’ll define as an event to the communication practices developped in a productive territory. We study the whole spectrum of communication actions tightly linked to the implementation of the European Common Agricultural Policy, that have been undertaken by a public institution working on such purposes. Our study deals with the setting of a communication strategy by the centre « Agro-transfert, Ressources et Territoires » in Picardy region, whose goal is to translate the main issues of the new agricultural policy to the actors (farmers, scientists, bussinessmen) in the region, and overall to create incentives for these actors to develop practices of sustainable agriculture and to build research programs about such issues

    CACDA: A knowledge graph for a context-aware cognitive design assistant

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    The design of complex engineered systems highly relies on a laborious zigzagging between computer-aided design (CAD) software and design rules prescribed by design manuals. Despite the emergence ofknowledge management techniques (ontology, expert system, text mining, etc.), companies continue tostore design rules in large and unstructured documents. To facilitate the integration of design rules andCAD software, we propose a knowledge graph that structures a large set of design rules in a computableformat. The knowledge graph organises entities of design rules (nodes), relationships among design rules(edges), as well as contextual information. The categorisation of entities and relationships in four sub-contexts: semantic, social, engineering, and IT – facilitates the development of the data model, especiallythe definition of the “design context” concept. The knowledge graph paves the way to a context-awarecognitive design assistant. Indeed, connected to or embedded in a CAD software, a context-aware cog-nitive design assistant will capture the design context in near real time and run reasoning operationson the knowledge graph to extend traditional CAD capabilities, such as the recommendation of designrules, the verification of design solutions, or the automation of design routines. Our validation experi-ment shows that the current version of the context-aware cognitive design assistant is more efficientthan the traditional document-based design. On average, participants using an unstructured design rulesdocument have a precision of 0.36 whereas participants using our demonstrator obtain a 0.61 precisionscore. Finally, designers supported by the design assistant spend more time designing than searching forapplicable design rules compared to the traditional design approach.Capgemini DEM

    Design rules management, state of the art analyze and proposal of a context-aware approach

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    In manufacturing industries, the design of a product needs to comply with many design rules. These rules are essentials as they help industrial designers to create high quality conception in an efficient way. [Problem] Howev-er, the management of an ever-increasing number of design rules becomes a real problem, especially for new designers. Even if there exists some knowledge man-agement tools for design rules, their capabilities are still limited and many compa-nies continue to store their design rules in unstructured documents. Nowadays, de-sign rule application is still a difficult task that needs a circular validation process between many expert services in a manufacturing company. [Proposition] In this paper, we will analyze the main existing approaches for design rules application from which we will demonstrate the need of a new approach to improve the cur-rent state-of-the-art practices. To minimize rule application impact on the design process, we propose to develop a Context-Aware Design Assistant that will per-form design rule recommendation on the fly while designing using computer-aided technologies. Our Design Assistant relies on the modelling of the design rules and the design context in a single knowledge graph that can fuel a recom-mendation engine. [Future Work] In future work, we will describe the technical structure of the Context-Aware Design Assistant and develop it. The potential out-come of this research are: a better workflow integration of design rules applica-tion, a proactive verification of design solutions, a continuous learning of design rules, the detection and automation of design routines
