144 research outputs found

    Segmentation of Myocardial Boundaries in Tagged Cardiac MRI Using Active Contours: A Gradient-Based Approach Integrating Texture Analysis

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    The noninvasive assessment of cardiac function is of first importance for the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases. Among all medical scanners only a few enables radiologists to evaluate the local cardiac motion. Tagged cardiac MRI is one of them. This protocol generates on Short-Axis (SA) sequences a dark grid which is deformed in accordance with the cardiac motion. Tracking the grid allows specialists a local estimation of cardiac geometrical parameters within myocardium. The work described in this paper aims to automate the myocardial contours detection in order to optimize the detection and the tracking of the grid of tags within myocardium. The method we have developed for endocardial and epicardial contours detection is based on the use of texture analysis and active contours models. Texture analysis allows us to define energy maps more efficient than those usually used in active contours methods where attractor is often based on gradient and which were useless in our case of study, for quality of tagged cardiac MRI is very poor

    Fractional Entropy Based Active Contour Segmentation of Cell Nuclei in Actin-Tagged Confocal Microscopy Images

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    In the framework of cell structure characterization for predictive oncology, we propose in this paper an unsupervised statistical region based active contour approach integrating an original fractional entropy measure for single channel actin tagged fluorescence confocal microscopy image segmentation. Following description of statistical based active contour segmentation and the mathematical definition of the proposed fractional entropy descriptor, we demonstrate comparative segmentation results between the proposed approach and standard Shannon’s entropy obtained for nuclei segmentation. We show that the unsupervised proposed statistical based approach integrating the fractional entropy measure leads to very satisfactory segmentation of the cell nuclei from which shape characterization can be subsequently used for the therapy progress assessment

    PDE Based Approach for Segmentation of Oriented Patterns

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    International audienc

    Alpha-divergences pour la segmentation d'images par contours actifs basés histogrammes : Application à l'analyse d'images médicales et biomédicales

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    33 pages, soumis Ă  la revue "Traitement du Signal"Cet article prĂ©sente une mĂ©thode de segmentation par contours actifs basĂ©s histogramme intĂ©grant comme mesure de similaritĂ© la famille particuliĂšre des alpha-divergences. L'intĂ©rĂȘt principal de cette mĂ©thode rĂ©side (i) dans la flexibilitĂ© des alpha-divergences dont la mĂ©trique intrinsĂšque peut-ĂȘtre paramĂ©trisĂ©e via la valeur de alpha et donc adaptĂ©e aux distributions statistiques des rĂ©gions de l'image Ă  segmenter ; et (ii) dans la capacitĂ© unificatrice de cette mesure statistique vis-Ă -vis des distances classiquement utilisĂ©es dans ce contexte (Kullback- Leibler, Hellinger...). Nous abordons l'Ă©tude de cette mesure statistique tout d'abord d'un point de vue supervisĂ© pour lequel le processus itĂ©ratif de segmentation se dĂ©duit de la minimisation de l'alpha -divergence entre la densitĂ© de probabilitĂ© courante et une rĂ©fĂ©rence dĂ©finie manuellement. Puis nous nous focalisons sur le point de vue non supervisĂ© qui permet de se dĂ©douaner de l'Ă©tape de dĂ©finition des rĂ©fĂ©rences par le biais d'une maximisation de distance entre les densitĂ©s de probabilitĂ©s intĂ©rieure et extĂ©rieure au contour. Par ailleurs, nous proposons une dĂ©marche d'optimisation de l'Ă©volution du paramĂštre alpha conjointe au processus d'extrĂ©misation de la divergence, permettant d'adapter itĂ©rativement la divergence Ă  la statistique des donnĂ©es considĂ©rĂ©es. Au niveau expĂ©rimental, nous proposons une Ă©tude comparĂ©e des diffĂ©rentes approches de segmentations : en premier lieu, sur des images synthĂ©tiques bruitĂ©es et texturĂ©es, puis, sur des images naturelles. Enfin, nous focalisons notre Ă©tude sur diffĂ©rentes applications issues des domaines biomĂ©dicaux (microscopie confocale cellulaire) et mĂ©dicaux (radiographie X) dans le contexte de l'aide au diagnotic. Dans chacun des cas, une discussion sur l'apport des alpha-divergences est proposĂ©e

    On The Joint Modeling of The Behavior of Social Insects and Their Interaction With Environment by Taking Into Account Physical Phenomena Like Anisotropic Diffusion

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    International audienceThis work takes place in the framework of GEODIFF project (funded by CNRS) and deals with the general issue of the social behavior modeling of pest insects with a particular focus on Bark Beetles. Bark Beetles are responsible for pine trees devastation in North America since 2005. In order to stem the problem and to apply an adapted strategy, one should be able to predict the evolution of the population of Bark Beetles. More precisely, a model taking into account a given population of insects (a colony) interacting with its environment, the forest ecosystem, would be very helpful. In a previous work, we aimed to model diffusive phenomenons across the environment using a simple reactive Multi-agent System. Bark beetle use pheromones as a support for recruitment of other bark beetles in the neighborhood in order to achieve a mass attack over a tree. They are first attracted by the ethanol or other phytopheromones emitted by a sick, stressed or dead tree and reinforce the presence of other individuals amongst the targeted tree. Both ethanol and semiochemicals are transported through the forest thanks to the wind, thermic effects and this advection phenomenon is modulated by the topology of the environment, tree and other obstacles distribution. In other words, the environment is involved in the process of a bark beetle attack. The first modeling we used to tackle our objective was not spatially explicit as long as free space propagation only was taken into account (isotropic phenomenon) with no constraint imposed by the environment such as wind. This article is intended to take into account such physical phenomenons and push the modeling one step further by providing predictions driven by measures provided by a Geographical Information System

    Détection robuste et automatique des contours myocardiques sur des séquences IRM cardiaques marquées

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    L'Ă©valuation non invasive de la fonction cardiaque prĂ©sente un intĂ©rĂȘt majeur pour le diagnostic et le suivi de pathologies cardio-vasculaires. L'IRM cardiaque marquĂ©e (ou taggĂ©e) permet de mesurer des paramĂštres anatomiques et fonctionnels du myocarde. Ce protocole fait apparaĂźtre de maniĂšre non invasive une grille sur la zone ventriculaire gauche se dĂ©formant avec le myocarde. Le suivi de cette grille permet ainsi d'estimer le dĂ©placement intra-myocardique. L'objectif de notre Ă©tude est d'automatiser la dĂ©tection et le suivi des contours endocardique et Ă©picardique du ventricule gauche afin d'optimiser l'Ă©tude quantitative 2D+T de la contraction pariĂ©tale. La mĂ©thode que nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ©e est fondĂ©e sur l'utilisation de l'analyse de texture associĂ©e Ă  un modĂšle de contour actif. En effet, l'analyse de texture permet de gĂ©nĂ©rer de meilleures cartes de potentiels que les mĂ©thodes classiques (telles que le calcul du gradient par exemple) inefficaces compte-tenu de la faible qualitĂ© des images. Cette approche permet l'obtention de rĂ©sultats satisfaisants Ă  la fois en terme de prĂ©cision et de reproductibilitĂ©

    On The Joint Modeling of The Behavior of Social Insects and Their Interaction With Environment by Taking Into Account Physical Phenomena Like Anisotropic Diffusion

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    This work takes place in the framework of GEODIFF project (funded by CNRS) and deals with the general issue of the social behavior modeling of pest insects with a particular focus on Bark Beetles. Bark Beetles are responsible for pine trees devastation in North America since 2005. In order to stem the problem and to apply an adapted strategy, one should be able to predict the evolution of the population of Bark Beetles. More precisely, a model taking into account a given population of insects (a colony) interacting with its environment, the forest ecosystem, would be very helpful. In a previous work, we aimed to model diffusive phenomenons across the environment using a simple reactive Multi-agent System. Bark beetle use pheromones as a support for recruitment of other bark beetles in the neighborhood in order to achieve a mass attack over a tree. They are first attracted by the ethanol or other phytopheromones emitted by a sick, stressed or dead tree and reinforce the presence of other individuals amongst the targeted tree. Both ethanol and semiochemicals are transported through the forest thanks to the wind, thermic effects and this advection phenomenon is modulated by the topology of the environment, tree and other obstacles distribution. In other words, the environment is involved in the process of a bark beetle attack. The first modeling we used to tackle our objective was not spatially explicit as long as free space propagation only was taken into account (isotropic phenomenon) with no constraint imposed by the environment such as wind. This article is intended to take into account such physical phenomenons and push the modeling one step further by providing predictions driven by measures provided by a Geographical Information System
