102 research outputs found

    Intensity of Main Disease in Several Superior Sugarcane Clones at Krebet Baru Sugar Factory, Malang

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    Tebu (Saccharum officinarum) merupakan tanaman perkebunan penting sebagai penghasil utama gula di Indonesia. Penurunan produksi gula tebu dalam beberapa tahun terakhir tidak sejalan dengan permintaan gula tebu yang kian meningkat. Pemuliaan tanaman diarahkan untuk mendapatkan varietas-varietas tebu unggul yang diharapkan memiliki produktivitas tinggi dan tahan terhadap faktor-faktor gangguan yang dapat menurunkan produktivitas tanaman. Pengamatan penyakit mosaik bergaris (Sugarcane streak mosaic virus/SCSMV), pokahbung (Fusarium moniliforme), dan luka api (Sporisorium scitamineum) dilakukan pada 14 klon tebu unggul di PG Krebet Baru, Malang. Pengamatan intensitas penyakit dilakukan setiap 2 minggu selama 3 bulan dan sampel tanaman yang menunjukkan gejala penyakit dideteksi penyebab penyakitnya di laboratorium. Gejala penyakit mosaik bergaris terjadi pada tiga klon tebu dengan intensitas antara 8.33% dan 63.89%; sedangkan gejala penyakit pokahbung dan luka api ditemukan pada 11 dan 14 klon tebu dengan intensitas berturut-turut 2.78% sampai 22.22% dan 11.11% sampai 25%. Konfirmasi keberadaan SCSMV diperiksa dengan metode polymerase chain reaction; sedangkan cendawan F. moniliforme dan S. scitamineum melalui isolasi jaringan dan pengamatan jaringan meristem. Secara umum insidensi penyakit tergolong rendah pada klon 8 dan 12 sehingga klon tersebut dapat direkomendasikan sebagai klon potensial yang digunakan dalam mengendalikan penyakit utama tebu

    Tanaman Indikator Dan Teknik Rapd-pcr Untuk Penentuan Biotipe Bemisia Tabaci Gennadius (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae)

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    Indicator Plant and PCR-RAPD for Biotype Determination of Bemisia tabaci Gennadius (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae).B. tabaci has been known world wide as a major pest and virus vector of horticulture. In Indonesia the presence of B.tabaci was reported since 1980 and its role as virus vector in tomato and chilli pepper has becoming more importantrecently. Genetic diversity of B. tabaci has been well recognized, but very little information available for diversity of B.tabaci in Indonesia. This research was conducted in Bogor, West Java from May 2004 to June 2005. The aim of thisresearch was to initiate basic information regarding genetic diversity of B. tabaci in Indonesia, particularly in Java Island.Whiteflies population collected from different crops, i.e. tomato, broccoli, chill pepper, eggplant, cucumber, soybean, andedamame, was evaluated using silverleaf-induction test, and RAPD-PCR. It was evidenced that only B. tabaci populationfrom broccoli was able to induce silverleaf. Two genetic types of B. tabaci, i.e. biotype B and non B, were identified basedon polymorphism character of DNA. Population from broccoli was belong to biotype B, whereas other populations fromtomato, chill pepper, eggplant, cucumber, soybean, and edamame were belong to biotype non B

    Identification of Garlic Viruses Associated with Seed Bulbs and Consumption Bulbs from Several Locations in Indonesia

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    Virus infection is one of the major constraints in garlic production since the viruses are readily accumulated on vegetative propagation material (bulbs). This research aimed to detect garlic common latent virus (GCLV), shallot latent virus (SLV), onion yellow dwarf virus (OYDV), and leek yellow stripe virus (LYSV) infecting local garlic as seed bulb and imported garlic as consumption bulb. Seed bulb samples were obtained from seed breeders in several garlic growing centers in Indonesia. In contrast, consumption bulb samples were obtained from plant quarantine warehouses and three local markets in Bogor. Some bulb samples were used for morphological observations, and some were germinated in the laboratory until the leaves emerged. Leaves were collected for virus detection by RT-PCR using specific primers for GCLV, SLV, OYDV, and LYSV. Seed and consumption bulbs have differences in their morphological characteristics, especially in the type of neck hardness and the size of the bulb diameter. OYDV and LYSV infections were successfully detected in seed and consumption bulbs, while SLV was only found in consumption bulbs. Nucleotide sequence analysis showed that SLV from consumption bulbs formed one group, GCLV from seed bulbs formed one group, while OYDV and LYSV from seed and consumption bulbs were in different groups, indicating that the viruses came from different strains. Further research through high-throughput detection methods and providing virus-free planting material are needed to anticipate the spread of new strains of garlic viruses in Indonesia

    Infeksi Ganda Pepper Yellow Leaf Curl Virus dan Chilli Veinal Mottle Virus dalam Menimbulkan Penyakit Daun Kuning Keriting Cabai

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    Yellow leaf curl disease is the primary disease in chili plants with up to 100% losses. Detection from the field showed a mixed infection between Geminivirus or Pepper Yellow Leaf Curl Virus (PYLCV) and several viruses, including Chilli Veinal Mottle Virus (ChiVMV) and Cucumber mosaic Virus (CMV). Therefore, this study aimed to determine the role of PYLCV and ChiVMV dual infection in influencing the development of chili yellow leaf curl disease. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with six treatments and ten replications. The treatments used were multiple Geminiviruses and ChiVMV infections simultaneously, before ChiVMV co-infection, after Geminivirus infection, single infection and whithout infection viruses. The results showed that the presence of ChiVMV infection before, after, and concurrently with Geminiviruses infection could increase the yellow leaf curl disease intensity and reduce plant height and wet weight growth. The mean scale value of ChiVMV infection before, after, and concurrently with Geminiviruses infection were 3.38, 3.90 and 3.58 compared to single Geminiviruses infection (scale of 3.20) and single ChiVMV (scale of 1.33). The interaction analysis of ChiVMV and geminiviruses infections based on the percentage reduction in plant growth height and wet weight showed additive interaction. ChiVMV co-infection further exacerbated the incidence of yellow leaf curl diseases in chilies

    Expression of Recombinant Sugarcane Streak Mosaic Virus Coat Protein Gene in Escherichia coli

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    AbstractSugarcane streak mosaic virus (SCSMV) is an important virus causing mosaic disease in sugarcane and transmitted through the cutting cane. Commercial antiserum to detect SCSMV and to monitor the disease development is not available. The research was conducted to produce antigen of SCSMV coat protein (SCSMV-CP) through overexpressing it on bacterial expression which will be used for antiserum production. SCSMV-CP was amplified using specific primers for CP gene containing BamHI and HindIII restriction enzyme sites and cloned into pTZ57R/T. Subsequently, the SCSMV-CP was subcloned into pET28a and transformed on Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) and Rosetta-gami(DE3)pLysS. The concentration of isopropyl β-d-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG), incubation temperature, and bacterial harvesting time after IPTG induction were optimized. SCSMV-CP gene was successfully amplified with size ±855 bp, subcloned into vector expression, and expressed in insoluble fraction either in both bacterial host. Optimal protein expression of SCSMV-CP recombinant was obtained at 25°C with IPTG concentration 0.25–1.00 mM and harvested at 9–12 hours after IPTG induction in E. coli BL21(DE3), and at 30°C with IPTG concentration 0.25–1.00 mM and harvested 3–12 hours after IPTG induction in E. coli Rosetta(DE3)pLysS. SDS-PAGE analysis showed that protein size of SCSMV-CP recombinant was ±35.4 kDa

    Metode Termografi Inframerah untuk Deteksi Dini Pepper yellow leaf curl virus pada Tanaman Cabai

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    Infrared Thermography for Early Detection of Pepper yellow leaf curl virus on Chili Plants Observations of plant pests and diseases are generally carried out by looking for visual symptoms for each disease target. Agricultural technology 4.0 began to be used for the development of plant disease detection methods. It was reported that there were differences in color and temperature between diseased and healthy plants which could be recorded by a thermal camera. This study aimed to determine the potential of the FLIR One Pro-IOS thermal camera to record differences in color and temperature between viral-infected and healthy chili plants. Chili plants in the greenhouse that were inoculated with Pepper yellow leaf curl virus (PYLCV) experienced an increase in temperature 3 days after inoculation (28.62 ℃) compared to plants that were not inoculated with PYLCV (27.32 ℃). Digital image recording of chili leaf samples from the field showed that plants infected by multiple viruses (Chilli veinal mottle virus, Pepper mottle virus and PYLCV) has higher temperature than those infected with a single virus. The lowest and highest mean temperatures were recorded in plant samples infected with PepMV (17.74 ℃) and mixed infected by PYLCV and ChiVMV (25.68 ℃). Digital images of virus-infected plants tend to show a predominance of bright yellow, while virus-free plants showed a predominance of dark purple. Further analysis confirmed higher digital numbers for diseased plant images than healthy plants. The thermography method has the potential to be an early detection method because it can detect viral infection before visual symptoms appear.Pengamatan hama dan penyakit tanaman umumnya dilakukan dengan mencari gejala visual untuk setiap sasaran tertentu. Teknologi pertanian 4.0 mulai digunakan untuk pengembangan metode deteksi penyakit tanaman. Dilaporkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan warna dan suhu antara tanaman sakit dengan tanaman sehat yang dapat direkam oleh kamera termal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi kamera termal FLIR One Pro- IOS untuk merekam perbedaan warna dan suhu antara tanaman cabai terinfeksi virus dan tanaman sehat. Tanaman cabai di rumah kaca yang diinokulasi Pepper yellow leaf curl virus (PYLCV) mengalami kenaikan suhu pada 3 hari setelah inokulasi (HSI) (28.62 ℃) dibandingkan dengan tanaman yang tidak diinokulasi PYLCV (27.32 ℃). Perekaman citra digital sampel daun tanaman cabai dari lapangan menunjukkan suhu yang lebih tinggi pada tanaman yang terinfeksi beberapa jenis virus (Chilli veinal mottle virus, Pepper mottle virus dan PYLCV) dibandingkan yang terinfeksi virus secara tunggal. Rata-rata suhu terendah dan tertinggi tercatat pada sampel tanaman yang terinfeksi PepMV (17.74 ℃) dan terinfeksi campuran oleh PYLCV dan ChiVMV (25.68 ℃). Citra digital tanaman yang terinfeksi virus cenderung menunjukkan dominasi warna kuning terang, sedangkan tanaman bebas virus menunjukkan dominasi warna ungu gelap. Analisis lebih lanjut mengonfirmasi bilangan digital yang lebih tinggi untuk citra tanaman sakit dibandingkan dengan tanaman sehat. Metode termografi berpotensi menjadi metode deteksi dini karena dapat mendeteksi infeksi virus sebelum gejala visual muncul. &nbsp

    Sensitivitas Metode Serologi dan Polymerase Chain Reaction untuk Mendeteksi Bean Common Mosaic Potyvirus pada Kacang Panjang

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    Mosaic disease in yard long bean is caused by Bean common mosaic potyvirus (BCMV) and has been reported to affect yield. Common method to detect infection of BCMV involves serological assay and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The aims of this research is to assess the sensitivity of three methods, i.e. Indirect Enzym-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (I-ELISA), Dot Immunobinding Assay (DIBA), and reverse transcription (RT)-PCR as detection method for BCMV infection in yard long bean. Sensitivity level of the methods was evaluated by diluting plant extract and antisera for I-ELISA and DIBA, and cDNA as template in RT-PCR. Virus isolate from Cirebon was maintained in yard long bean in screenhouse and used for the assessment. Absorbance value of ELISA showed that dilution end point for I-ELISA was reached at 10-3 and 10-2 of plant extract and antisera dilution, respectively. Positive infection was still detected using DIBA when the plant extract was diluted up to 10-5 based on development of color intensity on nitrocellulose membrane. Specific viral DNA fragment was still amplified when cDNA was diluted up to 10-4, indicated higher sensitivity level of RT-PCR method

    Respons Lima Varietas Kacang Panjang terhadap Bean common mosaic virus

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    Incidence of yellow mosaic disease on yard long bean occurred widely in some areas in West and Central Java in 2008–2009. The causal agent of this disease is Bean common mosaic virus (BCMV) which can be transmitted through seed and aphids. Research was conducted to determine response of five varieties of yard long bean (Vigna sinensis), i.e. Parade, New Jaliteng, Long Silk, Super Sainan, and Pilar to BCMV infection. Yard long bean plants was inoculated by BCMV mechanically, followed by observation of disease incidence and severity, incubation period, flowering time, and yield. All five varieties of yard long bean showed susceptible response to BCMV infection. Incubation period was 6–16 days, disease incidence was 90–100%, and disease severity was 49.1–69.7%. BCMV infection caused severe symptoms of leaf malformation and plant stunting. Flowering time was delayed 2–5 days on infected plants and yield was decreased up to 46.6%. Breeding program to develop resistance varieties to BCMV is necessary
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