296 research outputs found

    Discovering and quantifying nontrivial fixed points in multi-field models

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    We use the functional renormalization group and the ϵ\epsilon-expansion concertedly to explore multicritical universality classes for coupled iO(Ni)\bigoplus_i O(N_i) vector-field models in three Euclidean dimensions. Exploiting the complementary strengths of these two methods we show how to make progress in theories with large numbers of interactions, and a large number of possible symmetry-breaking patterns. For the three- and four-field models we find a new fixed point that arises from the mutual interaction between different field sectors, and we establish the absence of infrared-stable fixed point solutions for the regime of small NiN_i. Moreover, we explore these systems as toy models for theories that are both asymptotically safe and infrared complete. In particular, we show that these models exhibit complete renormalization group trajectories that begin and end at nontrivial fixed points.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures; minor changes, as published in EPJ

    Coupled feedback loops maintain synaptic long-term potentiation: A computational model of PKMzeta synthesis and AMPA receptor trafficking

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    In long-term potentiation (LTP), one of the most studied types of neural plasticity, synaptic strength is persistently increased in response to stimulation. Although a number of different proteins have been implicated in the sub-cellular molecular processes underlying induction and maintenance of LTP, the precise mechanisms remain unknown. A particular challenge is to demonstrate that a proposed molecular mechanism can provide the level of stability needed to maintain memories for months or longer, in spite of the fact that many of the participating molecules have much shorter life spans. Here we present a computational model that combines simulations of several biochemical reactions that have been suggested in the LTP literature and show that the resulting system does exhibit the required stability. At the core of the model are two interlinked feedback loops of molecular reactions, one involving the atypical protein kinase PKM{\zeta} and its messenger RNA, the other involving PKM{\zeta} and GluA2-containing AMPA receptors. We demonstrate that robust bistability - stable equilibria both in the synapse's potentiated and unpotentiated states - can arise from a set of simple molecular reactions. The model is able to account for a wide range of empirical results, including induction and maintenance of late-phase LTP, cellular memory reconsolidation and the effects of different pharmaceutical interventions

    Gravitational Wave Emission from Collisions of Compact Scalar Solitons

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    We numerically investigate the gravitational waves generated by the head-on collision of equal-mass, self-gravitating, real scalar field solitons (oscillatons) as a function of their compactness C\mathcal{C}. We show that there exist three different possible outcomes for such collisions: (1) an excited stable oscillaton for low C\mathcal{C}, (2) a merger and formation of a black-hole for intermediate C\mathcal{C}, and (3) a pre-merger collapse of both oscillatons into individual black-holes for large C\mathcal{C}. For (1), the excited, aspherical oscillaton continues to emit gravitational waves. For (2), the total energy in gravitational waves emitted increases with compactness, and possesses a maximum which is greater than that from the merger of a pair of equivalent mass black-holes. The initial amplitudes of the quasi-normal modes in the post-merger ring-down in this case are larger than that of corresponding mass black-holes -- potentially a key observable to distinguish black-hole mergers with their scalar mimics. For (3), the gravitational wave output is indistinguishable from a similar mass, black-hole--black-hole merger.Comment: 8 Pages, 8 figures, movies : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSkfizpQDrcahgvc5TvBk5qtXAzkSyHP

    Formation of Relativistic Axion Stars

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    Axions and axion-like particles are compelling candidates for the missing dark matter of the universe. As they undergo gravitational collapse, they can form compact objects such as axion stars or even black holes. In this paper, we study the formation and distribution of such objects. First, we simulate the formation of compact axion stars using numerical relativity with aspherical initial conditions that could represent the final stages of axion dark matter structure formation. We show that the final states of such collapse closely follow the known relationship of initial mass and axion decay constant faf_a. Second, we demonstrate with a toy model how this information can be used to scan a model density field to predict the number densities and masses of such compact objects. In addition to being detectable by the LIGO/VIRGO gravitational wave interferometer network for axion mass of 109<ma<101110^{-9} < m_a < 10^{-11} eV, we show using peak statistics that for fa<0.2Mplf_a < 0.2M_{pl}, there exists a "mass gap" between the masses of axion stars and black holes formed from collapse

    General Relativistic Polarized Proca Stars

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    Massive vector fields can form spatially localized, non-relativistic, stationary field configurations supported by gravitational interactions. The ground state configurations (p-solitons/vector solitons/dark photon stars/polarized Proca stars) have a time-dependent vector field pointing in the same spatial direction throughout the configuration at any instant of time, can carry macroscopic amounts of spin angular momentum, and are spherically symmetric and monotonic in the energy density. In this paper, we include general relativistic effects, and numerically investigate the stability of compact polarized Proca stars (linear and circularly polarized) and compare them to hedgehog-like field configurations (with radially pointing field directions). Starting with approximate field profiles of such stars, we evolve the system numerically using 3+1 dimensional numerical simulations in general relativity. We find that these initial conditions lead to stable configurations. However, at sufficiently large initial compactness, they can collapse to black holes. We find that the initial compactness that leads to black hole formation is higher for circularly polarized stars (which carry macroscopic spin angular momentum), compared to linearly polarized ones, which in turn is higher than that for hedgehog configurations.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Cosmic String Loop Collapse in Full General Relativity

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    We present the first fully general relativistic dynamical simulations of Abelian Higgs cosmic strings using 3+1D numerical relativity. Focusing on cosmic string loops, we show that they collapse due to their tension and can either (i) unwind and disperse or (ii) form a black hole, depending on their tension GμG\mu and initial radius. We show that these results can be predicted using an approximate formula derived using the hoop conjecture, and argue that it is independent of field interactions. We extract the gravitational waveform produced in the black hole formation case and show that it is dominated by the l=2l=2 and m=0m=0 mode. We also compute the total gravitational wave energy emitted during such a collapse, being 0.5±0.2 %0.5\pm 0.2~ \% of the initial total cosmic string loop mass, for a string tension of Gμ=1.6×102G\mu=1.6\times 10^{-2} and radius R=100 Mpl1R=100~M_{pl}^{-1}. We use our results to put a bound on the production rate of planar cosmic strings loops as N102 Gpc3 yr1N \lesssim 10^{-2}~\mathrm{Gpc}^{-3}~\mathrm{yr}^{-1}.Comment: Movies: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSkfizpQDrcaAxkuQ3BtjILn_tJu-jXx

    Coherent Gravitational Waveforms and Memory from Cosmic String Loops

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    We construct, for the first time, the time-domain gravitational wave strain waveform from the collapse of a strongly gravitating Abelian Higgs cosmic string loop in full general relativity. We show that the strain exhibits a large memory effect during merger, ending with a burst and the characteristic ringdown as a black hole is formed. Furthermore, we investigate the waveform and energy emitted as a function of string width, loop radius and string tension GμG\mu. We find that the mass normalized gravitational wave energy displays a strong dependence on the inverse of the string tension EGW/M01/GμE_{\mathrm{GW}}/M_0\propto 1/G\mu, with EGW/M0O(1)%E_{\mathrm{GW}}/M_0 \sim {\cal O}(1)\% at the percent level, for the regime where Gμ103G\mu\gtrsim10^{-3}. Conversely, we show that the efficiency is only weakly dependent on the initial string width and initial loop radii. Using these results, we argue that gravitational wave production is dominated by kinematical instead of geometrical considerations.Comment: 15 pages, 16 figures, 2 YouTube movies: https://youtu.be/-dhYA2788LA https://youtu.be/0sSH54gXu4

    Spatially Averaged Quantum Inequalities Do Not Exist in Four-Dimensional Spacetime

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    We construct a particular class of quantum states for a massless, minimally coupled free scalar field which are of the form of a superposition of the vacuum and multi-mode two-particle states. These states can exhibit local negative energy densities. Furthermore, they can produce an arbitrarily large amount of negative energy in a given region of space at a fixed time. This class of states thus provides an explicit counterexample to the existence of a spatially averaged quantum inequality in four-dimensional spacetime.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure, minor corrections and added comment

    CLARIAH-DE cross-service search - prospects and benefits of merging subject-specific services

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    CLARIAH-DE combines services and offerings of CLARIN-D and DARIAH-DE. This includes various search applications which are made directly available to researchers. These search applications are presented in this working paper based on their main characteristics and compared with a focus on possible harmonizations. Opportunities and risks of different forms of technical integration are highlighted. Identified challenges can be explained in particular considering the background of different organizational and technical frameworks as well as highly specific and discipline-dependent requirements. The integration work that has already been carried out and the experiences gained with regard to future work and possible integration of further applications are also discussed. The experiences made in CLARIAH-DE can especially be of interest for other projects in the field of digital research infrastructures