95 research outputs found

    Seiberg-Witten theory for a non-trivial compactification from five to four dimensions

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    The prepotential and spectral curve are described for a smooth interpolation between an enlarged N=4 SUSY and ordinary N=2 SUSY Yang-Mills theory in four dimensions, obtained by compactification from five dimensions with non-trivial (periodic and antiperiodic) boundary conditions. This system provides a new solution to the generalized WDVV equations. We show that this exhausts all possible solutions of a given functional form.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX, 2 figures using emlines.st

    An Extended Abel-Jacobi Map

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    We solve the problem of inversion of an extended Abel-Jacobi map P0P1ω+...+P0Pg+n1ω=z,P0P1Ωj1+...+P0Pg+n1Ωj1=Zj,j=2,...,n, \int_{P_{0}}^{P_{1}}\omega +...+\int_{P_{0}}^{P_{g+n-1}}\omega ={\bf z}, \qquad \int_{P_{0}}^{P_{1}}\Omega_{j1}+... +\int_{P_{0}}^{P_{g+n-1}}\Omega_{j1} =Z_{j},\quad j=2,...,n, where Ωj1\Omega_{j1} are (normalised) abelian differentials of the third kind. In contrast to the extensions already studied, this one contains meromorphic differentials having a common pole Q1Q_1. This inversion problem arises in algebraic geometric description of monopoles, as well as in the linearization of integrable systems on finite-dimensional unreduced coadjoint orbits on loop algebras.Comment: 11 page

    QCD, Wick's Theorem for KdV τ\tau-functions and the String Equation

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    Two consistency conditions for partition functions established by Akemann and Dam-gaard in their studies of the fermionic mass dependence of the QCD partition function at low energy ({\it a la} Leutwiller-Smilga-Verbaarschot) are interpreted in terms of integrable hierarchies. Their algebraic relation is shown to be a consequence of Wick's theorem for 2d fermionic correlators (Hirota identities) in the special case of the 2-reductions of the KP hierarchy (that is KdV/mKdV). The consistency condition involving derivatives is an incarnation of the string equation associated with the particular matrix model (the particular kind of the Kac-Schwarz operator).Comment: 7 pages LaTex. Corrections to grant numbers only for administering bureaucrat

    Bring's Curve: its Period Matrix and the Vector of Riemann Constants

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    Bring's curve is the genus 4 Riemann surface with automorphism group of maximal size, S₅. Riera and Rodríguez have provided the most detailed study of the curve thus far via a hyperbolic model. We will recover and extend their results via an algebraic model based on a sextic curve given by both Hulek and Craig and implicit in work of Ramanujan. In particular we recover their period matrix; further, the vector of Riemann constants will be identified

    The Construction of Monopoles

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    We show that the Higgs and gauge fields for a BPS monopole may be constructed directly from the spectral curve without having to solve the gauge constraint needed to obtain the Nahm data. The result is the analogue of the instanton result: given ADHM data one can reconstruct the gauge fields algebraically together with differentiation. Here, given the spectral curve, one can similarly reconstruct the Higgs and gauge fields. This answers a problem that has remained open since the discovery of monopoles.Comment: 21 pages, revise

    WDVV Equations as Functional Relations

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    We discuss the associativity or WDVV equations and demonstrate that they can be rewritten as certain functional relations between the {\it second} derivatives of a single function, similar to the dispersionless Hirota equations. The properties of these functional relations are further discussed.Comment: 9 pages LaTex. Typos in equations (33) and (38) correcte

    Yangians, Integrable Quantum Systems and Dorey's rule

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    We study tensor products of fundamental representations of Yangians and show that the fundamental quotients of such tensor products are given by Dorey's rule.Comment: We have made corrections to the results for the Yangians associated to the non--simply laced algebra

    The Curve of Compactified 6D Gauge Theories and Integrable Systems

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    We analyze the Seiberg-Witten curve of the six-dimensional N=(1,1) gauge theory compactified on a torus to four dimensions. The effective theory in four dimensions is a deformation of the N=2* theory. The curve is naturally holomorphically embedding in a slanted four-torus--actually an abelian surface--a set-up that is natural in Witten's M-theory construction of N=2 theories. We then show that the curve can be interpreted as the spectral curve of an integrable system which generalizes the N-body elliptic Calogero-Moser and Ruijsenaars-Schneider systems in that both the positions and momenta take values in compact spaces. It turns out that the resulting system is not simply doubly elliptic, rather the positions and momenta, as two-vectors, take values in the ambient abelian surface. We analyze the two-body system in some detail. The system we uncover provides a concrete realization of a Beauville-Mukai system based on an abelian surface rather than a K3 surface.Comment: 22 pages, JHEP3, 4 figures, improved readility of figures, added reference

    The Ruijsenaars-Schneider Model in the Context of Seiberg-Witten Theory

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    The compactification of five dimensional N=2 SUSY Yang-Mills (YM) theory onto a circle provides a four dimensional YM model with N=4 SUSY. This supersymmetry can be broken down to N=2 if non-trivial boundary conditions in the compact dimension, \phi(x_5 +R) = e^{2\pi i\epsilon}\phi(x_5), are imposed on half of the fields. This two-parameter (R,\epsilon) family of compactifications includes as particular limits most of the previously studied four dimensional N=2 SUSY YM models with supermultiplets in the adjoint representation of the gauge group. The finite-dimensional integrable system associated to these theories via the Seiberg-Witten construction is the generic elliptic Ruijsenaars-Schneider model. In particular the perturbative (weak coupling) limit is described by the trigonometric Ruijsenaars-Schneider model.Comment: 18 pages, LaTe

    Dilaton black holes in grand canonical ensemble near the extreme state

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    Dilaton black holes with a pure electric charge are considered in a framework of a grand canonical ensemble near the extreme state. It is shown that there exists such a subset of boundary data that the Hawking temperature smoothly goes to zero to an infinite value of a horizon radius but the horizon area and entropy are finite and differ from zero. In string theory the existence of a horizon in the extreme limit is due to the finiteness of a system only.Comment: 8 pages, RevTex 3.0. Presentation improved, discussion on metrics in string theory simplified. To be published in Phys.Rev.