736 research outputs found

    Surface electromyographic control of a novel phonemic interface for speech synthesis

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    Many individuals with minimal movement capabilities use AAC to communicate. These individuals require both an interface with which to construct a message (e.g., a grid of letters) and an input modality with which to select targets. This study evaluated the interaction of two such systems: (a) an input modality using surface electromyography (sEMG) of spared facial musculature, and (b) an onscreen interface from which users select phonemic targets. These systems were evaluated in two experiments: (a) participants without motor impairments used the systems during a series of eight training sessions, and (b) one individual who uses AAC used the systems for two sessions. Both the phonemic interface and the electromyographic cursor show promise for future AAC applications.F31 DC014872 - NIDCD NIH HHS; R01 DC002852 - NIDCD NIH HHS; R01 DC007683 - NIDCD NIH HHS; T90 DA032484 - NIDA NIH HHShttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=Surface+electromyographic+control+of+a+novel+phonemic+interface+for+speech+synthesishttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=Surface+electromyographic+control+of+a+novel+phonemic+interface+for+speech+synthesisPublished versio

    Autofluorescence Detection of Bronchial Tumors With the D-Light/AF

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    We present a newly developed diagnostic system combining a conventional light source (white light mode and two different fluorescence excitation modes), a bronchoscope and optionally a highly sensitive camera (Baumgartner et al., Photochem. Photobiol. 1987; 46(5): 759–763). Routine diagnostics can be performed with the autofluorescence bronchoscopy (AFB) and the white light bronchoscopy (WLB) in one diagnostic procedure. The image is visible directly with the naked eye. The system was evaluated in a pilot study including 60 patients. Two hundred and sixty-four biopsies were taken to detect premalignant and malignant findings (Stanzel et al., Contribution to 10th World Congress for Bronchology, June 1998). The sensitivity of the combination of WLB and AFB was 2.8 times higher than that of the conventional WLB. The specificity decreased from 94% (WLB) to 89% (WLB + AFB). The results of this preliminary pilot study are being confirmed in a multicenter study, which will begin at seven European centers

    Host cell restriction factors that limit transcription and replication of human papillomavirus

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    The life cycle of human papillomaviruses (HPV) is tightly regulated by the differentiation state of mucosal and cutaneous keratinocytes. To counteract viral infection, constitutively expressed cellular factors, which are defined herein as restriction factors, directly mitigate viral gene expression and replication. In turn, some HPV gene products target these restriction factors and abrogate their anti-viral effects to establish efficient gene expression and replication programs. Ironically, in certain circumstances, this delicate counterbalance between viral gene products and restriction factors facilitates persistent infection by HPVs. This review serves to recapitulate the current knowledge of nuclear restriction factors that directly affect the HPV infectious cycle

    Heterogeneous perturbations in the Doppler-free S1 ← S0 two-photon spectrum of benzene: Evidence for intrastate coupling

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    Rotational perturbations are identified in Doppler-free two-photon spectra of the 1410 and 1410110 vibronic bands in C6H6. Evidence is found that Coriolis coupling between some of the rotational levels of two distinct vibrational states within S1 is the mechanism responsible. This coupling mechanism is thought to be responsible for irreversible intramolecular relaxation at higher excess energies and higher vibrational state densities

    Optical coherence tomography for bladder cancer - ready as a surrogate for optical biopsy? - Results of a prospective mono-centre study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>New modalities like Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) allow non-invasive examination of the internal structure of biological tissue in vivo. The potential benefits and limitations of this new technology for the detection and evaluation of bladder cancer were examined in this study.</p> <p>Materials and methods</p> <p>Between January 2007 and January 2008, 52 patients who underwent transurethral bladder biopsy or TUR-BT for surveillance or due to initial suspicion of urothelial carcinoma of the bladder were enrolled in this study. In total, 166 lesions were suspicious for malignancy according to standard white light cystoscopy. All suspicious lesions were scanned and interpreted during perioperative cystoscopy using OCT. Cold cup biopsies and/or TUR-B was performed for all these lesions. For this study we used an OCT-device (Niris<sup>®</sup>, Imalux<sup>®</sup>, Cleveland, US), that utilizes near-infrared light guided through a flexible fibre-based applicator, which is placed into the bladder via the working channel of the cystoscope. The technology provides high spatial resolution on the order of about 10-20 μm, and a visualization of tissue to a depth of about 2 mm across a lateral span of about 2 mm in width. The device used received market clearance from the FDA and CE approval in Germany. The diagnostic and surgical procedure was videotaped and analyzed afterwards for definitive matching of scanned and biopsied lesion. The primary aim of this study was to determine the level of correlation between OCT interpretation and final histological result.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of 166 scanned OCT images, 102 lesions (61.4%) matched to the same site where the biopsy/TUR-BT was taken according to videoanalysis. Only these video-verified lesions were used for further analysis. Of all analyzed lesions 88 were benign (inflammation, edema, hyperplasia etc.) and 14 were malignant (CIS, Ta, T1, T2) as shown by final histo pathology.</p> <p>All 14 malignant lesions were detected correctly by OCT. Furthermore all invasive tumors were staged correctly by OCT regarding tumor growth beyond the lamina propria. There were no false negative lesions detected by OCT. Sensitivity of OCT for detecting the presence of a malignant lesion was 100% and sensitivity for detection of tumor growth beyond the lamina propria was 100% as well. Specificity of OCT for presence of malignancy was 65%, due to the fact that a number of lesions were interpreted as false positive by OCT.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>As a minimally invasive technique, OCT proved to have extremely high sensitivity for detection of malignant lesions as well as estimation of whether a tumor has invaded beyond the lamina propria. However, specificity of OCT within the bladder was impaired (65%), possibly due to a learning curve and/or the relatively low spatial resolution and visualization depth of the OCT technology. Further studies and technical development are needed to establish an adequate surrogate for optical biopsy.</p

    LaDIVA: A neurocomputational model providing laryngeal motor control for speech acquisition and production

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    Many voice disorders are the result of intricate neural and/or biomechanical impairments that are poorly understood. The limited knowledge of their etiological and pathophysiological mechanisms hampers effective clinical management. Behavioral studies have been used concurrently with computational models to better understand typical and pathological laryngeal motor control. Thus far, however, a unified computational framework that quantitatively integrates physiologically relevant models of phonation with the neural control of speech has not been developed. Here, we introduce LaDIVA, a novel neurocomputational model with physiologically based laryngeal motor control. We combined the DIVA model (an established neural network model of speech motor control) with the extended body-cover model (a physics-based vocal fold model). The resulting integrated model, LaDIVA, was validated by comparing its model simulations with behavioral responses to perturbations of auditory vocal fundamental frequency (fo) feedback in adults with typical speech. LaDIVA demonstrated capability to simulate different modes of laryngeal motor control, ranging from short-term (i.e., reflexive) and long-term (i.e., adaptive) auditory feedback paradigms, to generating prosodic contours in speech. Simulations showed that LaDIVA’s laryngeal motor control displays properties of motor equivalence, i.e., LaDIVA could robustly generate compensatory responses to reflexive vocal fo perturbations with varying initial laryngeal muscle activation levels leading to the same output. The model can also generate prosodic contours for studying laryngeal motor control in running speech. LaDIVA can expand the understanding of the physiology of human phonation to enable, for the first time, the investigation of causal effects of neural motor control in the fine structure of the vocal signal.Fil: Weerathunge, Hasini R.. Boston University; Estados UnidosFil: Alzamendi, Gabriel Alejandro. Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos. Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo en Bioingeniería y Bioinformática - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo en Bioingeniería y Bioinformática; ArgentinaFil: Cler, Gabriel J.. University of Washington; Estados UnidosFil: Guenther, Frank H.. Boston University; Estados UnidosFil: Stepp, Cara E.. Boston University; Estados UnidosFil: Zañartu, Matías. Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María; Chil

    The Spatial and Temporal Expression Patterns of Integrin α9β1 and One of Its Ligands, the EIIIA Segment of Fibronectin, in Cutaneous Wound Healing

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    The fibronectins (FN) comprise a family of adhesive extracellular matrix proteins thought to mediate important functions in cutaneous wounds. Plasma fibronectin (pFN) extravasates for days from intact hyperpermeable vessels following injury whereas mRNAs encoding the cellular fibronectins (cFN) that include two segments, termed EIIIA (EDA) and EIIIB (EDB), are expressed by wound cells. Wounds in mice null for pFN appear to heal normally whereas those in EIIIA null mice exhibit defects, suggesting that cFN may play a role when pFN is missing. Integrin α9β1, a receptor for several extracellular matrix proteins as well as the EIIIA segment, is expressed normally in the basal layer of squamous epithelia. We report results from immunohistochemistry on healing wounds demonstrating that EIIIA-containing cFN are deposited abundantly but transiently from day 4 to 7 whereas EIIIB-containing cFN persist at least through day 14. Elevated expression of α9β1 is seen in basal and suprabasal epidermal keratinocytes in wounds. The spatial expression patterns of cFN and α9β1 are distinct, but overlap in the dermal–epidermal junction, and both are expressed contemporaneously. These observations suggest a role for α9β1–EIIIA interactions in wound keratinocyte function

    Development of Shear Modulus Reduction Curves Based on Lotung Downhole Ground Motion Data

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    In this study, equivalent shear moduli (or shear-wave velocities) and their variations with shearing strain at the Lotung seismic experiment site were back-calculated from recorded downhole array ground motions. Ground motion data for various levels of shaking (peak ground surface accelerations ranging from 0.03g to 0.21g) recorded during seven earthquakes were used in the analyses. Results show that downhole array ground motion data can be used to infer in-situ dynamic soil properties over a wide strain range

    The Learning from the Large Scale Lotung Soil-Structure Interaction Experiments

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    Blind prediction analyses and subsequent correlation studies of a 1/4-scale reinforced concrete containment model constructed at Lotung, Taiwan subject to forced vibration tests and actual earthquakes are evaluated with the objective of validating soil-structure interaction (SSI) analysis methodologies commonly used in U.S. practice. The SSI methods used range from simple soil-spring representation to more complex finite-element methods and sub structuring techniques. Both forced vibration test (FVT) data and actual earthquake induced response data have been obtained for use in validating selected SSI analysis methodologies. Considering that for forced vibration tests only the stiffness and damping characteristics of the foundation are required (complexities of site response, wave scattering and stiffness degradation of soils are absent), the FVT evaluation shows that acceptable frequency predictions can be obtained by most of the methods; however, soil damping as obtained from geophysical methods does not seem to account for the total energy dissipation during SSI. A number of insights have been obtained with respect to the validity of SSI analysis methodologies for earthquake response. Among these are the following: vertical wave propagation assumption in performing SSI is adequate to describe the wave field; equivalent linear analysis of soil response for SSI analysis, such as performed by the SHAKE code, provides acceptable results; a significant but non-permanent degradation of soil modulus occurs during earthquakes; the development of soil stiffness degradation and damping curves as a function of strain, based on geophysical and laboratory tests, requires improvement to reduce variability and uncertainty; backfill stiffness plays an important role in determining impedance functions and possibly input motions; scattering of ground motion due to embedment is an important element in performing SSI analysis; more than the calculational techniques, the differences in response predictions are due to the modeling of the soil-structure system

    Contributions of auditory and somatosensory feedback to vocal motor control

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    PURPOSE: To better define the contributions of somatosensory and auditory feedback in vocal motor control, a laryngeal perturbation experiment was conducted with and without masking of auditory feedback. METHOD: Eighteen native speakers of English produced a sustained vowel while their larynx was physically and externally displaced on a subset of trials. For the condition with auditory masking, speech-shaped noise was played via earphones at 90 dB SPL. Responses to the laryngeal perturbation were compared to responses by the same participants to an auditory perturbation experiment that involved a 100-cent downward shift in fundamental frequency (fo). Responses were also examined in relation to a measure of auditory acuity. RESULTS: Compensatory responses to the laryngeal perturbation were observed with and without auditory masking. The level of compensation was greatest in the laryngeal perturbation condition without auditory masking, followed by the condition with auditory masking; the level of compensation was smallest in the auditory perturbation experiment. No relationship was found between the degree of compensation to auditory versus laryngeal perturbations, and the variation in responses in both perturbation experiments was not related to auditory acuity. CONCLUSIONS: The findings indicate that somatosensory and auditory feedback control mechanisms work together to compensate for laryngeal perturbations, resulting in the greatest degree of compensation when both sources of feedback are available. In contrast, these two control mechanisms work in competition in response to auditory perturbations, resulting in an overall smaller degree of compensation. Supplemental Material https://doi.org/10.23641/asha.12559628.R01 DC002852 - NIDCD NIH HHS; R01 DC015570 - NIDCD NIH HHS; R01 DC016270 - NIDCD NIH HHSAccepted manuscrip