20,665 research outputs found

    Image compression based on 2D Discrete Fourier Transform and matrix minimization algorithm

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    In the present era of the internet and multimedia, image compression techniques are essential to improve image and video performance in terms of storage space, network bandwidth usage, and secure transmission. A number of image compression methods are available with largely differing compression ratios and coding complexity. In this paper we propose a new method for compressing high-resolution images based on the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and Matrix Minimization (MM) algorithm. The method consists of transforming an image by DFT yielding the real and imaginary components. A quantization process is applied to both components independently aiming at increasing the number of high frequency coefficients. The real component matrix is separated into Low Frequency Coefficients (LFC) and High Frequency Coefficients (HFC). Finally, the MM algorithm followed by arithmetic coding is applied to the LFC and HFC matrices. The decompression algorithm decodes the data in reverse order. A sequential search algorithm is used to decode the data from the MM matrix. Thereafter, all decoded LFC and HFC values are combined into one matrix followed by the inverse DFT. Results demonstrate that the proposed method yields high compression ratios over 98% for structured light images with good image reconstruction. Moreover, it is shown that the proposed method compares favorably with the JPEG technique based on compression ratios and image quality

    Epizootiološko istraživanje slinavke i šapa u Sudanu: stanje nakon dva desetljeća

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    In order to update information on the situation regarding foot and mouth disease (FMD) in the Sudan, a serosurvey and disease survey were conducted. Recently collected data on FMD in the Sudan showed that FMD is a major constraint to animal production in the country. It presents no threat nor does it cause mild disease in sheep and goats. The disease, with obvious clinical signs, has been detected in cattle only, and is caused by serotype O and SAT 2. Seasonal occurrence of the disease in the cold, dry season has been observed and animal movement seems to play a major role in virus dissemination. A total of 1,069 sera were collected from cattle, sheep, goats, and camel, from seven states in the Sudan, for the detection of antibodies to FMDV. Application of liquid phase blocking (LPB) ELISA revealed that antibodies to four serotypes were present in ruminants; namely O, A, SAT 1 and SAT 2. No antibodies to FMDV were detected in camel sera. The results differed from early reports regarding the prevalence of serotype specifi c antibodies in different species; for instance, in cattle, the antibodies to type A (78.13%) surpassed that of type O (69.39%) and the antibodies to type SAT 2 (44%) surpassed that of type SAT 1 (20.2%). This work elucidates the current epidemiology of FMD in some parts of the Sudan.Radi pružanja informacija o sadašnjem stanju slinavke i šapa u Sudanu provedena su serološka istraživanja te je prikazana njezina pojavnost. Svježe prikupljeni podatci o pojavi slinavke i šapa u Sudanu pokazali su da ona predstavlja veliku prepreku životinjskoj proizvodnji u toj zemlji. U ovaca i koza javlja se kao blaga bolest i ne predstavlja veliku prijetnju, dok se u goveda javlja s očitim kliničkim znakovima, a uzrokovana je serotipovima O i SAT 2. Bolest se javlja sezonski u hladnoj i suhoj sezoni, a promet životinjama ima glavnu ulogu u širenju virusa. Ukupno je bilo prikupljeno 1069 uzoraka seruma goveda, ovaca, koza i deva podrijetlom iz sedam država u Sudanu radi pretrage na prisutnost protutijela za virus slinavke i šapa. Blokirajućim imunonenzimnim testom dokazana su protutijela za četiri serotipa virusa: O, A, SAT 1 i SAT 2. Protutijela za virus slinavke i šapa nisu bila dokazana u uzorcima seruma deva. Rezultati se razlikuju od ranijih izvješća s obzirom na prevalenciju specifi čnih protutijela u različitih vrsta. Npr., specifi čna protutijela za serotip A dokazana su u 78,13% goveda, za serotip O u 69,39%, serotip SAT 2 u 44% te serotip SAT 1 u 20,2% goveda. U radu je prikazano sadašnje epizootiološko stanje slinavke i šapa u nekim dijelovima Sudana

    Change of size and type of patent ductus arteriosus in a one year old infant during routine echocardiographic study

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    There are only very few publications which document reactivity of patent ductus arteriosus. This report documentes the reactivity of a patent arterial duct in a one year old infant, 6.5 kg weight during a routine echocardiographic color Doppler study. Echocardiographic images were obtained during conscious sedation.peer-reviewe