58 research outputs found

    Clinical evaluation of a wireless ECG sensor system for arrhythmia diagnostic purposes

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    In a clinical study, a novel wireless electrocardiogram (ECG) recorder has been evaluated with regard to its ability to perform arrhythmia diagnostics. As the ECG recorder will detect a "non-standard" ECG signal, it has been necessary to compare those signals to "standard" ECG recording signals in order to evaluate the arrhythmia detection ability of the new system. Simultaneous recording of ECG signals from both the new wireless ECG recorder and a conventional Holter recorder was compared by two independent cardiology specialists with regard to signal quality for performing arrhythmia diagnosis. In addition, calculated R-R intervals from the two systems were correlated. A total number of 16 patients participated in the study. It can be considered that recorded ECG signals obtained from the wireless ECG system had an acceptable quality for arrhythmia diagnosis. Some of the patients used the wireless sensor while doing physical sport activities, and the quality of the recorded ECG signals made it possible to perform arrhythmia diagnostics even under such conditions. Consequently, this makes possible improvements in correlating arrhythmias to physical activities

    Kvalitet som styringsparameter i kommunale barneverntjenester -hjelpemiddel eller hemsko

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    Denne oppgaven belyser hvordan kvalitet brukes som styringsparameter i norske barneverntjenester. Dette inkluderer en analyse av hvordan kvalitetsbegrepet defineres og operasjonaliseres, samt en kartlegging av hvordan måling og kontroll av fastsatte kvalitetsparametere gjøres. Oppgaven søker å finne ut av om kvalitet per i dag fungerer som styringsparameter, og eventuelt hvordan kvalitet sikres og kontrolleres, enten gjennom kvalitetsparametere, eller på annet vis. I tillegg vil oppgaven være et utgangspunkt for vurdering av veien videre når det gjelder kvalitetsstyring og sikring innen norske barneverntjenester. Oppgaven tar utgangspunkt i ISOstandardens inndeling i tre konkrete kvalitetsaspekter; prosess, strukturog resultatkvalitet. Oppgaven inkluderer også et skille mellom brukerforkus og kravsfokus. Kvalitet som styringsparameter blir i denne oppgaven sett i sammenheng med styringsprinsipper som blant annet målstyring, og drøftes i lys av prinsipal/agentteori. Utvikling og bruk av kvalitetsindikatorer er i denne forbindelse også et relevant aspekt som belyses. Forskningen har vært gjennomført som et trinnsvis forskningsopplegg, hvor en dokumentanalyse danner grunnlaget for åpne intervjuer med relevante instanser innenfor det kommunale barnevernet. Intevjuene og funnene fra dokumentanalyse samlet har dannet grunnlag for en kartlegging og en analyse av dagens situasjon. Dokumentanalysen har tatt for seg sentrale styringsog kontrolldokumenter fra relevante instanser som Barne, likestillings, og inkluderingsdepartementet, Helsedirektoratet og Riksrevisjonen, mens intervjuer har vært uført med de utførende instansene, altså kommuner og fylkesmenn. Studien er et case study, og er ikke generaliserbar. Dokumentanalysen avdekker en manglende omforent kvalitetsforståelse i norsk barnevern, med mange styringsparametere på prosesskvalitetsnivå. Gjennom intervjuene bekreftes dette inntrykket. I det formelle kvalitetsstyringsløpet var brukerbasert resulatatkvalitet i stor grad fraværende. Imidlertid ble det identifisert, gjennom intervjuene, et parallellt og uformelt kvalitetsstyringsløp, hvor fokuset i mye større grad var på brukerbasert resultatkvalitet. Oppgaven mener å kunne vise at de eksisterende styringsparadigmet som brukes og etterførlges i den formelle sfæren, tilsynelatende ble oppfattet som utilstrekkelig for å sikre kvalitet i de kommunale barneverntjenestene, men at det tomrommet som det offisielle rapporteringssystemet etterlater fylles inn gjennom uformell kvalitetssikring hos utøvende instanser. Med bakgrunn i en diskusjon rundt de utfordringer som er knyttet til å utvikle gode resultatkvalitetsindikatorer, og dagens todeling av kvalitetsstyring, konkluderer oppgaven med at implementering av kvalitetsindikatorer som styringsparameter ikke nødvendigvis vil medføre bedre sikring av kvalitet i norske barneverntjenester. This thesis studies how quality is used as a parameter in Norwegian child welfare services. This includes an analysis of how the concept of quality defined and operationalized, as well as a mapping of how the measurements and controls of specified quality parameters are done. The thesis seeks to determine whether quality currently works as a control parameter, and possibly how is quality assured and controlled, either through parameters or otherwise. In addition, the thesis is a starting point for assessing the way forward when it comes quality governance and quality assurance within Norwegian child welfare services. The basic understanding of quality in this thesis is based on the ISO standard's division of the concept into three specific quality aspects; process, structure and results. this thesis also incorporates a separation between results with regards to the user of the services and results in connections with fulfilling requirements. Quality as a parameter is in this thesis understood in the context of management principles such as balanced scorecards, and discussed in the light of principal/agent theory. The further development and use of quality indicators is also considered relevant in this context. The research has been carried out as a stepwise research project, where a document analysis forms the basis of open interviews which are completed with relevant bodies within the municipal child welfare. Findings from the interviews and the document analysis has been analysed together to form a picture of the current situation. The document analysis has focused on the central management and control documents from relevant bodies of Children, Equality and Social Inclusion, Health Directorate and OAG, while interviews have been with the executive bodies, municipalities and county governors.This research is a case study, and the findings cannot be generalized. The document analysis reveals a missing unified understanding of quality in Norwegian Child Welfare, with many parameters at the process quality level. Interviews confirmed this impression. In the formal quality governance and assurance, the user dimension was largely absent. However, as identified through interviews, a parallel and informal quality governance was in place, with a significant greater focus on userbased quality of results. The existing management paradigm which was officially used and followed in the formal sphere, was at the same time apparently perceived as insufficient to ensure quality in the municipal child welfare services. The void left was thus filled through informal and discretionary quality assurance. Based on a discussion around the challenges related to developing good result quality indicators, and the current dichotomy of quality management, the thesis concludes that implementation of quality indicators as a control parameter not necessarily will entail better assurance of quality in Norwegian child welfare services

    Atmospheric deposition and lateral transport of mercury in Norwegian drainage basins: A mercury budget for Norway

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    Project manager Hans Fredrik Veiteberg BraatenReduced atmospheric loading of mercury (Hg) can improve the environmental status of freshwaters and coastal ecosystems. Sparse data limit impact assessments of changes in atmospheric Hg on aquatic ecosystems. Here, a Hg budget is calculated for Norway by estimating fluxes of Hg in the environment. Atmospheric inputs (ca. 3.3 tonnes annually) are a factor 10 higher than riverine export to coastal areas, indicating considerable retention in soils and lakes. Environmental loading of Hg to surface waters was separated into headwater (=catchment) export of Hg and atmospheric Hg loadings, which were of similar size (0.2 to 0.3 tonnes), where atmospheric loadings were considered of higher certainty than headwater fluxes. Robust methods for estimations of headwater Hg export at the regional scale are lacking. Hg budgets for small headwater catchments are more reliable and valuable to assess the fate of atmospheric Hg, and the role of aquatic Hg retention. Continued monitoring of Hg in deposition, catchments, and rivers are needed to reduce uncertainties in environmental assessments, in addition to international collaboration.Norwegian Environment AgencypublishedVersio

    Towards Improved Healthcare Performance: Examining Technological Possibilities and Patient Satisfaction with Wireless Body Area Networks

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    Published version of an article from the journal: Journal of Medical Systems. he original publication is available at Springerlink. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10916-009-9291-8This paper investigates the benefits of using less intrusive wireless technologies for heart monitoring. By replacing well established heart monitoring devices (i.e. Holter) with wireless ECG based Body Area Networks (BAN), improved healthcare performance can be achieved, reflected in (1) high quality ECG recordings during physical activities and (2) increased patient satisfaction. A small scale clinical trial was conducted to compare both technologies and the results illustrate that the wireless ECG monitor was able to detect ECG signals intended for arrhythmia diagnostics. Furthermore, from a patient’s perspective, both technologies were evaluated using three dimensions, namely; hygienic aspects, physical activity, and skin reactions. Results demonstrate that the wireless ECG BAN showed better performance, especially regarding the hygienic aspects. It was also favourable for use during physical activities, and the signal quality of the wireless sensor system demonstrated good performance regarding signal noise and artefact disturbances. This paper concludes that wireless cardiac monitoring systems have significant benefits from a patient’s perspective, and further clinical trials should be conducted to further evaluate the new ECG based BAN system, to identify the possibility of widespread adoption and utilisation of wireless technology for arrhythmia diagnostics

    Miljøovervåkning med bakkebaserte interferometriske radarsystemer

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    The need for environmental monitoring is increasing with climate changes and natural resources exploitation, but the monitoring possibilities are also improving with the technological development enabling high spatial and temporal resolution. In this thesis, we address the accuracy and use of interferometric ground-based radar for detecting and monitoring of sub-millimetre surface displacements for geotechnical applications. We have focused on monitoring of rock slope failures, and glacier flow and calving events. We have used two different radar-systems in these two applications. The radar used to monitor rock slopes has a real aperture antenna, while the radar used for glacier flow monitoring has an electronically steered phased-array antenna. The latter makes it possible to scan the surface of the glacier with high temporal and spatial resolution. Both radars are designed and implemented by the radar company ISPAS AS. The radar used for mountain monitoring was developed and installed before this Ph.D.-project was undertaken, but the electronic scanning radar was built during this thesis. The design and development of the radar is not addressed this thesis.Vi vil i fremtiden se et økende behov for miljøovervåkning som en følge av klimaforandringer og utvinning av naturressurser. Samtidig vil den teknologiske utviklingen gi oss sensorer med høyere kapasitet og bedre oppløsning i tid og rom. I denne oppgaven har fokus vært å analysere målenøyaktigheten til bakkebasert interferometrisk radar med hensyn til deteksjon og overvåkning av submillimeter bevegelser for geologisk overvåkning. Vi har gjort målinger og analysert data fra overvåkning av en ustabil fjellside, og vi har gjort målinger av strømningshastighet på en isbre. Til disse målingene har vi brukt to forskjellige radarsystemer. Radaren som er brukt til overvåkning av den ustabile fjellsiden har en antenne med fast åpning, mens radaren brukt til målingene av strømningshastighet på isbreen har en antenne som styres elektronisk. Den elektronisk styrte antennen gjør det mulig å avbilde isbreens overflate med en høy oppløsning i tid og rom. Begge radarene er utviklet av radarfirmaet ISPAS AS. Radaren som er brukt til overvåkning av den ustabile fjellsiden er utviklet og installert før denne oppgaven ble påbegynt, mens radaren som ble brukt til isbremålingene er utviklet i tiden denne oppgaven er gjennomført.Research Council of Norway ; ISPAS ASpublishedVersio

    Ground-Based Differential Interferometric Radar Monitoring of Unstable Mountain Blocks in a Coastal Environment

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    In this paper, we present the results of eight years of continuous monitoring with a ground-based, interferometric, real-aperture radar of two unstable mountain blocks at Tafjord on the western coast of Norway. A real-time, interferometric, ground-based radar has the capability to provide high accuracy range measurements by using the phase of the transmitted signal, thus achieving sub-millimeter accuracy when a sufficient signal-to-noise level is present. The main challenge with long term monitoring is the variations in radio refractivity caused by changes in the atmosphere. The range variations caused by refractive changes in the atmosphere are corrected using meteorological data. We use triangular corner reflectors as references to improve the signal-to-clutter ratio and improve the accuracy of the measurements. We have also shown that by using differential interferometry, a significant part of the variation caused by radio refractivity variations is removed. The overall reduction in path length variation when using differential interferometry varies from 27 to 164 times depending on the radar-to-reflector path length. The measurements reveal cyclic seasonal variations, which are coherent with air temperature. The results show that radar measurements are as accurate as data from in situ instruments like extensometers and crack meters, making it possible to monitor inaccessible areas. The total measured displacement is between 1.2 mm and 4.7 mm for the two monitored mountain blocks

    Environmental monitoring with ground-based interferometric radar systems

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    The need for environmental monitoring is increasing with climate changes and natural resources exploitation, but the monitoring possibilities are also improving with the technological development enabling high spatial and temporal resolution. In this thesis, we address the accuracy and use of interferometric ground-based radar for detecting and monitoring of sub-millimetre surface displacements for geotechnical applications. We have focused on monitoring of rock slope failures, and glacier flow and calving events. We have used two different radar-systems in these two applications. The radar used to monitor rock slopes has a real aperture antenna, while the radar used for glacier flow monitoring has an electronically steered phased-array antenna. The latter makes it possible to scan the surface of the glacier with high temporal and spatial resolution. Both radars are designed and implemented by the radar company ISPAS AS. The radar used for mountain monitoring was developed and installed before this Ph.D.-project was undertaken, but the electronic scanning radar was built during this thesis. The design and development of the radar is not addressed this thesis