31 research outputs found

    Fundus topographical distribution patterns of ocular toxoplasmosis

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    BACKGROUND: To establish topographic maps and determine fundus distribution patterns of ocular toxoplasmosis (OT) lesions. METHODS: In this retrospective study, patients who presented with OT to ophthalmology clinics from four countries (Argentina, Turkey, UK, USA) were included. Size, shape and location of primary (1°)/recurrent (2°) and active/inactive lesions were converted into a two-dimensional retinal chart by a retinal drawing software. A final contour map of the merged image charts was then created using a custom Matlab programme. Descriptive analyses were performed. RESULTS: 984 lesions in 514 eyes of 464 subjects (53% women) were included. Mean area of all 1° and 2° lesions was 5.96±12.26 and 5.21±12.77 mm2, respectively. For the subset group lesions (eyes with both 1° and 2° lesions), 1° lesions were significantly larger than 2° lesions (5.52±6.04 mm2 vs 4.09±8.90 mm2, p=0.038). Mean distances from foveola to 1° and 2° lesion centres were 6336±4267 and 5763±3491 µm, respectively. The majority of lesions were found in temporal quadrant (p<0.001). Maximum overlap of all lesions was at 278 µm inferotemporal to foveola. CONCLUSION: The 1° lesions were larger than 2° lesions. The 2° lesions were not significantly closer to fovea than 1° lesions. Temporal quadrant and macular region were found to be densely affected underlining the vision threatening nature of the disease

    Milli Gelir Guncellemeleri

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    [TR] Bu calismada milli gelir ve bilesenlerinde yapilan guncellemeler incelenmistir. Sonuclar, ilk aciklanan verilerin genelde guncellendigini gostermektedir. Milli gelir buyumesindeki guncellemenin sinirli oldugu donemlerde dahi bilesenlerde belirgin guncellemeler olabilmektedir. Bu durum, talep analizi acisindan ilk aciklanan verilere zaman zaman temkinli yaklasmak gerektigine ve milli gelir disindaki gostergelerin bilgi degerini etkin bicimde kullanmanin onemine isaret etmektedir. [EN] In this study, revisions to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and its components are analyzed. Results indicate that initial figures are generally revised and there may be substantial revisions to the components, compensating each other, even for the periods when the revision to the GDP growth is negligible. In this regard, analysis of demand developments should take into account that data may be revised and hence using information content of the indicators other than national accounts data is important.

    Sanayi Uretimine Iliskin Piyasa Beklentilerindeki Sapmalar ve Takvim Etkisi

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    Bu notta Ekim 2003 – Aralik 2009 doneminde, sanayi uretiminin yillik degisimine iliskin piyasa tahminlerindeki sapmanin buyuklugu ile calisilan gun sayisi arasindaki iliski incelenmistir. Incelenen donemde, calisilan gun sayisinda degisiklik oldugu donemlerde piyasa beklentileri ile gerçeklesmeler arasindaki farkin arttigi gorulmustur.

    Entry to Export Markets and Productivity: Analysis of Matched Firms in Turkey

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    There are sunk costs associated with exporting, hence some firms export and others do not. Research shows that exporters are more productive, employ more workers, and have more capital. Nevertheless, this association does not give a causal relation between firm-specific characteristics and exporting. Therefore, we investigate the effect of entering into export market on productivity and employment with firm-level data using matching and difference-in-difference techniques. We end up with two main conclusions. First, larger and more productive firms self select into export market. Second, starting to export further increases labor productivity and employment.Exporting, productivity, matching, difference in difference

    Location of a Dexamethasone Implant at the Macula after Intravitreal Injection in a Silicone Oil-Filled Eye

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    Here, we report a case with cystoid macular edema (CME) due to central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO) presented with a dexamethasone implant (Ozurdex) trapped at the macula in her silicone oil- (SO-) filled eye after injection. No additional complications such as intraocular pressure (IOP) rise or retinal damage were observed. The CME was resolved during the follow-up period. At the last visit, 3 months following the injection, Ozurdex implant was found to be mostly dissolved without any additional ocular complications

    Comparison of clinical and radiological outcomes of Lindgren-Turan and Chevron osteotomies in the treatment of Hallux valgus

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate clinical and radiological outcomes of Lindgren-Turan and Chevron osteotomies in the treatment of hallux valgus

    Turkiye Ekonomisi Is Cevrimlerinin Kuresel Ekonomi ile Iliskisi

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    [TR] Bu calismada Turkiye ekonomisinin kuresel ekonomi ile iliskisi incelenmektedir. Bu dogrultuda, milli gelirimiz ile bilesenlerinin cevrimleriyle ABD ve euro bolgesi is cevrimleri arasindaki korelasyonlar farkli frekans bantlari icin hesaplanmistir. Sonuclar, Turkiye ekonomisinin euro bolgesi ile daha cok kisa ve orta vadede, ABD ile ise daha ziyade orta ve uzun vadede iliskili olduguna isaret etmektedir. ABD ile olan iliskinin gucu, dis ticaretten baska kanallarin da ekonomimiz icin onemini gostermektedir. Ayrica sonuclar, Turkiye ekonomisinin bu iki ekonomi ile iliskisinin derecesinin 2001 sonrasi donemde kayda deger olcude arttigini gostermektedir. [EN] In this study, we aim at investigating the sensitivity of Turkish economy to the global economy. In this framework, we calculate the correlation between “cycles of gross domestic product (GDP) and its components” and “cycles of the US GDP and Euro Area GDP” for different frequency bands. The results indicate that Euro Area developments are correlated with Turkish economy mostly in the short and medium term while the developments in the US economy are correlated with Turkish economy mostly in the medium and long run. The high correlation with the US also suggests that non-trade channels for Turkish economy are also important. In addition, results show that the correlation of the Turkish economy with foreign economies significantly increased after 2001.

    Acoustic evidence of shallow gas accumulations and active pockmarks in the Izmir Gulf, Aegean sea

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    Based on high-resolution Chirp seismic, multibeam bathymetry and side scan sonar data collected in the Izmir Gulf, Aegean Sea in 2008 and 2010, gas-related structures have been identified, which can be classified into three categories: (1) shallow gas accumulations and gas chimneys, (2) mud diapirs, and (3) active and inactive pockmarks. On the Chirp profiles, shallow gas accumulations were observed along the northern coastline of the outer Izmir Gulf at 3-20 m below the seabed. They appear as acoustic turbidity zones and are interpreted as biogenic gas accumulations produced in organic-rich highstand fan sediments from the Gediz River. The diapiric structures are interpreted as shale or mud diapirs formed under lateral compression due to regional counter-clockwise rotation of Anatolian microplate. Furthermore, the sedimentary structure at the flanks suggests a continuous upward movement of the diapirs. Several pockmarks exist close to fault traces to the east of Hekim Island; most of them were associated with acoustic plumes indicating active degassing during the survey period in 2008. Another Chirp survey was carried out just over these plumes in 2010 to demonstrate if the gas seeps were still active. The surveys indicate that the gas seep is an ongoing process in the gulf. Based on the Chirp data, we proposed that the pockmark formation in the area can be explained by protracted seep model, whereby sediment erosion and re distribution along pockmark walls result from ongoing (or long lasting) seepage of fluids over long periods of time. The existence of inactive pockmarks in the vicinity, however, implies that gas seepage may eventually cease or that it is periodic. Most of the active pockmarks are located over the fault planes, likely indicating that the gas seepage is controlled by active faulting. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Natural and anthropogenic submarine morphologies revealed by high resolution acoustic data in the Gulf of Izmir, western Turkey

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    This study includes the interpretation of submarine morphological structures using the multibeam echo sounder bathymetry and CHIRP high resolution seismic in the Gulf of Izmir. The faults as the indicator of active tectonics, submarine channels, gas seeps, active and inactive pockmarks are the main natural morphological features in the gulf. Additionally, man-made (anthropogenic) structures like navigation channels, excavation debrises and ships wrecks are also observed. Geomorphological development of the gulf is controlled by the active faults in the Neotectonic period. Therefore, detection of active faults is very critical for the morphology of the gulf where many faults with different orientations have been interpreted on the seismic data. In the central-outer part of the gulf to the W NW, there are some normal faults trending in the N NW and S SE direction, and in the eastern and southern part of the gulf, E-W trending normal faults are evident in the seabed topography

    Incidence and type of foot deformities in patients with spina bifida according to level of lesion

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    WOS: 000370043300019PubMed ID: 26518781The previously suggested association between the incidence of high-level foot deformity and muscle imbalance is no longer supported, when evaluated independent from motor and sensory loss and level of lesion, by current studies. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the association between level of lesion and foot deformity. Of 545 patients, a total of 136 (272 feet) patients admitted to the spina bifida clinic between 2010 and 2014 were included in this study. Levels of all lesions were evaluated using initial operation data, the motor-sensory exams, and direct radiography. All patients were categorized into four different groups: Thoracic region (group 1), high-level lumbar-L1-2 region (group 2), mild and lower lumbar regions (L3-4-5) (group 3), and Sacral region (group 4). The mean follow-up time was 34.9 months (range 8-176 months). Group 1, group 2, group 3, and group 4 included 24 (17.6 %), 14 (10.3 %), 19 (14 %), and 79 (58.1 %) patients with regards to level of lesion, respectively. The incidences of foot deformity were 85.4, 85.7, 81.5, and 50.6 % in groups 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. Of all patients, 22 % (61 feet) had clubfoot, 16 % (44 feet) pes cavus, 10 % (26 feet) pes valgus, 6 % (17 feet) isolated equinus, 6 % (17 feet) pes calcaneus, and 5 % (13 feet) metatarsus adductus. Patients without a foot deformity (81 % of normal feet) usually had a lesion at the sacral level (p a parts per thousand currency signaEuro parts per thousand 0.05). On the other hand, isolated equinus (70 %) and clubfoot (49 %) deformities were mostly observed in spinal lesions (p > 0.05). The incidence of pes calcaneus, pes valgus, and adductus deformities inclined as the lesion level decreased (p > 0.05). In this study, it was concluded that foot deformities were directly related to the level of lesion. The comparison of higher and lower level lesions revealed that the types of foot deformity differed significantly. The muscle imbalance due to spina bifida was not sufficient to explain the pathology. On the other hand, the level of spinal lesion is an important factor for the type of deformity