88 research outputs found

    Is There a Correlation Between Teacher Efficacy and Effectiveness to Re-Engage At-Risk Students and Graduate On Time?

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    Teachers are in the perfect position to be an influential source of help to students with life and academic circumstances that inhibit them from staying on the path to graduation, but they often underestimate their role in helping students develop the resilience to do so. Re-engaging students in the learning process who are severely off the graduation path may threaten the teacher’s efficacy. Once school personnel have identified students with at-risk indicators this questions still exists: Are teachers ready to intervene in ways that will help students re-engage in school and become resilient so that they graduate on time? The study examined the impact of teacher efficacy beliefs on teacher perceptions of effectiveness in helping students at-risk of graduating on time. One hundred and forty-four teachers of grade 4, grade 7, and grade 9 who taught English Language Arts and/or math from one large school system in south Louisiana participated. The findings show that teachers responded in a highly efficacious manner but efficacy by grade level and subject area did not statistically differ. Teachers’ perceptions of their effectiveness in assisting students re-engage academically did not differ significantly by grade level and subject area but did so for helping students re-engage behaviorally. In addition, teacher perceptions in assisting students with behavioral deficiencies was significant and positively correlated with teacher efficacy for grade 4 math and ELA teachers as well as grade 7 math teachers. Significant correlations were found for teacher perceptions in assisting students with academic deficiencies and the Student Engagement subscale of teacher efficacy for grade 4 math and ELA teachers, grade 9 ELA teachers as well as grade 9 math teachers. Given the variety of at-risk indicators that young children present in early grades, the results of this study offer insight into the practices that school leaders may establish in order to develop a comprehensive dropout reduction plan. This plan would focus on early identification, prevention and intervention strategies, as well as professional development to increases the efficacy of teachers working with at-risk students

    La política imaginaria de la identidad social

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    E n años recientes, el debate sobre el canon literario ha entrado en una nueva fase, al surgir en la universidad y en los medios populares una fuerte reacción conservadora en contra de la revisión de los planes de estudi

    Multiscale Modeling of Astrophysical Jets

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    We are developing the capability for a multi-scale code to model the energy deposition rate and momentum transfer rate of an astrophysical jet which generates strong plasma turbulence in its interaction with the ambient medium through which it propagates. We start with a highly parallelized version of the VH-1 Hydrodynamics Code (Coella and Wood 1984, and Saxton et al., 2005). We are also considering the PLUTO code (Mignone et al. 2007) to model the jet in the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) and relativistic, magnetohydrodynamic (RMHD) regimes. Particle-in-Cell approaches are also being used to benchmark a wave-population models of the two-stream instability and associated plasma processes in order to determine energy deposition and momentum transfer rates for these modes of jet-ambient medium interactions. We show some elements of the modeling of these jets in this paper, including energy loss and heating via plasma processes, and large scale hydrodynamic and relativistic hydrodynamic simulations. A preliminary simulation of a jet from the galactic center region is used to lend credence to the jet as the source of the so-called the Fermi Bubble (see, e.g., Su, M. & Finkbeiner, D. P., 2012)*It is with great sorrow that we acknowledge the loss of our colleague and friend of more than thirty years, Dr. John Ural Guillory, to his battle with cancer

    Hepatic cell mobilization for protection against ischemic myocardial injury

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    The heart is capable of activating protective mechanisms in response to ischemic injury to support myocardial survival and performance. These mechanisms have been recognized primarily in the ischemic heart, involving paracrine signaling processes. Here, we report a distant cardioprotective mechanism involving hepatic cell mobilization to the ischemic myocardium in response to experimental myocardial ischemia–reperfusion (MI-R) injury. A parabiotic mouse model was generated by surgical skin-union of two mice and used to induce bilateral MI-R injury with unilateral hepatectomy, establishing concurrent gain- and loss-of-hepatic cell mobilization conditions. Hepatic cells, identified based on the cell-specific expression of enhanced YFP, were found in the ischemic myocardium of parabiotic mice with intact liver (0.2 ± 0.1%, 1.1 ± 0.3%, 2.7 ± 0.6, and 0.7 ± 0.4% at 1, 3, 5, and 10 days, respectively, in reference to the total cell nuclei), but not significantly in the ischemic myocardium of parabiotic mice with hepatectomy (0 ± 0%, 0.1 ± 0.1%, 0.3 ± 0.2%, and 0.08 ± 0.08% at the same time points). The mobilized hepatic cells were able to express and release trefoil factor 3 (TFF3), a protein mitigating MI-R injury as demonstrated in TFF3−/− mice (myocardium infarcts 17.6 ± 2.3%, 20.7 ± 2.6%, and 15.3 ± 3.8% at 1, 5, and 10 days, respectively) in reference to wildtype mice (11.7 ± 1.9%, 13.8 ± 2.3%, and 11.0 ± 1.8% at the same time points). These observations suggest that MI-R injury can induce hepatic cell mobilization to support myocardial survival by releasing TFF3

    From Tethered to Freestanding Stabilizers of 14-3-3 Protein-Protein Interactions through Fragment Linking

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    Small-molecule stabilization of protein-protein interactions (PPIs) is a promising strategy in chemical biology and drug discovery. However, the systematic discovery of PPI stabilizers remains a largely unmet challenge. Herein we report a fragment-linking approach targeting the interface of 14-3-3 and a peptide derived from the estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) protein. Two classes of fragments—a covalent and a noncovalent fragment—were co-crystallized and subsequently linked, resulting in a noncovalent hybrid molecule in which the original fragment interactions were largely conserved. Supported by 20 crystal structures, this initial hybrid molecule was further optimized, resulting in selective, 25-fold stabilization of the 14-3-3/ERα interaction. The high-resolution structures of both the single fragments, their co-crystal structures and those of the linked fragments document a feasible strategy to develop orthosteric PPI stabilizers by linking to an initial tethered fragment.</p

    Unworking Milton: Steps to a Georgics of the Mind

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    Traditionally read as a poem about laboring subjects who gain power through abstract and abstracting forms of bodily discipline, John Milton’s Paradise Lost (1667, 1674) more compellingly foregrounds the erotics of the Garden as a space where humans and nonhumans intra-act materially and sexually. Following Christopher Hill, who long ago pointed to not one but two revolutions in the history of seventeenth-century English radicalism—the first, ‘the one which succeeded[,] . . . the protestant ethic’; and the second, ‘the revolution which never happened,’ which sought ‘communal property, a far wider democracy[,] and rejected the protestant ethic’—I show how Milton’s Paradise Lost gives substance to ‘the revolution which never happened’ by imagining a commons, indeed a communism, in which human beings are not at the center of things, but rather constitute one part of the greater ecology of mind within Milton’s poem. In the space created by this ecological reimagining, plants assume a new agency. I call this reimagining ‘ecology to come.

    Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN) Conference and Expo

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    Meeting Abstracts: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN) Conference and Expo Clearwater Beach, FL, USA. 9-11 June 201

    La política imaginaria de la identidad social de la representacion

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    En años recientes, el debate sobre el canon literario haentrado en una nueva fase, al surgir en la universidad yen los medios populares una fuerte reacción conservadora en contra de la revisión de los planes de estudio