9,954 research outputs found

    Whipping Instabilities in Electrified Liquid Jets

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    A liquid jet may develop different types of instabilities, like the so-called Rayleigh-Plateau instability, which breaks the jet into droplets. However, another type of instabilities may appear when we electrify a liquid jet and induce some charge at his surface. Among them, the most common is the so-called Whipping Instability, which is characterized by violent and fast lashes of the jet. In the submitted fluid dynamic video(see http://hdl.handle.net/1813/11422), we will show an unstable charged glycerine jet in a dielectric liquid bath, which permits an enhanced visualization of the instability. For this reason, it is probably the first time that these phenomena are visualized with enough clarity to analyze features as the effect of the feeding liquid flow rate through the jet or as the surprising spontaneous stabilization at some critical distance to the ground electrode.Comment: 3 pages, no figures, links to videos, Submission to the 26th Gallery of Fluid Motion (2009

    Vacuum stability of the effective Higgs potential in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model

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    The parameters of the Higgs potential of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) receive large radiative corrections which lift the mass of the lightest Higgs boson to the measured value of 126 GeV. Depending on the MSSM parameters, these radiative corrections may also lead to the situation that the local minimum corresponding to the electroweak vacuum state is not the global minimum of the Higgs potential. We analyze the stability of the vacuum for the case of heavy squark masses as favored by current LHC data. To this end we first consider an effective Lagrangian obtained by integrating out the heavy squarks and then study the MSSM one-loop effective potential V_eff, which comprises all higher-dimensional Higgs couplings of the effective Lagrangian. We find that only the second method gives correct results and argue that the criterion of vacuum stability should be included in phenomenological analyses of the allowed MSSM parameter space. Discussing the cases of squark masses of 1 and 2 TeV we show that the criterion of vacuum stability excludes a portion of the MSSM parameter space in which (mu tanbeta) and A_t are large.Comment: minor changes in text and list of references, figures in eps format, matches published version; Erratum added and sent to PR

    Ready-to-use post-Newtonian gravitational waveforms for binary black holes with non-precessing spins: An update

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    For black-hole binaries whose spins are (anti-) aligned with respect to the orbital angular momentum of the binary, we compute the frequency domain phasing coefficients including the quadratic-in-spin terms up to the third post-Newtonian (3PN) order, the cubic-in-spin terms at the leading order, 3.5PN, and the spin-orbit effects up to the 4PN order. In addition, we obtain the 2PN spin contributions to the amplitude of the frequency-domain gravitational waveforms for non-precessing binaries, using recently derived expressions for the time-domain polarization amplitudes of binaries with generic spins, complete at that accuracy level. These two results are updates to Arun et al. (2009) [1] for amplitude and Wade et al. (2013) [2] for phasing. They should be useful to construct banks of templates that model accurately non-precessing inspiraling binaries, for parameter estimation studies, and or constructing analytical template families that accounts for the inspiral-merger-ringdown phases of the binary.Comment: 8 pages, an additional file (readable in MATHEMATICA) containing all the key results included in the sourc

    Optical Probe of Quantum Shot Noise Reduction at a Single-Atom Contact

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    Visible and infra-red light emitted at a Ag-Ag(111) junction has been investigated from tunneling to single atom contact conditions with a scanning tunneling microscope. The light intensity varies in a highly nonlinear fashion with the conductance of the junction and exhibits a minimum at conductances close to the conductance quantum. The data are interpreted in terms of current noise at optical frequencies, which is characteristic of partially open transport channels

    The Devil is in the Shadow Do institutions affect income and productivity or only official income and official productivity

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    This paper assesses the relationship between institutions, output, and productivity, when official output is corrected for the size of the shadow economy. Our results confirm the usual positive impact of institutional quality on official output and total factor productivity, and its negative impact on the size of the underground economy. However, once output is corrected for the shadow economy, the relationship between institutions and output becomes weaker. The impact of institutions on total (corrected) factor productivity even becomes insignificant. Differences in corrected output must then be attributed to differences in factor endowments. These results survive several tests for robustness. --shadow economy,income,aggregate productivity,development accounting

    On tidal capture of primordial black holes by neutron stars

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    The fraction of primordial black holes (PBHs) of masses 1017102610^{17} - 10^{26} g in the total amount of dark matter may be constrained by considering their capture by neutron stars (NSs), which leads to the rapid destruction of the latter. The constraints depend crucially on the capture rate which, in turn, is determined by the energy loss by a PBH passing through a NS. Two alternative approaches to estimate the energy loss have been used in the literature: the one based on the dynamical friction mechanism, and another on tidal deformations of the NS by the PBH. The second mechanism was claimed to be more efficient by several orders of magnitude due to the excitation of particular oscillation modes reminiscent of the surface waves. We address this disagreement by considering a simple analytically solvable model that consists of a flat incompressible fluid in an external gravitational field. In this model, we calculate the energy loss by a PBH traversing the fluid surface. We find that the excitation of modes with the propagation velocity smaller than that of PBH is suppressed, which implies that in a realistic situation of a supersonic PBH the large contributions from the surface waves are absent and the above two approaches lead to consistent expressions for the energy loss.Comment: 7 page

    Courbes d'excitation des réactions 18O(p,p1γ) 18O* et 18O(p,α1,2,3γ)15N* de 3,2 à 5,4 MeV

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    Les courbes d'excitation des réactions 18O(p, p1) 18O* et 18O(p, α1,2,3)15N* ont été mesurées pour les énergies incidentes de 3,2 à 5,4 MeV. Les courbes montrent, pour certaines énergies, des anticorrélations entre les voies de sortie proton et alpha. Si cet effet peut être attribué à la conservation du spin isobarique dans les réactions, il détermine le spin isobarique de quelques états excités du noyau composé 19F

    La liturgia del trabajo. «Levantado de la tierra, atraeré a todos hacia mí» (Jn 12, 32) en la experiencia de San Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer.

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    Con la exaltación de la Cruz, las palabras de Jn 12, 32 profetizan el abajamiento y la glorificación de Cristo, cuyo amor así manifestado atrae a todos los hombres. San Josemaría recibe el texto joánico de manera original: es el trabajo del hombre lo que eleva la cruz en el mundo y lleva a la humanidad entera hacia ella. Jn 12, 32 se interpreta también como anuncio del culto cristiano, y particularmente de la Eucaristía. Así, culto y trabajo se encuentran: son obra de Dios, oración, sacrificio y apostolado. En torno a la ofrenda de la vida se perfila una verdadera liturgia del trabajo

    Influence of shear stress applied during flow stoppage and rest period on the mechanical properties of thixotropic suspensions

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    We study the solid mechanical properties of several thixotropic suspensions as a function of the shear stress history applied during their flow stoppage and their aging in their solid state. We show that their elastic modulus and yield stress depend strongly on the shear stress applied during their solid-liquid transition (i.e., during flow stoppage) while applying the same stress only before or only after this transition may induce only second-order effects: there is negligible dependence of the mechanical properties on the preshear history and on the shear stress applied at rest. We also found that the suspensions age with a structuration rate that hardly depends on the stress history. We propose a physical sketch based on the freezing of a microstructure whose anisotropy depends on the stress applied during the liquid-solid transition to explain why the mechanical properties depend strongly on this stress. This sketch points out the role of the internal forces in the colloidal suspensions' behavior. We finally discuss briefly the macroscopic consequences of this phenomenon and show the importance of using a controlled-stress rheometer