199 research outputs found

    Ampliación del Museo de Arte Moderno de Céret

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    El proyecto de ampliación del museo de arte moderno de Céret (Francia), dispone de unos terrenos situados en el interior de la manzana delimitada por las calles Marechal Joffre, Georges Clemenceau, Joseph Parayre y Jacques Souquet. La construcción tendrá una altura máxima de dos plantas y una ocupación máxima del 50% (411,9 m2) dentro de los terrenos ya mencionados

    Modular construction design of a composite catamaran based on FIBRE4YARDS technologies

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    The main objective of FIBRE4YARDS project is to maintain European global leadership in ship building and ship maintenance, through implementation of the Shipyard 4.0 concept in which advanced and innovative FRP manufacturing technologies are successfully introduced. This project has received funding from European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement n°101006860

    Diseño de construcción modular de un catamarán de materiales compuestos basado en las tecnologías FIBRE4YARDS

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    The main objective of FIBRE4YARDS project is to maintain European global leadership in ship building and ship maintenance, through implementation of the Shipyard 4.0 concept in which advanced and innovative FRP manufacturing technologies are successfully introduced. This project has received funding from European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement n°101006860

    Assessment of secondary bubble formation on a backward-facing step geometry

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    Flow visualization experiments and numerical simulations were performed on a narrow three-dimensional backward-facing step (BFS) flow with the main objective of characterizing the secondary bubble appearing at the top wall. The BFS has been widely studied because of its geometrical simplicity as well as its ability to reproduce most of the flow features appearing in many applications in which separation occurs. A BFS test rig with an expansion ratio of 2 and two aspect ratios (AR = 4 and AR = 8) was developed. Tests were performed at range of Reynolds numbers ranging from 50 to 1000; visualization experiments provided a qualitative description of secondary bubble and wall-jet flows. Large eddy simulations were carried out with two different codes for validation. Numerical solutions, once validated with experimental data from the literature, were used to acquire a deeper understanding of the experimental visualizations, to characterize the secondary bubble as a function of the flow variables (Reynolds and AR) and to analyze the effect of the secondary bubble on primary reattachment length. Finally, to decouple the sidewall effects due to the non-slip condition and the intrinsic flow three-dimensionality, numerical experiments with free-slip conditions over the sidewalls were computed. The main differences were as follows: When the non-slip condition is used, the secondary bubble appears at a Reynolds number of approximately 200, increases with the Reynolds number, and is limited to a small part of the span. This recirculation zone interacts with the wall-jets and causes the maximum and minimum lengths in the reattachment line of the primary recirculation. Under free slip conditions, the recirculation bubble appears at a higher Reynolds number and covers the entire channel span. Published by AIP Publishing

    Diseño de plataforma de caracterización electrónica en CubeSat

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    Este trabajo consiste en la elaboración de la programación que requiere un microcontrolador para el testeo de componentes en el espacio. Este microcontrolador forma parte de un sistema embebido que cumple las directivas del CubeSat. La misión concreta del microcontrolador es estudiar la degradación de una serie de componentes (un diodo y un BJT) cuando se ven afectados por la radiación. Usamos I2C para la comunicación y tomaremos medidas con varios ADC.This work consists of the elaboration of the programming that requires a microcontroller for the testing of components in space. This microcontroller is part of an embedded system that complies with the directives of the CubeSat. The specific mission of the microcontroller is to study the degradation of a series of components (a diode and a BJT) when they are affected by radiation. We use I2C for communication and will take action with various ADCs.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Ingeniería en Tecnologías Industriale

    Synthesis of Highly Enantiomerically Enriched Amines by Asymmetric Transfer Hydrogenation of N-(tert-Butylsulfinyl)Imines

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    We thank the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN; grant no. CONSOLIDER INGENIO 2010-CSD2007-00006, CTQ2007-65218 and CTQ11-24151), the Generalitat Valenciana (Grant No. PROMETEO/2009/039 and FEDER), and the University of Alicante for generous and continuous financial support, as well as MEDALCHEMY S.L. for a gift of chemicals. O. P. thanks the Spanish Ministerio de Educación for a predoctoral fellowship (Grant no. AP-2008-00989)