68 research outputs found

    Продукция провоспалительных цитокинов и состояние клеточного иммунитета у больных ту- беркулезом легких с рецидивом и без рецидива.

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    The purpose of the study was to conduct a comparative study of the synthesis of pro-inflammatory cytokines, the state of cellular immunity, free radical oxidation reactions and antioxidant protection in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis with and without relapse. Material and methods. The study was carried out on two groups of patients: the first group basic which included 39 patients with relapsed pulmonary tuberculosis (TBR); 2nd control group 39 patients with non-relapsed pulmonary tuberculosis (TB). Pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α, IL-2 IL-6), CD-3 lymphocyte content, lymphocyte blast transformation response to phytohemagglutinin and tuberculin, NBT-test, AOPP, SOD, and catalase were determined in patients of both groups and healthy people. Results. In patients with tuberculosis with relapses, compared with patients without relapses, complaints of cough and dyspnea were more often presented, a longer duration of hospitalization, late abacillation. In patients with relapses, a pronounced suppression of the functional and specific activity of lymphocytes and neutrophils was noted, which is confirmed by high levels of lipid peroxidation (Advanced Oxidation Protein Products AORP) and low levels of the antioxidant system (SOD and catalase). The high content of pro-inflammatory cytokines in patients with relapses indicates a higher activity of the inflammatory process in these patients and corresponds to a low blast formation rate for both phytohemagglutinin and tuberculin. Conclusion. Сhanges in the content of pro-inflammatory cytokines, the state of cellular immunity and the characteristics of reactions of free radical oxidation and antioxidant protection indicate a higher activity of the inflammatory process in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis with relapses compared to patients without relapses, which led to a longer duration of hospitalization, late abacillation.Scopul a fost realizarea unui studiu comparativ al sintezei citokinelor proinflamatorii, al stării imunității celulare, al reacțiilor de oxidare a radicalilor liberi și al protecției antioxidante la pacienții cu tuberculoză pulmonară cu și fără recidivă. Material si metode. Studiul a fost realizat pe două loturi de pacienți: I lotul de bază - 39 de pacienți cu tuberculoză pulmonară cu recidivă (TBR); аl 2-lea - lot de control - 39 de pacienți cu tuberculoză pulmonară fără recidivă (TB). Citokinele proinflamatorii (TNF-α, IL-2 IL-6), conținutul de limfocite CD-3, răspunsul la transformarea blastică a limfocitelor la fitohemaglutinină și tuberculină, testul NBT, AOPP, SOD și catalaza au fost determinate la pacienții din ambele loturiși persoаne sanatoase.Rezultate. La pacienții cu tuberculoză cu recidive, comparativ cu pacienții fără recidive, s-au prezentat mai des plângeri de tuse și dispnee, o durată mai lungă de spitalizare, abacilare tardivă. La pacienții cu recidive s-a observat o suprimare pronunțată a activității funcționale și specifice a limfocitelor și neutrofilelor, ceea ce este confirmat de niveluri ridicate de peroxidare lipidică (Advanced Oxidation Protein Products - AORP) și niveluri scăzute ale sistemului antioxidant (SOD și catalaza). Conținutul ridicat de citokine proinflamatorii la pacienții cu recidive indică o activitate mai mare a procesului inflamator și corespunde unei rate scăzute de formare a blastului atât pentru fitohemaglutinină, cât și pentru tuberculină. Concluzie. Modificările conținutului de citokine proinflamatorii, starea imunității celulare și caracteristicile reacțiilor de oxidare a radicalilor liberi și protecție antioxidantă indică o activitate mai mare a procesului inflamator la pacienții cu tuberculoză pulmonară cu recidive comparativ cu pacienții fără recidive, ceea ce a condus la o durată mai lungă de spitalizare, abacilare tardivă.. Cuvinte cheie: Citokine proinflamatorii, tuberculoză, recidivă, imunitate celularăЦель исследования - провести сравнительное исследование синтеза провоспалительных цитокинов, состояния клеточного иммунитета, реакций свободно-радикального окисления и антиоксидантной защиты у больных с туберкулезом легких с рецидивом и без рецидива. Материал и методы. Исследование проводили на двух группах больных: 1-я основная группа - 39 больных туберкулезом легких с рецидивом; 2-я контрольная группа - 39 больных туберкулезом легких без рецидива. У больных обеих групп и здоровых определяли провоспалительные цитокины (TNF-α, IL-2 IL-6), содержание CD-3 лимфоцитов, реакцию бласттрансформации лимфоцитов на фитогемагглютинин и туберкулин, NBT-test, AOPP, SOD и каталаза. Результаты. У больных туберкулезом с рецидивами по сравнению с больными без рецидивов чаще предъявлялись жалобы на кашель и одышку, больший срок госпитализации, поздняя абацилляция. У больных с рецидивами отмечено выраженное подавление функциональной и специфической активности лимфоцитов и нейтрофилов, что подтверждается высокими показателями перекисного окисления липидов (Advanced Oxidation Protein Products - АОРP) и низкими показателями антиоксидантной системы (SOD и каталаза). Высокое содержание провоспалительных цитокинов у больных с рецидивами свидетельствует о более высокой активности воспалительного процесса у этих больных и соответствует низкому показателю бластообразования как на фитогемагглютинин, так и на туберкулин. Заключение. Изменения содержания провоспалительных цитокинов, состояния клеточного иммунитета и особенностей реакций свободнорадикального окисления и антиоксидантной защиты свидетельствуют о более высокой активности воспалительного процесса у больных c туберкулезом легких с рецидивами по сравнению с больными без рецидивов, что обусловило большую продолжительность лечения в стационар, позднее абацилирование

    Markers of the oxidative stress and antioxidant system in pulmonary drug susceptible and drug resistant tuberculosis

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    Department of Pneumophtisiology, Nicolae Testemitsanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Biochemistry, Laboratory of Clinical Biochemistry, Chisinau, the Republic of MoldovaBackground: The oxidative stress biomarkers in tuberculosis were studied, but the differences between the pulmonary drug susceptible and drug resistant forms were not identified. Material and methods: A prospective, case-control study, which included 51 patients, distributed in 2 groups: the 1st study group (N=24 new cases with drug susceptible tuberculosis) and the 2nd group (N=27 new cases with MDR-TB) similar distributed according to the sex and age were compared with a control group constituted from 36 healthy persons. The intensity of the oxidative stress was appreciated through the serum concentration of the advanced oxidation protein products, lysosomal marker N-acetil-β-D-glucosaminidase, advanced glycation end-products (AGEs ). The antioxidant defense was assessed through the total serum antioxidant activity, the activity of the glutathione enzymes and proteins with antioxidant role. Results: In MDR-TB carbohydrate peroxidation biomarker versperlysines-like AGEs was diminshed, as well as the serum antioxidant defense assessed through CUPRAC method. In drug susceptible tuberculosis was established the elevation of the protein peroxidation, high lysosomal membrane damage and increased acute phase protein – ceruloplasmine. Antioxidant enzyme glutathione S-transferase had lower activity in both types of tuberculosis which contributed to the increasing of the γ-glutamyltransferase. Conclusions: The oxidative stress level was more elevated in drug susceptible tuberculosis and antioxidant defense was more impaired in the MDR-TB group. The antioxidant biomarker – glutathione S-transferase activity, was lower in both types of tuberculosis which increased the γ-glutamyltransferase activity. The polymorphism assessment of the glutathione S-transferase enzyme is important for the individualized therapy and reducing the toxicity of the anti-tuberculosis treatmen

    The dynamics of the pyrophosphatase in primary and secondary osteoporosis and under the influence of bioremedies of algal origin

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    Laboratorul Biochimie al Laboratorului Central Ştiinţific al USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”The dynamics study of the inorganic pyrophosphatase activity at 1.5, 3 and 6 months after primary and secondary osteoporosis (OP) induction was performed, that denoted a phasic character of its changes. Biological preparations of algal origin with high content of organic Zn showed pronounced osteoregenerative properties by effective stimulation of inorganic pyrophosphatase activity, the highest eficiency being characteristic for biopreparation BP-Zn1. The research performed confirms a prospect of the studied preparations use as effective osteogenic remedies for the correction of metabolic disturbances caused by OP. Studiul în dinamică, la 1,5; 3 şi la 6 luni de la iniţierea procesului patologic denotă caracterul fazic al modificărilor activităţii pirofosfatazei anorganice, în OP primară şi în cea secundară. Biopreparatele de origine algală, cu un conţinut sporit de Zn organic, manifestă proprietăţi osteoregeneratoare pronunţate prin faptul că stimulează eficient activitatea pirofosfatazei anorganice osoase, prioritar fiind biopreparatul BP-Zn1. Cercetările efectuate confirmă perspectiva utilizării remediilor studiate în calitate de mijloace eficiente de corecţie în dereglările metabolice provocate de osteoporoză

    The disturbances of the antioxidant defense and protein metabolism biomarkers in the serum of the patients with pulmonary tuberculosis

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    Summary Objectives. Evolution of the infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis and treatment outcome depends on the balances between the adaptive immunity to reduce the bacterial replication and the capacity of the antioxidant defense to prevent the damages following the immune activation and oxidative stress. The purpose of the study was to assess the disturbances of the antioxidant defense and protein metabolism in the serum of the patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Material and methods. A prospective, case-control study, which included 137 patients, distributed in 3 groups: 1st study group (N=54 new cases with drug susceptible tuberculosis), 2nd group (N=56 new cases with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis) and 3rd group (N=27 cases with acquired multidrug-resistant tuberculosis) diagnosed between 2017 and 2019, similar distributed according to the sex and age were compared with a control group constituted from 50 healthy persons. The investigations were realized according to the national protocol and biochemical analysis standards. The antioxidant defense was assessed through the total serum antioxidant capacity, the activity of the enzymes and the proteins with antioxidant role: superoxidismutase, catalase, ceruloplasmin and active phase reactants (fibrinogen and C-reactive protein), protein metabolism indicators (total serum proteins, alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase). Results. The depletion of the antioxidant defense was confirmed through the diminished of the total serum antioxidant capacity and superoxidismutase, regardless the drug resistance of mycobacteria, compared with the control group. A higher anti-oxidant protection was demonstrated by the increased activity of catalase in all groups and ceruloplasmin in patients registered as new cases compared with the control group. The acute phase reactants: C-reactive protein and fibrinogen and enzymes of the protein metabolism were increased in all patients, but the concentration was higher in patients who acquired the drug resistance during the treatment. Conclusions. The depletion of the the antioxidant defense, increased acute phase reactants and enzymes of the protein metabolism should be taken into account for recommending the individualized therapy for metabolic disturbances

    Age and sex depending changes of sodium, potassium and chloride contents in bone

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    Laboratorul Biochimie USMF “N. Testemiţanu”Detailed study of the mineral phase of bone tissue at the moment are of particular interest for biomedical research. The research conducted shows changes of different scale and orientation due to age and sex of the concentrations of sodium, potassium and chlorine in bone tissue. The results of the analysis of the correlations and dispersion shows that the contents of sodium, potassium and chlorine in bone tissue depends to a greater extent on the age of the animal than on the sex, but differences due to sex can not be neglected, being important in determining sex and age depanding physiological variations. Studiul detaliat al fazei minerale a ţesutului osos la momentul actual prezintă un interes deosebit pentru cercetarea biomedicală. Datele cercetării realizate denotă modificări determinate de vîrstă şi sex de amploare şi orientare diferită a concentraţiilor sodiului, potasiului şi clorului în ţesutul osos. Din analiza corelaţională şi dispersională a rezultatelor rezultă, că conţinutul de sodiu, potasiu şi clor în ţesutul osos depinde într-o măsură mai mare de vîrsta animalului, decît de sexul lui, dar diferenţele determinate de sex nu pot fi neglijate, fiind importante în stabilirea variaţiilor fiziologice specifice vîrstei şi sexului

    Hemangioamele la copii. Tendințe de tratament

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    Background. Vascular tumors are some of the most common birth defects. In 1982 Muleikin J.B. and Clowacki I. proposed the biological classification system, dividing the vascular maformative anomalies into the biologically active ones (hemangiomas) and biologically inactive - vascular malformations. Objective of the study. of this paper is to clarify the clinical anatomical differences that would facilitate the diagnosis and to present therapeutic options (some new ones) regarding hemangiomas. Material and Methods. From the clinical material of the pediatric surgery service of Natalia Gheorghiu, SPNC for Pediatric Surgery studied over a period of 20 years (2000-2020) we selected for our study a number of 1784 patients with hemangiomas. We evaluated the epidemiology, location, age at which they were diagnosed, complications and methods of diagnosis and treatment. We studied the advantages of intralesional injection of Bleomycin, Corticosteroids, intratumoral and extravascular embolization, laser therapy, mechanical compression, cryotherapy, the use of Propanolol, as well as surgical treatment. Results. Patients with hemangiomas of various locations (cutaneous, pulmonary, reteroperitoneal, hepatic, renal, spinal, facial, scalp, intranasal, labial) benefited from differentiated treatment, on a caseby- case basis. Conclusion. 1. Our study shows the advantages of the non-operative method of treatment of hemangiomas in newborns and infants by intralesional therapy of Prednisolone. 2. The attitude of our clinic is to solve hemangiomas either conservatively or surgically and not to wait for regression, due to their unpredictable evolution. 3. Surgery must be preceded by complex investigations (USG, CT with angiography, Doppler) to clearly determine the hemangioma and avoid surgical complications. Introducere. Tumorile vasculare sunt unele dintre cele mai frecvente malformații congenitale. Muleikin J.B. și Clowacki I în 1982 au propus sistemul biologic de clasificare, împărțind anomaliile malformative vasculare în cele biologic active (hemangioame) și biologic inactive – malformații vasculare. Scopul lucrării. A clarifica diferențele anatomo-clinice care ar facilita diagnosticul și a prezenta opțiuni terapeutice (unele noi) în ceea ce privește hemangioamele. Material și Metode. Din materialul clinic al serviciului de chirurgie pediatrică al CNȘP de Chirurgie Pediatrică „Natalia Gheorghiu”, cercetat pe o perioadă de 20 de ani (2000-2020), am selectat pentru studiul nostru un număr de 1784 pacienți cu hemangioame. Am evaluat epidemiologia, localizarea, vârsta la care au fost diagnosticate, complicațiile și metodele de diagnostic și de tratament. Am studiat avantajele injectării intralezionale a Bleomicinei, Corticosteroizilor, embolizarea intratumorală și extravasculară, laserterapia, compresia mecanică, crioterapia, administrarea Propranololului, precum și tratamentul chirurgical. Rezultate. Hemangioamele de diversă localizare (cutanate, pulmonare, retroperitoneale, hepatice, renale, lienale, ale feței, regiunii pieloase a capului, intranazale, labiale) au beneficiat de tratament diferențiat, de la caz la caz. Concluzii. 1. Studiul nostru arată avantajele non operatorii ale tratamentului hemangioamelor la nou-născuți și sugari, prin terapia intralezională a Prednizolonului. 2. În clinica noastră optăm pentru tratarea hemangioamelor, conservativ sau chirurgical, fără a aștepta regresia, din cauza evoluției imprevizibile și a complicațiilor ce pot apărea: necroză, hemoragie, supurație etc. 3. Intervenția chirurgicală trebuie precedată de investigații complexe (USG, CT cu angiografie, Dopplerografie) pentru determinarea clară a hemangiomului și evitarea complicațiilor operatorii (hemoragie la nivelul gâtului, fontanelelor, pachetelor vasculare și venoase etc.)

    Некоторые аспекты медикаментозного лечения больных с возрастной катарактой

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    Catedra de oftalmologie, Laboratorul de biochimie, Catedra de fiziologie a omului și biofizică, IP USMF ,,Nicolae Testemițanu”A fost determinat nivelul activității prooxodante totale și a activității antioxidante totale în lichidul lacrimal la pacienții cu cataractă legată de vârstă incipientă. S-a studiat influența unor preparate (sen-catalina și quinax) asupra activității prooxidante totale și a activității antioxidante totale în dependența de frecvența instilațiilor. O reglare mai eficientă a acestor indici s-a depistat la adminstrarea quinaxului. A fost determinat și nivelul radiației (UVA și UVB) în zonele de sud și de nord ale republicii. The levels of total oxidant and antioxidant activity in the tear of patients with senile cataract in the early stages have been investigated. The influence of some drugs (sen-catalina and quinax) on the total oxidant and antioxidant activity has been investigated in relation to the frequency of instilations. A normalization of these indices was observed after instillation of quinax. The level of ultraviolet radiation (A and B) has been investigated in the South and North regions of Moldova. Была исследована прооксидантная и антиоксидантная активность слезной жидкости у больных с начальной возрастной катарактой. Изучено влияние некоторых препаратов (сен-каталина и квинакс) на состояние прооксидантной и антиоксидантной системы в зависимости от частоты инстилляций. Эти параметры улучшились при применении квинакса. Был определен уровень ультрафиолетовой радиации (UVA и UVB) в южной и северной зонах республики

    The impact of imuheptin and imupurin on cytokine profile and antioxidant status in rat model of inflammation

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    Introduction. Insects, throughout evolution, have developed a huge arsenal of active compounds, which they use to defend themselves against enemies and diseases, at the same time in recent years insects have shown great interest as a source of food rich in biologically active substances. Research in recent decades has shown that insects produce a variety of proteins and peptides with antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antitumor, hepatoprotective, antithrombotic, antihypertensive and detoxifying activity during or after contact with the microbial agent or unfavourable factor. Material and methods. The anti-inflammatory effect of imuheptin and imupurin was investigated in a rat model of subacute inflammation induced by subcutaneous implantation of felt discs. The intensity of the exudative and proliferative phase of inflammation, cytokine profile (TNFalpha, IL-6, IL-10), ceruloplasmin and antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione reductase, glutathione peroxidase and glutathione-S-transferase) in the serum of rats were evaluated. Results. Imuheptin and imupurin reduced the level of pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-alpha, IL-6) and increased that of the anti-inflammatory cytokine (IL-10), as well as ceruloplasmin, glutathione reductase and glutathione peroxidase in subacute inflammation. Additionally, imupurin significantly increased the level of catalase and imuheptin that of glutathione-S-transferase. Conclusions. Imuheptin and imupurin determined a moderate effect of inhibiting the exudative and proliferative processes, compared to the reference preparation - dexamethasone, but with a favourable effect on the cytokine profile, decreasing the level of pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-alpha, IL-6) and increasing the level the anti-inflammatory one (IL-10), as well as the modulation of antioxidant enzyme activity

    Participarea catepsinei B la biodegradarea colagenului în procesul de regresie a cirozei hepatice experimentale

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    Aplicând metode biochimice şi electron-histochimice, a fost studiată activitatea proteinazei cisteinice – catepsinei B – în fi catul afectat de ciroză şi în perioada de regresie a cirozei la şobolani. S-a determinat o activitate sporită a catepsinei B în ciroza hepatică, fi ind în scădere pe parcursul perioadei de regresie, precum şi un grad înalt de corelaţie între activitatea enzimei şi nivelul hidroxiprolinei din fi cat, ceea ce atestă implicarea directă a acestei enzime în degradarea colagenului din fi cat. Activitatea catepsinei B a fost detectată electron-histochimic în fagolizozomii celulelor Kupffer şi fi broblastelor ce conţineau fi brile fragmentate de colagen. De asemenea, activitatea enzimei a fost detectată pe plasmalema hepatocitelor, celulelor Kupffer şi fi broblastelor precum şi pe fi brilele de colagen adiacente. Activitatea extracelulară a catepsinei B demonstrează că, în afară de proteoliza intracelulară, enzima participă şi la degradarea extracelulară a colagenului, fi ind secretată în spaţiul extracelular de către hepatocite, macrofage şi fi broblaste

    The role of urinary tubular enzymes in the early detection of renal kidney injury in patients with liver cirrhosis

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    Departamentul Medicină Internă, Clinica medicală N1, Disciplina Sinteze clinice, USMF ,,Nicolae Testemiţanu”The routinely available clinical parameters: plasma creatinine and urea do not in practice provide either a sensitive or specific indication in the early detection of renal impairment in patients with liver cirrhosis. Clearly, more specific and sensitive markers are desirable for the early detection of an initially occult pathophysiological process. The utility of measurement of urinary tubular enzymes in predicting the renal impact was evaluated in 114 adult patients with liver cirrhosis. The enzymuria was elevated in patients with Child-Pugh B and C cirrhosis. This clearly reflects tubular injury and describe the role of enzymuria as a marker for an incipient renal impairment. Determinarea creatininei şi ureei serice nu indică cu acurateţe prezenţa unui impact renal incipient. Pentru a studia în complexitate afectarea precoce a rinichiului în rezultatul proceselor patofiziologice din ciroza hepatică sunt necesari markeri mai sensitivi ai injuriei renale. S-a estimat oportunitatea dozării enzimelor urinare la 114 bolnavii cu ciroză hepatică (CH). Aprecierea activităţii echipamentul enzimatic urinar a decelat prezenţa unei enzimurii marcate la pacienţii cu ciroză hepatică clasa Child-Pugh B şi C. Astfel, enzimele urinare pot servi ca markeri precoce ai afectării renale la pacienţii cu CH