120 research outputs found

    Charge dynamics of a single donor coupled to a few electrons quantum dot in silicon

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    We study the charge transfer dynamics between a silicon quantum dot and an individual phosphorous donor using the conduction through the quantum dot as a probe for the donor ionization state. We use a silicon n-MOSFET (metal oxide field effect transistor) biased near threshold in the SET regime with two side gates to control both the device conductance and the donor charge. Temperature and magnetic field independent tunneling time is measured. We measure the statistics of the transfer of electrons observed when the ground state D0 of the donor is aligned with the SET states

    Subcellular view of host-microbiome nutrient exchange in sponges: insights into the ecological success of an early metazoan-microbe symbiosis.

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    BackgroundSponges are increasingly recognised as key ecosystem engineers in many aquatic habitats. They play an important role in nutrient cycling due to their unrivalled capacity for processing both dissolved and particulate organic matter (DOM and POM) and the exceptional metabolic repertoire of their diverse and abundant microbial communities. Functional studies determining the role of host and microbiome in organic nutrient uptake and exchange, however, are limited. Therefore, we coupled pulse-chase isotopic tracer techniques with nanoscale secondary ion mass spectrometry (NanoSIMS) to visualise the uptake and translocation of 13C- and 15N-labelled dissolved and particulate organic food at subcellular level in the high microbial abundance sponge Plakortis angulospiculatus and the low microbial abundance sponge Halisarca caerulea.ResultsThe two sponge species showed significant enrichment of DOM- and POM-derived 13C and 15N into their tissue over time. Microbial symbionts were actively involved in the assimilation of DOM, but host filtering cells (choanocytes) appeared to be the primary site of DOM and POM uptake in both sponge species overall, via pinocytosis and phagocytosis, respectively. Translocation of carbon and nitrogen from choanocytes to microbial symbionts occurred over time, irrespective of microbial abundance, reflecting recycling of host waste products by the microbiome.ConclusionsHere, we provide empirical evidence indicating that the prokaryotic communities of a high and a low microbial abundance sponge obtain nutritional benefits from their host-associated lifestyle. The metabolic interaction between the highly efficient filter-feeding host and its microbial symbionts likely provides a competitive advantage to the sponge holobiont in the oligotrophic environments in which they thrive, by retaining and recycling limiting nutrients. Sponges present a unique model to link nutritional symbiotic interactions to holobiont function, and, via cascading effects, ecosystem functioning, in one of the earliest metazoan-microbe symbioses. Video abstract


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    The genus Contracaecum belongs to the Anisakidae family which includes parasites of considerable economic and medical importance. Larvae of Contracaecum are associated with a wide variety of freshwater and marine fish. Although there are a significant number of reports that indicate the presence of anisakid in fish from different parts of the world, there are few studies in the central region of Argentina, despite the prevalence observed in recent years. In the present study we provide new records and analyze ecological aspects of anisakid from fish of different aquatic systems with different hydrological characteristics from central Argentina.Atotal of 1402 individuals belonging to nine species, six families and four orders of fish were examinated for nematode parasites. The helminths were found in Astyanax eigenmanniorum (Characidae), Oligosarcus jenynsii (Characidae), Odontesthes bonariensis (Atherinopsidae), Hoplias malabaricus (Erythrinidae), Pimelodus albicans (Pimelodidae) and Rhamdia quelen (Pimelodidae). The last three host species showed up to 100% prevalence and maximum intensities of 162, 180 and 48 larvae/fish, respectively. All parasites found coincide with larvae of Contracaecum sp. type 2.El género Contracaecum pertenece a la familia Anisakidae, la cual incluye parásitos de considerable importancia económica y médica. Las larvas de Contracaecum están asociadas con una amplia variedad de peces marinos y de agua dulce. Si bien, hay una gran cantidad de reportes que indican la presencia de anisákidos en peces de diferentes partes del mundo, los estudios en la región central de Argentina son escasos, pese a las prevalencias observadas en años recientes. Este estudio proporciona nuevos registros y analiza aspectos ecológicos de larvas de Contracaecum presentes en peces de ambientes acuáticos con diferentes características hidrológicas ubicados en el centro de Argentina. Se examinó un total de 1402 peces pertenecientes a nueve especies, seis familias y cuatro órdenes. Los helmintos fueron hallados en Astyanax eigenmanniorum (Characidae), Oligosarcus jenynsii (Characidae), Odontesthes bonariensis (Atherinopsidae), Hoplias malabaricus (Erythrinidae), Pimelodus albicans (Pimelodidae) y Rhamdia quelen (Pimelodidae). Estas últimas tres especies hospedadoras exhibieron prevalencias de hasta 100% e intensidades máximas de 162, 180 y 48 larvas/pez, respectivamente. La totalidad de los parásitos hallados se corresponden con larvas de tercer estadio de Contracaecum sp., compatibles con el tipo 2

    Pediatric appendicitis rupture rate: a national indicator of disparities in healthcare access

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    BACKGROUND: The U.S. National Healthcare Disparities Report is a recent effort to measure and monitor racial and ethnic disparities in health and healthcare. The Report is a work in progress and includes few indicators specific to children. An indicator worthy of consideration is racial/ethnic differences in the rate of bad outcomes for pediatric acute appendicitis. Bad outcomes for this condition are indicative of poor access to healthcare, which is amenable to social and healthcare policy changes. METHODS: We analyzed the KID Inpatient Database, a nationally representative sample of pediatric hospitalization, to compare rates of appendicitis rupture between white, African American, Hispanic and Asian children. We ran weighted logistic regression models to obtain national estimates of relative odds of rupture rate for the four groups, adjusted for developmental, biological, socioeconomic, health services and hospital factors that might influence disease outcome. RESULTS: Rupture was a much more burdensome outcome than timely surgery and rupture avoidance. Rupture cases had 97% higher hospital charges and 175% longer hospital stays than non-rupture cases on average. These burdens disproportionately affected minority children, who had 24% – 38% higher odds of appendicitis rupture than white children, adjusting for age and gender. These differences were reduced, but remained significant after adjusting for other factors. CONCLUSION: The racial/ethnic disparities in pediatric appendicitis outcome are large and are preventable with timely diagnosis and surgery for all children. Furthermore, estimating this disparity using the KID survey is a relatively straightforward process. Therefore pediatric appendicitis rupture rate is a good candidate for inclusion in the National Healthcare Disparities Report. As with most other health and healthcare disparities, efforts to reduce disparities in income, wealth and access to care will most likely improve the odds of favorable outcome for this condition as well

    Analysis of patient flows for orthopedic procedures using small area analysis in Switzerland

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    BACKGROUND: In general cantons regulate and control the Swiss health service system; patient flows within and between cantons are thereby partially disregarded. This paper develops an alternative spatial model, based upon the construction of orthopedic hospital service areas (HSA(O)s), and introduces indices for the analysis of patient streams in order to identify areas, irrespective of canton, with diverse characteristics, importance, needs, or demands. METHODS: HSA(O)s were constructed using orthopedic discharge data. Patient streams between the HSA(O)s were analysed by calculating three indices: the localization index (% local residents discharged locally), the netindex (the ratio of discharges of nonlocal incoming residents to outgoing local residents), and the market share index (% of local resident discharges of all discharges in local hospitals). RESULTS: The 85 orthopedic HSA(O)s show a median localization index of 60.8%, a market share index of 75.1%, and 30% of HSA(O)s have a positive netindex. Insurance class of bed, admission type, and patient age are partially but significantly associated with those indicators. A trend to more centrally provided health services can be observed not only in large urban HSA(O)s such as Geneva, Bern, Basel, and Zurich, but also in HSA(O)s in mountain sport areas such as Sion, Davos, or St.Moritz. Furthermore, elderly and emergency patients are more frequently treated locally than younger people or those having elective procedures. CONCLUSION: The division of Switzerland into HSA(O)s provides an alternative spatial model for analysing and describing patient streams for health service utilization. Because this small area model allows more in-depth analysis of patient streams both within and between cantons, it may improve support and planning of resource allocation of in-patient care in the Swiss healthcare system

    Effect of Chorda Tympani Nerve Transection on Salt Taste Perception in Mice

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    Effects of gustatory nerve transection on salt taste have been studied extensively in rats and hamsters but have not been well explored in the mouse. We examined the effects of chorda tympani (CT) nerve transection on NaCl taste preferences and thresholds in outbred CD-1 mice using a high-throughput phenotyping method developed in our laboratory. To measure taste thresholds, mice were conditioned by oral self-administration of LiCl or NaCl and then presented with NaCl concentration series in 2-bottle preference tests. LiCl-conditioned and control NaCl-exposed mice were given bilateral transections of the CT nerve (LiCl-CTX, NaCl-CTX) or were left intact as controls (LiCl-CNT, NaCl-CNT). After recovery from surgery, mice received a concentration series of NaCl (0–300 mM) in 48-h 2-bottle tests. CT transection increased NaCl taste thresholds in LiCl-conditioned mice and eliminated avoidance of concentrated NaCl in control NaCl-exposed mice. This demonstrates that in mice, the CT nerve is important for detection and recognition of NaCl taste and is necessary for the normal avoidance of high concentrations of NaCl. The results of this experiment also show that the method of high-throughput phenotyping of salt taste thresholds is suitable for detecting changes in the taste periphery in mouse genetic studies

    Do pediatric hospitalizations have a unique geography?

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    BACKGROUND: In the U.S. small-area health services research studies are often based on the hospital service areas (HSAs) defined by the Dartmouth Atlas of Healthcare project. These areas are based on the geographic origins of Medicare Part A hospital patients, the great majority of whom are seniors. It is reasonable to question whether the geographic system so defined is appropriate for health services research for all ages, particularly for children, who have a very different system of healthcare financing and provision in the U.S. METHODS: This article assesses the need for a unique system of HSAs to support pediatric small-area analyses. It is a cross-sectional analysis of California hospital discharges for two age groups – non-newborns 0–17 years old, and seniors. The measure of interest was index of localization, which is the percentage of HSA residents hospitalized in their home HSA. Indices were computed separately for each age group, and index agreement was assessed for 219 of the state's HSAs. We examined the effect of local pediatric inpatient volume and pediatric inpatient resources on the divergence of the age group indices. We also created a new system of HSAs based solely on pediatric patient origins, and visually compared maps of the traditional and the new system. RESULTS: The mean localization index for pediatric discharges was 20 percentage points lower than for Medicare cases, indicating a poorer fit of the traditional geographic system for children. The volume of pediatric cases did not appear to be associated with the magnitude of index divergence between the two age groups. Pediatric medical and surgical case subgroups gave very similar results, and both groups differed substantially from seniors. Location of children's hospitals and local pediatric bed supply were associated with Medicare-pediatric divergence. There was little visual correspondence between the maps of traditional and pediatric-specific HSAs. CONCLUSION: Children and seniors have significantly different geographic patterns of hospitalization in California. Medicare-based HSAs may not be appropriate for all age groups and service types throughout the U.S

    Population Distribution, Settlement Patterns and Accessibility across Africa in 2010

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    The spatial distribution of populations and settlements across a country and their interconnectivity and accessibility from urban areas are important for delivering healthcare, distributing resources and economic development. However, existing spatially explicit population data across Africa are generally based on outdated, low resolution input demographic data, and provide insufficient detail to quantify rural settlement patterns and, thus, accurately measure population concentration and accessibility. Here we outline approaches to developing a new high resolution population distribution dataset for Africa and analyse rural accessibility to population centers. Contemporary population count data were combined with detailed satellite-derived settlement extents to map population distributions across Africa at a finer spatial resolution than ever before. Substantial heterogeneity in settlement patterns, population concentration and spatial accessibility to major population centres is exhibited across the continent. In Africa, 90% of the population is concentrated in less than 21% of the land surface and the average per-person travel time to settlements of more than 50,000 inhabitants is around 3.5 hours, with Central and East Africa displaying the longest average travel times. The analyses highlight large inequities in access, the isolation of many rural populations and the challenges that exist between countries and regions in providing access to services. The datasets presented are freely available as part of the AfriPop project, providing an evidence base for guiding strategic decisions