61 research outputs found

    The anguish of repatriation : immigration to Poland and integration of Polish descendants from Kazakhstan

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    Repatriation remains an unsolved problem of Polish migration policy. To date, it has taken place on a small scale, mostly outside of the state’s repatriation system. Thousands of people with a promised repatriation visa are still waiting to be repatriated. The majority of the repatriates come from Kazakhstan, home to the largest population of descendants of Poles in the Asian part of the former USSR. They come to Poland not only for sentimental reasons, but also in search of better living conditions. However, repatriates - in particular older ones - experience a number of problems with adaptation in Poland, dominated by financial and housing-related issues. A further source of difficulties for repatriates, alongside their spatial dispersion, insufficient linguistic and cultural competencies, and identity problems, is finding a place on and adapting to the Polish labor market. Despite their difficult situation and special needs, the repatriates in Poland are not sufficiently supported due to the inefficiency of administration and non-governmental institutions dealing with the task of repatriates’ integration. This results in the anguish of repatriation

    Ekstaza czy szaleństwo? Czy można ocenić „normalność” i „patologię” zachowań religijnych?

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    Ecstasy or Insanity? Is it Possible to Differentiate between “Normal “ and “Pathological” Religious Behaviour? This article presents the cultural factors which contribute to understanding psychological health and pathology. The definitions of understanding psychological health and ways of approaching treatment were analysed, with particular emphasis on the role of religion. Understanding health and pathology was analysed from the perspective of the distinction between illness and disease. Four academic disciplines tackling this topic – psychology of religion, cultural psychology, indigenous psychology and clinical psychology – were presented as specific ways of approaching a conceptualisation of the above problems

    Treningi kulturowe w biznesie

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    Wraca Bartek z zagranicy... I co dalej?

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    Artykuł z numeru 1/2016 internetowego czasopisma edukacyjnego"Trendy

    The sacred text experiment : images of religious others and their role in forming attitudes towards accepting muslim refugees in Poland

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    Contemporary discourse on refugees arriving from the Middle East to Poland revolves around two poles of the problem: the postulate of empathy towards people threatened by war and a danger that these people can supposedly impose on Poland and other EU countries. The religious factor seems to play a significant role in this discourse. Refugees who come from predominantly Muslim countries form a group of special interest for media, politicians and public opinion. In this context, it is important to examine how Poles perceive Islam, and how this image may be associated with attitudes towards accepting refugees. The aim of the study was to analyse narratives about Islam and the religious Other, emerging from partially structured interviews (N=31). The questionnaire, containing citations from the Bible, the Quran and holy scripture of new religious movements (the BhagavadGita) served as the trigger for interviews conducted after filling in the questionnaire. The respondents’ task in the questionnaire was to assign - based on their own knowledge of the subject - these quotes to one of the scriptures. Because of the small and non-representative research sample, the results obtained did not allow for generalizations. However, they provide an important indication (to be tested in future research) how the most frequent associations with Islam (aggression, violence, and the lack of respect for women’s rights) might translate into attitudes towards accepting Muslim refugees in Poland

    Psychology of religion : selected issues

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    Migration and religion : role of religion in migratory processes

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