315 research outputs found

    The Development and Implementation of a Program of In-School-Suspension

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    This study concentrates on suspension of students and in-school suspension programs. The end product of this project is a program of ISS which will fit the needs, resources, and facilities of Tumwater Junior High School. This ISS program is to be used to strengthen our existing discipline program


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    The conditions affecting agriculture in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe are being fundamentally changed by the transformation of the economy in that region. Rare breeds of domesticated animals and varieties of cultivated plants are in danger of rapidly disappearing. The article describes the situation in several countries; it also presents the plan of action of the Swiss foundation, PRO SPECIE RARA, to preserve the endangered genetic and cultural heritage in sit

    To Sew or To Sow?” European Gender Images and Development in Rural Ecuador

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    This thesis examines the impact of a gender specific Swiss development project on Andean artisans women who struggle to intensify their craft production in the face of an increasing subsistence crisis characteristic among rural small producers around the globe. The selection of a project which has proven sustainable over a number of years allowed the author to conduct fieldwork in three different settings (1992-1995): among two hundred artisan women from eleven rural communities in Ecuador\u27s Azuay province, who embroider table linen and apparel for export; among Ecuadorian and expatriate Swiss development specialists in Quito and Cuenca; and, to a limited extent, with policy makers and programmers at the headquarters of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation in Berne. The thesis analyzes how European gender stereotypes contravene the stated project goal to slow down rural emigration and interfere with the transfer of grassroots management skills. Research with development agents shows that gender and their cultural as well as geographic distance to aid receiving populations influence how well local needs are assessed. The Swiss case reveals that development agency staff are active in policy making; a lack of knowledge about current social science debates partly accounts for shortcomings in gender specific programming. Swiss foreign policy past and present is examined to expose the links between a nation\u27s internal situation and development programming, which is influenced by kind and degree of colonial and neo-colonial activities of the donor nation

    Cohomology of abelian matched pairs and the Kac sequence

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    AbstractThe purpose of this paper is to introduce a cohomology theory for abelian matched pairs of Hopf algebras and to explore its relationship to Sweedler cohomology, to Singer cohomology and to extension theory. An exact sequence connecting these cohomology theories is obtained for a general abelian matched pair of Hopf algebras, generalizing those of Kac and Masuoka for matched pairs of finite groups and finite-dimensional Lie algebras. The morphisms in the low degree part of this sequence are given explicitly, enabling concrete computations