31 research outputs found

    Stališča in percepcije lokalnih prebivalcev in turistov – primerjalna študija pobratenih nacionalnih parkov Aggtelek (Madžarska) in Slovak karst (Slovaška)

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    National parks (NPs) are the flagships of protected areas, which primarily serve the protection of nature, but are also important sites for tourism. While karst areas are generally disadvantageous in terms of traditional farming, tourism can provide new livelihoods for those who live there. Therefore, it does matter how the local people relate to the NP and tourism, and the opinion of tourists is also an important factor. In this article, we present the results of a questionnaire survey conducted in the Aggtelek National Park (ANP) and the Slovak Karst National Park (SKNP). Our results show that for locals, the forest is the most important natural resource often visited by them, while for tourists, caves are the first choice. Conflicts between locals and tourists are negligible, and all actors agree to further increase tourism. In both ANP and SKNP, the majority of tourists and locals alike have a rather positive view of the NP. However, there is still a significant group of local residents who have a negative opinion about the NP. One reason for this may be that the locals feel they have only a marginal influence on NP decisions. The ANP plays a more important role in the lives of locals than in SKNP, because ANP has a larger organisational background and more human resources for a smaller population. Although geotourism is still largely missing from the vocabulary of local residents and park management alike, there is a small but significant part of visitors who consider themselves sensu lato geotourists. As for the motivation of tourists, the keyword is “cave”, while the content of the term “karst” is much less known for visitors (especially on the Hungarian side).  In Hungary, the tourism to Baradla Cave is largely due to school education. We found that the internet, although one of the most important sources of information for visitors, was not the first port of call, and was not outstanding compared to other factors.Nacionalni parki so glavna zavarovana območja, namenjena predvsem varstvu narave, poleg tega so ta območja pomembna tudi za turizem. Kraška območja so na splošno neugodna z vidika tradicionalnega kmetovanja, turizem pa lahko tistim, ki živijo na takih območjih, zagotovi nove načine preživljanja. Zato je pomembno, kako lokalni prebivalci zaznavajo nacionalne parke in turizem, pomemben dejavnik pa je tudi mnenje turistov. V tem članku predstavljamo rezultate ankete, ki smo jo izvedli v nacionalnih parkih Aggtelek in Slovak Karst (Slovaški kras). Naši rezultati kažejo, da je domačinom najpomembnejši naravni vir gozd, tega pogosto obiskujejo, turistom pa so najpomembnejše jame. Konflikti med domačini in turisti so zanemarljivi, vsi pa se strinjajo z nadaljnjo krepitvijo turizma. Z vidika obeh parkov ima večina turistov in domačinov pozitivno mnenje o nacionalnem parku. Pri tem pa ima precejšnja skupina lokalnih prebivalcev negativno mnenje o nacionalnem parku. Eden od razlogov za to je morda prepričanje domačinov, da imajo le neznaten vpliv na odločitve v zvezi z nacionalnim parkom. Nacionalni park Aggtelek ima v življenju domačinov pomembnejšo vlogo kot nacionalni park Slovak Karst, saj je v prvem na voljo boljša organiziranost in več človeških virov za manjše število prebivalcev. Čeprav geoturizem še ni uveljavljen v besedišču tako lokalnih prebivalcev kot vodstva parka, sem majhen, a pomemben del obiskovalcev šteje za geoturiste v širšem pomenu besede. Za turiste je ključna beseda jama, vsebina pojma kras pa je obiskovalcem (zlasti na madžarski strani) precej manj znana. Na Madžarskem se turizem v jami Baradla razvija pretežno zaradi šolskega izobraževanja. Ugotovili smo, da svetovni splet, čeprav je eden najpomembnejših virov informacij za obiskovalce, ni na prvem mestu in v primerjavi z drugimi dejavniki ne izstopa

    Anthropic Vulnerability of a Hydrothermal Mineral Deposit and Related Mining Heritage, a Case Study from a Medieval Gold-Silver Mining Area, Telkibánya, Hungary

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    The movable geoheritage elements (minerals, fossils, rocks) are important part of geodiversity. Their anthropic vulnerability includes collection by geo-amateurs and professionals which has become a very popular activity in the last decades. The in situ protection of such geoheritage elements preserves their authenticity and integrity, but needs detailed inventory and assessment providing recommendation for geoconservation. The aim of this study is to investigate a medieval mining site of the Carpathians (Telkibánya, Hungary) where recent anthropic vulnerability related to mineral collecting. Earlier works emphasized the scientific, aesthetic, and geo-educational potential of the mineral association and mining heritage of the study area. Our field survey gives a review of medieval mining works and the current state of the surviving infrastructure identifies the major areas of mineral collecting disturbances and the integrity of the main and additional geological elements. Based on the degradation risk assessment, further conservation management initiatives are proposed by open collecting outcrops (exposure sites) and declared protection with controlled collecting (finite sites)

    Abstracts from the 20th International Symposium on Signal Transduction at the Blood-Brain Barriers

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    Növénytani megfigyelések Izlandon

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