317 research outputs found

    Classical approach in quantum physics

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    The application of a classical approach to various quantum problems - the secular perturbation approach to quantization of a hydrogen atom in external fields and a helium atom, the adiabatic switching method for calculation of a semiclassical spectrum of hydrogen atom in crossed electric and magnetic fields, a spontaneous decay of excited states of a hydrogen atom, Gutzwiller's approach to Stark problem, long-lived excited states of a helium atom recently discovered with the help of Poincareˊ\acute{\mathrm{e}} section, inelastic transitions in slow and fast electron-atom and ion-atom collisions - is reviewed. Further, a classical representation in quantum theory is discussed. In this representation the quantum states are treating as an ensemble of classical states. This approach opens the way to an accurate description of the initial and final states in classical trajectory Monte Carlo (CTMC) method and a purely classical explanation of tunneling phenomenon. The general aspects of the structure of the semiclassical series such as renormgroup symmetry, criterion of accuracy and so on are reviewed as well. In conclusion, the relation between quantum theory, classical physics and measurement is discussed.Comment: This review paper was rejected from J.Phys.A with referee's comment "The author has made many worthwhile contributions to semiclassical physics, but this article does not meet the standard for a topical review"


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    ABSTRACT The highest record of smooth newt Lissotriton vulgaris (Linnaeus, 1758

    Incoherent thermal transport from dirty black holes.

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    Theoretical Physic

    Many-body chaos and energy dynamics in holography

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    Recent developments have indicated that in addition to out-of-time ordered correlation functions (OTOCs), quantum chaos also has a sharp manifestation in the thermal energy density two-point functions, at least for maximally chaotic systems. The manifestation, referred to as pole-skipping, concerns the analytic behaviour of energy density two-point functions around a special point ω = iλ, k = iλ/vB in the complex frequency and momentum plane. Here λ and vB are the Lyapunov exponent and butterfly velocity characterising quantum chaos. In this paper we provide an argument that the phenomenon of pole-skipping is universal for general finite temperature systems dual to Einstein gravity coupled to matter. In doing so we uncover a surprising universal feature of the linearised Einstein equations around a static black hole geometry. We also study analytically a holographic axion model where all of the features of our general argument as well as the pole-skipping phenomenon can be verified in detail

    Polypropylene-based Eco-composites Filled with Agricultural Rice Hulls Waste

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    In this workthe properties of rice-hull-filled polypropylene (PP) composites were investigated with the purpose of enhancing adhesion between the polymer and the filler through the addition of w = 5 % PP-grafted-MA (CA). Composites containing w = 20 and 30 % rice hulls (RH), as well as composites with a certain amount of PP matrix substituted with a coupling agent, were prepared by extrusion and compression moulding. The composites’ mechanical properties were investigated through tensile and fracture tests at low and high strain rate, using the concept of linear elastic fracture mechanics. Introduction of rice hulls in the PP matrix resulted in a decreased stress at peak, together with increase of composites tensile modulus (EPP = 1013 MPa, EPP/RH (ζ = 0.70:0.30) = 1690 MPa) and modulus in flexure. Introduction of w = 5 % PP-g-MA caused 6 % and 12 % improvement in the composite tensile strength, respectively for the PP composites with w = 20 and 30 % rice hulls. Modulus in flexure for the composite PP/RH/CA (ζ = 0.65:0.30:0.05) reached Ef = 1646 MPa, which was an improvement of 52 % when compared to pure polypropylene. Kc and Gc values were determined for PP and PP-based composites. Thermal stability of PP was slightly improved by adding rice hulls

    Procedures of sensors deployment methodology on physical supports/platforms

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    The aim of task 2.3 is to define specific platform characteristics and identify deployment difficulties in order to determine the adequacy of sensors within specific platforms. In order to obtain the necessary information, two online questionnaires were realized. One questionnaire was created for sensor developers and one for those partners that will test the sensors at sea. The seven developers in COMMON SENSE have provided information on seven sensors: two for underwater noise – CEFAS and IOPAN; two for microplastics – IDRONAUT and LEITAT; one for an innovative piro and piezo resistive polymeric temperature and pressure – CSIC; one for heavy metal – CSIC; one for eutrophication sensor – DCU. Outside the scope of the questionnaire, FTM has proposed three sensors of which two for oil spill and one for heavy metals, realized in the framework of a previous EU project but that can be improved and tested with several platforms. This information is anyway incomplete because in most cases for the novel sensors which will be developed over the course of COMMON SENSE, the sensors cannot be clearly designed yet as the project only started a few months ago - and, consequently, technical characteristics cannot actually be perfectly defined. This produces some lag in the acquired information that will be solved in the near future. In the other questionnaire, partners-testers have provided information on eleven platforms. Outside the questionnaire, IOPAN has described two more platforms, one of which is a motorboat not previously listed in the DoW, and they have informed us that the oceanographic buoy in Gdansk Bay is not actually available. This is valid also for platforms from other partners where there were only preliminary contacts like for example for Aqualog and OBSEA Underwater observatory. In the following months, new information will be provided and questionnaires information updated. Then important characteristics have to be considered such as maintenance, energy autonomy, data transfer/storage and dimension of the sensors that are actually missing. Further updates of this report are therefore necessary in order to individuate the most suitable platforms to test each kind of sensor and then used at the end of 2014 when WP9 (Testing activities) will start. Objectives and rationale The objective of deliverable 2.2 is the definition of the characteristics and procedures of sensors deployment methodology on physical supports/platforms, possible needs and characteristics of the available platform. This is preparatory for the activities in other WPs and tasks: - for task 2.2 (New generation technologies), that will provide cost-effective sensors for large scale production through Deliverable 2.1 [month 10]; - for task 2.5 (Monitoring strategy) where sensitivity and stress tests of new sensors will be designed in order to establish confidence limits under different situations and certify the performance of the new instruments [Deliverable 2.5 at month 16]. - for WP9 (Field testing) starting at month 12 (October 2014) when the deployment of new sensors will be drawn and then realized

    Holographic RG flow of the shear viscosity to entropy density ratio in strongly coupled anisotropic plasma

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    We study holographic RG flow of the shear viscosity tensor of anisotropic, strongly coupled N=4 super-Yang-Mills plasma by using its type IIB supergravity dual in anisotropic bulk spacetime. We find that the shear viscosity tensor has three independent components in the anisotropic bulk spacetime away from the boundary, and one of the components has a non-trivial RG flow while the other two have a trivial one. For the component of the shear viscosity tensor with non-trivial RG flow, we derive its RG flow equation, and solve the equation analytically to second order in the anisotropy parameter 'a'. We derive the RG equation using the equation of motion, holographic Wilsonian RG method, and Kubo's formula. All methods give the same result. Solving the equation, we find that the ratio of the component of the shear viscosity tensor to entropy density 'eta/s' flows from above '1/4pi' at the horizon (IR) to below '1/4pi' at the boundary (UV) where it violates the holographic shear viscosity (Kovtun-Son-Starinets) bound and where it agrees with the other longitudinal component.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures, slight change on the title, more background material added, references added, accepted for publication in JHE

    Doping the holographic Mott insulator

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    Mott insulators form because of strong electron repulsions, being at the heart of strongly correlated electron physics. Conventionally these are understood as classical "traffic jams" of electrons described by a short-ranged entangled product ground state. Exploiting the holographic duality, which maps the physics of densely entangled matter onto gravitational black hole physics, we show how Mott-insulators can be constructed departing from entangled non-Fermi liquid metallic states, such as the strange metals found in cuprate superconductors. These "entangled Mott insulators" have traits in common with the "classical" Mott insulators, such as the formation of Mott gap in the optical conductivity, super-exchange-like interactions, and form "stripes" when doped. They also exhibit new properties: the ordering wave vectors are detached from the number of electrons in the unit cell, and the DC resistivity diverges algebraically instead of exponentially as function of temperature. These results may shed light on the mysterious ordering phenomena observed in underdoped cuprates.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figures. Accepted in Nature Physic

    Ionization of hydrogen and hydrogenic ions by antiprotons

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    Presented here is a description of the ionization of hydrogen and hydrogenic ions by antiproton-impact, based on very large scale numerical solutions of the time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation in three spatial dimensions and on analysis of the topology of the electronic eigenenergy surfaces in the plane of complex internuclear distance. Comparison is made with other theories and very recent measurements.Comment: RevTex document, 11 pages, 4 Postscript figures are available from the authors, in press Phys. Rev. Let
