5,009 research outputs found

    Some generic properties of level spacing distributions of 2D real random matrices

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    We study the level spacing distribution P(S)P(S) of 2D real random matrices both symmetric as well as general, non-symmetric. In the general case we restrict ourselves to Gaussian distributed matrix elements, but different widths of the various matrix elements are admitted. The following results are obtained: An explicit exact formula for P(S)P(S) is derived and its behaviour close to S=0 is studied analytically, showing that there is linear level repulsion, unless there are additional constraints for the probability distribution of the matrix elements. The constraint of having only positive or only negative but otherwise arbitrary non-diagonal elements leads to quadratic level repulsion with logarithmic corrections. These findings detail and extend our previous results already published in a preceding paper. For the {\em symmetric} real 2D matrices also other, non-Gaussian statistical distributions are considered. In this case we show for arbitrary statistical distribution of the diagonal and non-diagonal elements that the level repulsion exponent ρ\rho is always ρ=1\rho = 1, provided the distribution function of the matrix elements is regular at zero value. If the distribution function of the matrix elements is a singular (but still integrable) power law near zero value of SS, the level spacing distribution P(S)P(S) is a fractional exponent pawer law at small SS. The tail of P(S)P(S) depends on further details of the matrix element statistics. We explicitly work out four cases: the constant (box) distribution, the Cauchy-Lorentz distribution, the exponential distribution and, as an example for a singular distribution, the power law distribution for P(S)P(S) near zero value times an exponential tail.Comment: 21 pages, no figures, submitted to Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung

    Extended phase diagram of the Lorenz model

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    The parameter dependence of the various attractive solutions of the three variable nonlinear Lorenz model equations for thermal convection in Rayleigh-B\'enard flow is studied. Its bifurcation structure has commonly been investigated as a function of r, the normalized Rayleigh number, at fixed Prandtl number \sigma. The present work extends the analysis to the entire (r,\sigma) parameter plane. An onion like periodic pattern is found which is due to the alternating stability of symmetric and non-symmetric periodic orbits. This periodic pattern is explained by considering non-trivial limits of large r and \sigma. In addition to the limit which was previously analyzed by Sparrow, we identify two more distinct asymptotic regimes in which either \sigma/r or \sigma^2/r is constant. In both limits the dynamics is approximately described by Airy functions whence the periodicity in parameter space can be calculated analytically. Furthermore, some observations about sequences of bifurcations and coexistence of attractors, periodic as well as chaotic, are reported.Comment: 36 pages, 20 figure

    Kohn-Sham equations for nanowires with direct current

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    The paper describes the derivation of the Kohn-Sham equations for a nanowire with direct current. A value of the electron current enters the problem as an input via a subsidiary condition imposed by pointwise Lagrange multiplier. Using the constrained minimization of the Hohenberg-Kohn energy functional, we derive a set of self-consistent equations for current carrying orbitals of the molecular wire

    Spectra of Harmonium in a magnetic field using an initial value representation of the semiclassical propagator

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    For two Coulombically interacting electrons in a quantum dot with harmonic confinement and a constant magnetic field, we show that time-dependent semiclassical calculations using the Herman-Kluk initial value representation of the propagator lead to eigenvalues of the same accuracy as WKB calculations with Langer correction. The latter are restricted to integrable systems, however, whereas the time-dependent initial value approach allows for applications to high-dimensional, possibly chaotic dynamics and is extendable to arbitrary shapes of the potential.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figur

    Finite size corrections to scaling in high Reynolds number turbulence

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    We study analytically and numerically the corrections to scaling in turbulence which arise due to the finite ratio of the outer scale LL of turbulence to the viscous scale η\eta, i.e., they are due to finite size effects as anisotropic forcing or boundary conditions at large scales. We find that the deviations \dzm from the classical Kolmogorov scaling ζm=m/3\zeta_m = m/3 of the velocity moments \langle |\u(\k)|^m\rangle \propto k^{-\zeta_m} decrease like δζm(Re)=cmRe3/10\delta\zeta_m (Re) =c_m Re^{-3/10}. Our numerics employ a reduced wave vector set approximation for which the small scale structures are not fully resolved. Within this approximation we do not find ReRe independent anomalous scaling within the inertial subrange. If anomalous scaling in the inertial subrange can be verified in the large ReRe limit, this supports the suggestion that small scale structures should be responsible, originating from viscosity either in the bulk (vortex tubes or sheets) or from the boundary layers (plumes or swirls)

    Classification of phase transitions of finite Bose-Einstein condensates in power law traps by Fisher zeros

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    We present a detailed description of a classification scheme for phase transitions in finite systems based on the distribution of Fisher zeros of the canonical partition function in the complex temperature plane. We apply this scheme to finite Bose-systems in power law traps within a semi-analytic approach with a continuous one-particle density of states Ω(E)Ed1\Omega(E)\sim E^{d-1} for different values of dd and to a three dimensional harmonically confined ideal Bose-gas with discrete energy levels. Our results indicate that the order of the Bose-Einstein condensation phase transition sensitively depends on the confining potential.Comment: 7 pages, 9 eps-figures, For recent information on physics of small systems see "http://www.smallsystems.de

    Response maxima in modulated turbulence

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    Isotropic and homogeneous turbulence driven by an energy input modulated in time is studied within a variable range mean-field theory. The response of the system, observed in the second order moment of the large-scale velocity difference D(L,t)=>~Re(t)^2$, is calculated for varying modulation frequencies w and weak modulation amplitudes. For low frequencies the system follows the modulation of the driving with almost constant amplitude, whereas for higher driving frequencies the amplitude of the response decreases on average 1/w. In addition, at certain frequencies the amplitude of the response either almost vanishes or is strongly enhanced. These frequencies are connected with the frequency scale of the energy cascade and multiples thereof.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Continued Fraction Representation of Temporal Multi Scaling in Turbulence

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    It was shown recently that the anomalous scaling of simultaneous correlation functions in turbulence is intimately related to the breaking of temporal scale invariance, which is equivalent to the appearance of infinitely many times scales in the time dependence of time-correlation functions. In this paper we derive a continued fraction representation of turbulent time correlation functions which is exact and in which the multiplicity of time scales is explicit. We demonstrate that this form yields precisely the same scaling laws for time derivatives and time integrals as the "multi-fractal" representation that was used before. Truncating the continued fraction representation yields the "best" estimates of time correlation functions if the given information is limited to the scaling exponents of the simultaneous correlation functions up to a certain, finite order. It is worth noting that the derivation of a continued fraction representation obtained here for an operator which is not Hermitian or anti-Hermitian may be of independent interest.Comment: 7 pages, no figur

    Universality in fully developed turbulence

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    We extend the numerical simulations of She et al. [Phys.\ Rev.\ Lett.\ 70, 3251 (1993)] of highly turbulent flow with 1515 \le Taylor-Reynolds number Reλ200Re_\lambda\le 200 up to Reλ45000Re_\lambda \approx 45000, employing a reduced wave vector set method (introduced earlier) to approximately solve the Navier-Stokes equation. First, also for these extremely high Reynolds numbers ReλRe_\lambda, the energy spectra as well as the higher moments -- when scaled by the spectral intensity at the wave number kpk_p of peak dissipation -- can be described by {\it one universal} function of k/kpk/k_p for all ReλRe_\lambda. Second, the ISR scaling exponents ζm\zeta_m of this universal function are in agreement with the 1941 Kolmogorov theory (the better, the large ReλRe_\lambda is), as is the ReλRe_\lambda dependence of kpk_p. Only around kpk_p viscous damping leads to slight energy pileup in the spectra, as in the experimental data (bottleneck phenomenon).Comment: 14 pages, Latex, 5 figures (on request), 3 tables, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Scaling relations in large-Prandtl-number natural thermal convection

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    In this study we follow Grossmann and Lohse, Phys. Rev. Lett. 86 (2001), who derived various scalings regimes for the dependence of the Nusselt number NuNu and the Reynolds number ReRe on the Rayleigh number RaRa and the Prandtl number PrPr. We focus on theoretical arguments as well as on numerical simulations for the case of large-PrPr natural thermal convection. Based on an analysis of self-similarity of the boundary layer equations, we derive that in this case the limiting large-PrPr boundary-layer dominated regime is I<_\infty^<, introduced and defined in [1], with the scaling relations NuPr0Ra1/3Nu\sim Pr^0\,Ra^{1/3} and RePr1Ra2/3Re\sim Pr^{-1}\,Ra^{2/3}. Our direct numerical simulations for RaRa from 10410^4 to 10910^9 and PrPr from 0.1 to 200 show that the regime I<_\infty^< is almost indistinguishable from the regime III_\infty, where the kinetic dissipation is bulk-dominated. With increasing RaRa, the scaling relations undergo a transition to those in IVu_u of reference [1], where the thermal dissipation is determined by its bulk contribution