464 research outputs found

    The Syntax of the 'Infinitive' in Swahili

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    The term 'infinitive' when applied to lexemes with prefix ku- is ambiguous. Morphologically the words of this class display features similar to those of nouns (e.g. alliterative concord), verbs (e.g. objectival concord, formative verbal suffixes). Additionally, by their nature the lexemes of this class bring about specific negative constructions found in no paradigm of the verb. The ambiguous morphology of the 'infinitive' also displays itself in syntagmatics. The 'infinitive' is syntactically similar to the noun. Therefore it can be modified by an adjective and a pronoun; be combined with a noun in Status Constructus; govern a verb; join a preposition (postpositionally). In a sentence the 'infinitive' acts as a subject, a predicate (qualificative), an object, an attribute. An 'infinitive' with an objectival concordial element acts as a verb: it can govern both a direct and an indirect object, e.g. kumwambia baba ukweli 'to tell Father the truth' (cf. such verbal nouns as mtega ndege 'a catcher of birds', 'a fowler'). In a syntagm or in a sentence the 'infinitive' also displays some specific features. When there are two grammatically homogenous predicates in one sentence, the latter predicate can be replaced by an 'infinitive' with the tense and the mood of the remaining predicate being the same for both, e.g. aliingia chumbani na kusema... 'he entered the room and said...'. The combination of an 'infinitive' and a noun holds no grammatical subject but it corresponds to communicative utterance. Such a combination can replace a subordinate clause of cause, purpose, time and condition, e.g. kumwona yule mgonjwa wake mzima akastaajabu sana 'when he saw his patient in good health, he was greatly surprised'. Homonymity in such cases can be easily removed by kwa, ili and some other prepositions. The combination of a preposition (an auxiliary word) plus a noun and an 'infinitive' produces the contextual effect of a tense which depends on the tense of the predicate, e.g. toka mkoloni wa kwanza kuingia Tanzania historia yetu imekuwa... 'When the first colonizers came to Tanzania, our history has become...' (cf. the combination of a noun and a preposition, and the combination of an 'infinitive' and a preposition, e.g. baada ya miaka mingi 'after many years'; toka kuzaliwa 'since birth')

    Functional potential of a creolized text as a means of the assessment the quality of education

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    В статье рассматривается вопрос о необходимости применения новых средств оценивания качества образования, а именно креолизованного текста. С помощью активного внедрения сложного текста в процесс оценки качества образования появляется возможность выявить не только формальные, но и содержательные стороны формирования личности в процессе обучения.The article considers the question about the necessity of using new means of assessment of the education quality, exactly creolized text. With the help of an active implementation of complex text in the process of assessment of the education quality the opportunity to reveal not only formal, but also substantive sides of identity formation in the learning process appears

    How to apply for a job? (by the materials of the german-russian career day)

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    Статья посвящена актуальной теме, которая обсуждалась на «Германо – Российском дне карьеры», проходившего в апреле 2014 г. в г. Ульяновске. В статье даются конкретные рекомендации молодым специалистам, как правильно подавать заявление на вакантную должность, на что обратить внимание при составлении резюме, как лучше представить себя на собеседовании, как к нему готовиться.The article is devoted to the topical issue which was discussed during German-Russian Career Day in April 2014, Ulyanovsk. Certain recommendations for the young specialists are provided in the article, for instance, how to apply for a vacant position, what is of special attention while preparing a CV, how to present yourself during a job interview, how to prepare to it

    Theoretic and Methodological Supplying of Organizational Behavior

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    Investigations carried out at the Department of the theory of management, are the development of theoretical works previously performed by teachers of the Department. The grant received by the Department from the Ministry of education, facilitated the preparation and production of tutorial, workshop and collection of tables and diagrams on the subject “Organizational behavior”. In the development of this area was prepared and released an updated textbook on discipline “The theory of organization and organizational behavior”. All this caused the necessity of modernization of the theoretical-methodological support the development of competences, taught by the Department of educational basis, the contents of which is presented by this article


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    The issues of the effectiveness of communication as one of the key factors in the formation of students for successful activity in the organization have been considered. It has been shown, that the concept of efficiency is a nonlinear problem, supposing the determination of the compromise zone for each of the parties involved. It has been revealed, that different forms of communication assume the use of appropriate criteria for determining their effectiveness. The significance of each form of communication for improving the efficiency of communication in General, the process of training students, has been disclosed


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    The methods of forming students’ communicative competences as an important component of the Manager’s professional activity have been considered. The purpose of the article is to present the results of the study of the components of the Manager’s competencies and ways of their formation. Communicative competences and methods of their formation have been emphasized. The features of the preparation and holding of the meetings have been shown. The peculiarity of writing business letters to prevent the development of conflict situations has been revealed. The papers on the preparation of duty regulations, as well as negotiations and negotiations with the use of technical means to improve their effectiveness have been highlighted. The Department of Management Theory at the State University of Management has been working for a number of years to develop communication skills based on the use of active learning methods in the form of business games in all major forms of communication