187 research outputs found

    Hero or Fraud: the Nuances are not to Be Proposed (the Type of Reflection about the Constructors Images in the Crimea Communiccation Space)

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    В работе анализируются образы строителей в российском Крыму на материале сюжетов региональных телевизионных новостей. Метод контент-анализа позволяет показать явные пропагандистские и пиар-подходы в отражении жизненной драматургии в самой инвестиционно емкой отрасли Крыма — строительстве. Автор предполагает, что подход к созданию образа строителей в информационных сюжетах новостей мог бы быть другим. Компетентность и умение видеть причины экономических явлений остаются необходимым требованием в работе журналистаIn this report the images of constructors in Russian Crimea communication space are analyzed based on the materials of regional TV news. The method of the content analysis allows seeing the bright propaganda and PR intentions in reflection of life dramaturgy in the most investment capacious branch of Crimea Republic — the building one. The author assumes the necessity of another approach for the images of heroes in the regional television programs. As well as the competence and ability to define the reasons of economical phenomenon are still vital in a work of a journalist

    «24 hours in front of the mirror » in the Crimean Region TV on air

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    Статья раскрывает некоторые особенности влияния Интернета на региональные телевизионные программы и творческий почерк журналистов, а также вопросы оптимизации регионального эфира.The article covers some peculiarities of the internet influence on the regional TV programs and journalist’s creative style as far as the issues of the regional air optimization


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    It formulated the need for new guidelines that take into account the possibility of formalization and analysis of processes in the discharge of public functions by public servants. Dashboard monitoring of the execution of state functions to civil servants is one of the topics to be discussed today. However, for the possibility of monitoring the key task is to identify the key evaluation indicators. Among the dashboard indicators need to be identified such as the performance, team and leadership assessment effective organization of the processes of execution of the state functions and competences of civil servants. To analyze the data from different angles and positions, is the best data exploration tool Data Discovery


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    It formulated the need for new guidelines that take into account the possibility of formalization and analysis of processes in the discharge of public functions by public servants. Dashboard monitoring of the execution of state functions to civil servants is one of the topics to be discussed today. However, for the possibility of monitoring the key task is to identify the key evaluation indicators. Among the dashboard indicators need to be identified such as the performance, team and leadership assessment effective organization of the processes of execution of the state functions and competences of civil servants. To analyze the data from different angles and positions, is the best data exploration tool Data Discovery

    Audiovisual media in the universities of Russia: typology and analysis of the content

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    The authors give the typology of the audiovisual media in the universities of Russia. Also, the very process of producing is analyzed. The special educational and cognitive process of media producing are considered as elements of information, internal and external communications of the universities, developing the professional competences in the media specialties’ studying process. The authors describe the methodology of program’s producing in connection to educational standards, linking the all stages of this process with the formation of specific student competencies. Increased attention to the functioning of student media, especially audiovisual media in connection with the actively developing trend of visualization of media space, as well as interest in the methods of professional competence of future journalists, editors, PR-managers and marketers in various Russian universities, primarily due to the processes of intensive development in the 21st century technological revolution, the use of innovative technologies and the beginning of testing the functionality as artificial intelligence (Artificial intelligence, AI) in practice. The introduction of high technology requires rapid updating of educational methods and standards in the training of professional personnel in the field of journalism. This is also related to the current reform of science and education in Russia, which aims to actively involve future young specialists in the development of scientific research. The state program “Priority 2030”, which promotes the development of creative initiatives among young people, is also aimed at this. In this context, presented analysis of the functioning of student media at various Russian universities lifts the veil on how the knowledge, competencies, and professional experience of future media professionals are formed, and reveals the possibilities of expanding the national information space

    Transcript- and tissue-specific imprinting of a tumour suppressor gene

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    The Bladder Cancer-Associated Protein gene (BLCAP; previously BC10) is a tumour suppressor that limits cell proliferation and stimulates apoptosis. BLCAP protein or message are downregulated or absent in a variety of human cancers. In mouse and human, the first intron of Blcap/BLCAP contains the distinct Neuronatin (Nnat/NNAT) gene. Nnat is an imprinted gene that is exclusively expressed from the paternally inherited allele. Previous studies found no evidence for imprinting of Blcap in mouse or human. Here we show that Blcap is imprinted in mouse and human brain, but not in other mouse tissues. Moreover, Blcap produces multiple distinct transcripts that exhibit reciprocal allele-specific expression in both mouse and human. We propose that the tissue-specific imprinting of Blcap is due to the particularly high transcriptional activity of Nnat in brain, as has been suggested previously for the similarly organized and imprinted murine Commd1/U2af1-rs1 locus. For Commd1/U2af1-rs1, we show that it too produces distinct transcript variants with reciprocal allele-specific expression. The imprinted expression of BLCAP and its interplay with NNAT at the transcriptional level may be relevant to human carcinogenesis

    Pathoanatomical Pattern of Brain Damage of White Mice Infected with Experimental Anthrax

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    Background. Bacillus anthracis is a microorganism that causes anthrax. Because of irrational therapy, this particularly dangerous infectious disease leads to a systemic spread of bacteria in the body through histohematological barriers. Bacilli entering the brain subsequently lead to hemorrhagic meningitis. Despite intensive antibiotic therapy, that kind of meningitis is difficult to cure and therefore highly lethal. Studying characteristics of anthrax’s isolates of different origin and genotype is an actual area of research.The aim of the study is searching for pathomorphological and histological changes in the brain regions of experimental animals with anthrax infection, caused by B. anthracis with different plasmid spectrum.Materials and methods: The study was conducted on 200 certified white mice, three B. anthracis strains were used as research objects: B. anthracis I-323 (рХО1– /рХО2– ), B. anthracis I-275 (рХО1- /рХО2- ), and B. anthracis I-217 (рХО1+ / рХО2– ). The material for histological examination was the brain of mice, embedded in paraffin, and then sections were prepared using a microtome and stained with hematoxylin-eosin and Nissl toluidine blue. The degree of neuronal damage was assessed by calculating the semi-quantitative factor and determining the average size of the neuron nuclei, and the numerical density of cells in 1mm2 was studied. Microphotography and quantitative analysis was performed using the Motic Images Plus 2.0 application package. Statistical processing of the results was performed using the program “Statistica 6.0”.The results of the study showed that the brain of infected mice shows signs of hemorrhagic leptomeningitis, the manifestations of which are more pronounced in mice infected with weakly virulent plasmid strains of B. anthracis and fallen mice.Conclusion. Multicomponent exotoxin and specialized proteins, encoded in the pathogenicity plasmid of microorganisms, allow B. anthracis to easily overcome histohematological barriers and cause severe septic anthrax. The results obtained during the study supplement the available information on the pathogenesis of anthrax and indicate the need for further research in this direction

    Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on suicidal behavior: a literary review

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    The paper presents a literature review of the impact of various aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic on suicidal behavior, including the neurotropic influence of the virus SARS-COV-2, psychogenic factors, and global socio-economic changesПредставлен литературный обзор влияния различных аспектов пандемии COVID-19 на суицидальное поведение, в том числе нейротропного влияния самого вируса SARS-COV-2, психогенных факторов и глобальных социально-экономических изменений

    Some features of suicidal behavior of the population of the Sverdlovsk region under conditions in the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The paper presents a comparative analysis of the number of completed suicides from different sources without checking statistical reliability. The features of suicidal attempts, personal meanings and suicidal behavior motives of 704 patients among all age groups who committed suicidal attempts against the background of the COVID-19 pandemic (in the second and third quarters of 2020) identified. Comparisons made with the control group of 755 patients who committed suicide attempts in the fourth quarter of 2019 and in the first quarter of 2020. There is an increase in the proportion of those who committed suicide attempts of such personal meaning of suicidal behavior as protest (p≤0.01), as well as such social motives of suicidal behavior as material difficulties (p≤0.001) and domestic difficulties (p≤0.01)В статье представлен сравнительный анализ данных по завершенным суицидам, полученным из разных источников без проверки статистической достоверности. Выявлены особенности суицидальных попыток, личностных смыслов и мотивов суицидального поведения 704 пациентов среди всех возрастных групп, совершивших суицидальные попытки на фоне пандемии COVID-19 (во II и III кварталах 2020 г.). Проведено сравнение с контрольной группой, состоящей из 755 пациентов, совершивших суицидальные попытки в IV квартале 2019 г. и в I квартале 2020 г. Выявлено увеличение удельной доли среди совершивших суицидальные попытки такого личностного смысла суицидального поведения, как протест (р ≤ 0,01), а также таких социальных мотивов суицидального поведения, как материальные трудности (р ≤ 0,001) и бытовые трудности (р ≤ 0,01)