8 research outputs found


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    The article highlights the topicality of the problem of improving the future teachers’ practical training in the process of their professional training in higher pedagogical educational institutions. The authors substantiate the necessity of applying the creative project «Pedagogical Insight: the 21st Century Educational Technologies» in order to secure the innovative component of the students’ professional competence. The authors emphasize on the project activity practical aspects which are based on the use of the pedagogical experience best examples in order to overcome the established stereotypes and search for innovative approaches to educational activities, including participation of the finalists of the «National Teacher Prize Ukraine 2019». The project’s goals, functions, structure, and stages of development have been defined. It has also been emphasized on the importance of the ongoing «Pedagogical Insight» project for the future teachers’ personal and professional formation on the basis of the young teachers’ pedagogical innovations presentation. Those young innovators have reached the pinnacles of pedagogical mastery having developed and implemented their own interpretation of the well-known educational technologies, such as: integrated learning, upturned learning, E-learning, interactive learning, development of emotional intelligence, and others. The effectiveness of the young innovator’s approach to the introduction of the practice oriented teaching of the higher pedagogical institutions’ students on the basis of using the best examples of the «new generation» teachers’ activity has been proved. This effectiveness manifested itself in formation a positive attitude towards their future pedagogical activity; enhancing their professional competence on the basis of mastering the newest pedagogical technologies; understanding the need for lifelong professional training. The article’s aim is to demonstrate the degree of influence of the innovative educational technology «Pedagogical Insight» on the level of motivation of future teachers to personal and professional development. Research methods: studying the advanced pedagogical experience of the young innovative teachers, pedagogical experiment, surveying students and monitoring them in order to determine the degree of influence of participation in the «Pedagogical Insight» project on personal and professional decisions and the beliefs of future teachers regarding the need for constant professional and personal development. Research result: the motivating effect of the innovative technology «Pedagogical Insight» on the adoption by future teachers their ultimate decision on the need for continuous professional and personal development was confirmed.


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    Contemporary foreign approaches to understanding leadership and educa­tion and upbringing future leaders have been considered. It’s been revealed that in the mod­ern foreign organizational psychology, progressive models of leadership, which replace the traditional leader-centered approaches, are becoming increasingly popular. This transfor­mation is primarily conditioned by transition from industrial to post-industrial paradigm of development, which significantly increases the role of information, intelligence and innova­tion in all spheres of life. Progressive leadership concepts are characterized by a number of features reflecting changes in interpretation of this complex phenomenon: considering lead­ership not as an individual influence of a leader on his subordinates, but as a kind of relation­ship in which an important role is assigned to the leader’s followers; transition from compet­itive transactional leadership to cooperative transformative one; enhancement the leader’s educational function. The presence of different views on leadership nature and purpose causes the existence of different approaches to the leaders’ education. The analysis of differ­ences in leadership understanding within traditional and progressive concepts enabled to distinguish between two leader training models – normatively-adaptive and personally-devel­oping, differing in their tasks and methods of implementation. Both models have their ad­vantages and limitations and can be effective under certain conditions. Taking into account specific circumstances, the general strategy lies in finding the optimal balance of norma­tively-adaptive and personally-developing models, making possible upbringing the new gen­eration leaders, who are able not only manage subordinates, but also contribute to their per­sonal growth, bringing them together around common goals, and inspiring for making positive changes in society.Рассмотрены современные зарубежные подходы к пониманию лидерства и вы-сокрытия лидеров. Установлено, что в современной зарубежной организационной психологии все большую популярность приобретают прогрессивные модели лидерства, которые приходят на смену традиционным центрированным на лидере подходам. Наличие различных взглядов на сущность и назначение лидерства предопределяет существование множественности подходов к воспитанию лидеров. Выделены две модели подготовки лидеров - нормативно-адаптивную и личностно-развивающую, которые отличаются по своим зав¬даннямы и способами реализации. Каждая модель имеет свои преимущества и ограничения и при определенных условиях может оказаться эффективной. Общая стратегия должна заключаться в том, чтобы с учетом конкретных обстоятельств находить оптимальный баланс нормативно-адаптивной и личностно-развивающей моделей, сделает возможной воспитания лидеров нового поколения, способных не просто управлять подчиненными, а способствовать их личностному росту, объединять их вокруг общей цели и вдохновлять на осуществление позитивных изменений в обществе.Розглянуті сучасні зарубіжні підходи до розуміння лідерства та ви­ховання лідерів. З’ясовано, що у сучасній зарубіжній організаційній психології все більшої популярності набувають прогресивні моделі лідерства, які приходять на зміну традиційним центрованим на лідері підходам. Наявність різних поглядів на сутність і призначення лідерства зумовлює існування множинності підходів до виховання лідерів. Виокремлено дві моделі підготовки лідерів – нормативно-адаптивну і особистісно-розвивальну, які відрізняються за своїми зав­даннями і способами реалізації. Кожна модель має свої переваги та обмеження і за певних умов може виявитися ефективною. Загальна стратегія має полягати у тому, щоб з урахуванням конкретних обставин знаходити оптимальний баланс нормативно-адаптивної і особистісно-розвивальної моделей, що зробить можливою виховання лідерів нового покоління, здатних не просто керувати підлеглими, а сприяти їх особистісному зростанню, об'єднувати їх навколо спільної мети і надихати на здійснення позитивних змін у суспільстві

    Institutional Repositories as a Global Dissemination Tool of Educational and Scientific Information

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    The authors present an overview of publications on the introduction and use of digital institutional repositories (DIR) in different countries and in Ukraine. A variety of reference and scientific literature, and publications in international scientometric databases have been analyzed. The role of digital institutional repositories in providing access to full-text electronic achievements, disseminating research results, and maximizing their accessibility and scientific influence is highlighted. The problem of creating and using digital institutional repositories in the training of specialists in higher education, as well as the formation of their information and research competence, is considered. It is substantiated that institutional repositories are a powerful tool in pedagogical universities to conduct and disseminate scientific research results in education, pedagogy, and psychology. Particular attention is paid to the role of library materials in the formation and operation of digital institutional repositories. The experience of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Library (Ukraine) is reflected separately.Les auteurs de l'article présentent un aperçu des publications sur la mise en oeuvre et l'utilisation du référentiel institutionnel numérique (RIN) dans différents pays et en particulier en Ukraine. Un certain nombre de références et de littérature scientifique, des publications dans des bases de données scientométriques internationales sont analysées. Le rôle du référentiel institutionnel dans l'accès aux réalisations électroniques en texte intégral, la diffusion des résultats de la recherche, la maximisation de leur ouverture et de leur impact scientifique est souligné. Le problème de la création et de l'utilisation d'un référentiel institutionnel dans la formation des spécialistes de l'enseignement supérieur, la formation de leur compétence d'information et de recherche est posé. Il est prouvé que le référentiel institutionnel de l'Université pédagogique est un outil puissant pour conduire et diffuser les résultats de la recherche scientifique sur l'éducation, la pédagogie, la psychologie. Une attention particulière est portée à l'étude des matériaux sur le rôle des bibliothèques dans la constitution du référentiel. L'expérience de la bibliothèque de l'Université pédagogique d'État de Vinnytsia du nom de Mykhailo Kotsyubynsky est reflétée séparément.Los autores del artículo presentan una descripción general de las publicaciones sobre la implementación y el uso del repositorio institucional digital (RID) en diferentes países y en particular en Ucrania. Se analizan diversas publicaciones científicas y de referencia en bases de datos cienciométricas internacionales. Se destaca el papel del repositorio institucional al brindar acceso a los logros electrónicos en texto completo, la difusión de los resultados de la investigación y la maximización de su apertura e impacto científico. Se plantea el problema de crear y utilizar un repositorio institucional en la formación de especialistas en educación superior, la formación de su competencia informativa e investigadora. Se sustenta que el repositorio institucional de la Universidad Pedagógica es una poderosa herramienta para la conducción y difusión de los resultados de la investigación científica en educación, pedagogía, psicología. Se presta especial atención al estudio de materiales sobre el papel de las bibliotecas en la formación del repositorio. La experiencia de la biblioteca de la Universidad Pedagógica Estatal de Vinnytsia que lleva el nombre de Mykhailo Kotsyubynsky se refleja por separado

    Methods of Forming the Future Designers’ Readiness for Professional and Scientific Research Activities

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    The authors state that the rapid penetration of design into every field of human life, the convergence of material production with art, the development of design technologies, and increasing the social impact of design have significantly heightened professional requirements for modern designers. However, the modern system of design education does not prepare students for the challenges they will face in the nearest future. The methodological approaches necessary for improving future designers’ professional training quality are determined. The empirical investigations on the future designers’ readiness for professional and scientific research activities are analysed. Methods of boosting the future designers’ ability to carry out scientific research and organising professional design activities are offered

    Work with Foreign Scientific Editions as an Effective Factor in Motivating Undergraduates to Improve their Foreign Language Competency

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    The article is devoted to the problem of increase of the pedagogical universities undergraduates’ motivation to develop their foreign language competency. The main reasons necessitating continuous increase of the foreign language competence level have been determined. Utilizing such research methods as the focus group survey, theoretical generalization, comparison and pedagogical experiment, it has been proved that the maximum inclusion of students in foreign language activities with professional scientific information is an effective factor in increasing the professional orientation of the foreign languages learning by the future teachers. This type of work in the process of studying various academic disciplines provides a positive dynamics of the motivation components and readiness of the future teachers to work with scientific foreign-language information. It has been shown that netnographic analysis of the foreign-language scientific publications is also an effective factor in personal and professional development, socio-cultural communication, and the students’ mobility in professional and academic environment

    Approbation of Emergency Education Strategies for Internally Displaced Ukrainian Children under the Martial Law Conditions

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    The study aimed to test the first two stages of the simplified model of emergency education (elaborated by P. Aguilar, G. Retamal, and K. Triplehorn) under martial law conditions on the relatively safe territory of Ukraine. The study embraced 52 children from internally displaced families, 6 teachers, 3 practical psychologists and 12 pedagogical university students. Work with children was organised by students’ self-government members under the guidance of pedagogical teachers and professional psychologists. Based on the emergency education model, the authors developed a method of organising recreational therapy for internally displaced school-aged children evacuated from war zones. In order to assess the effectiveness of the organised activities, the «Test of differential self-assessment of functional state» was used to determine the level of children’s indices of well-feeling, activity and mood (WAM-questionnaire). The results of the surveys before and after the experiment showed that the developed method of organising the recreational therapy of internally displaced children contributed to significant positive changes in their emotional, psychological and functional state. The reported redistribution of indices clearly illustrates the significance of those changes

    University Degree and Citizen Science: The Necessity for Promotion of the Latter and the Possibilities of Its Organization in the Teachers’ Professional Training

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    The article reveals the opportunities, types of organization and ways to use the citizen science results at the Pedagogical University. It’s been proved that future teachers of different specialties have certain personal qualities that affect their training for scientific research activity. These qualities differ significantly. All in all, the average values of personal qualities indicators point out that future teachers can be quite successful in certain types of scientific research activities, considering their strong personal characteristics and improving the weak ones. It is proved that if the pedagogical university organizes the participation of students in citizen science, then they better develop the skills of self-organization and other personal qualities, essential for a modern teacher-researcher