9 research outputs found

    Primitive neuroectodermal tumor of the lung with pleural effusion - a case report

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    Uvod: Primitivni neuroektodermalni tumor pluća (PNET) spada u skupinu izrazito malignih tumora, koji se najvećim dijelom javljaju u djece i adolescenata. Ovaj tumor rano metastazira i ima nisku stopu preživljavanja. Prikaz slučaja: 29-godišnja žena tijekom mjesec dana imala je bolove u desnoj strani prsišta i progresivnu zaduhu. Višeslojna kompjutorizirana tomografija (MSCT) prsnoga koša pokazivala je opsežan desnostrani pleuralni izljev i veliku ekspanzivnu tvorbu u gornjem desnom plućnom režnju. Učinjena je torakocenteza, a u pleuralnom izljevu nađene su maligne stanice. Bronhoskopski je viđena vanjska kompresija na bronhe, bez malignih stanica u uzetim uzorcima bronha. U transtorakalnoj, CT-om vođenoj biopsiji tvorbe pluća, histološkom analizom utvrđene su male stanice, s hiperkromatskim jezgrama i atipičnim mitozama. Imunohistokemijski stanice su bile pozitivne na CD99, NSE i CD56 markere. Pozitron-emisijska tomografija kombinirana s kompjutoriziranom tomografijom (PET/CT) pokazivala je jako nakupljanje 18F-fluorodeoksiglukoze u gornjem desnom plućnom režnju i medijastinalnim limfnim čvorovima. Scintigrafijom somatostatinskih receptora (oktreoskan) nađeno je nakupljanje radiofarmaceutika u gornjem desnom plućnom režnju i medijastinumu, čime su utvrđeni somatostatinski receptori u tim dijelovima tijela. Bolesnica je liječena kemoterapijom (cisplatin i etopozid) i oktreotid acetatom, ali PET/CT je pokazivao progresiju tumora, te je provedena palijativna radioterapija. Tumor je brzo progredirao i bolesnica je preminula jedanaest mjeseci nakon utvrđivanja dijagnoze. Zaključak: PNET je agresivni i smrtonosni tumor, te ga treba uzeti u obzir u diferencijalnoj dijagnostici tumora prsnoga koša, bez obzira na dob bolesnika.Introduction: Primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET) is a group of rare, highly malignant neoplasms usually found in children and adolescents. The tumor tends to metastasize early, and consequently the survival rate is low. Case report: A 29-year-old female presented with pain in the right side of the thorax and progressive breathlessness of one-month duration. Multi-slice computed tomography (MSCT) of the chest revealed a large pleural effusion in the right hemithorax, and a large expansive formation in the right upper lobe. Thoracentesis was performed, and malignant cells were found in pleural effusion. Bronchoscopic examination revealed extrinsic compression on the bronchi, without malignant cells in the samples taken. Transthoracic MSCT guided biopsy of the mass histologically revealed small cells, with hyperchromatic nuclei and atypical mitosis. Immunohistochemically, the cells were positive for CD99, NSE and CD56. Positron emission tomography (PET) CT revealed intense accumulation of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose in the right upper lobe and in the mediastinal lymph nodes. Octreoscan showed pathological accumulation of radiopharmaceuticals in the right upper lobe and mediastinum, indicating a lesion with the expression of somatostatin receptor. The patient received chemotherapy (cisplatin and etoposide), and octreotide acetate. PET/CT showed tumor progression. Palliative radiotherapy was administered. The disease progressed rapidly and the patient died subsequently eleven months after the diagnosis. Conclusion: PNET is an aggressive and lethal disease, therefore should be considered in the differential diagnosis of thoracic tumors regardless of the age of the patient

    Primitive neuroectodermal tumor of the lung with pleural effusion - a case report

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    Uvod: Primitivni neuroektodermalni tumor pluća (PNET) spada u skupinu izrazito malignih tumora, koji se najvećim dijelom javljaju u djece i adolescenata. Ovaj tumor rano metastazira i ima nisku stopu preživljavanja. Prikaz slučaja: 29-godišnja žena tijekom mjesec dana imala je bolove u desnoj strani prsišta i progresivnu zaduhu. Višeslojna kompjutorizirana tomografija (MSCT) prsnoga koša pokazivala je opsežan desnostrani pleuralni izljev i veliku ekspanzivnu tvorbu u gornjem desnom plućnom režnju. Učinjena je torakocenteza, a u pleuralnom izljevu nađene su maligne stanice. Bronhoskopski je viđena vanjska kompresija na bronhe, bez malignih stanica u uzetim uzorcima bronha. U transtorakalnoj, CT-om vođenoj biopsiji tvorbe pluća, histološkom analizom utvrđene su male stanice, s hiperkromatskim jezgrama i atipičnim mitozama. Imunohistokemijski stanice su bile pozitivne na CD99, NSE i CD56 markere. Pozitron-emisijska tomografija kombinirana s kompjutoriziranom tomografijom (PET/CT) pokazivala je jako nakupljanje 18F-fluorodeoksiglukoze u gornjem desnom plućnom režnju i medijastinalnim limfnim čvorovima. Scintigrafijom somatostatinskih receptora (oktreoskan) nađeno je nakupljanje radiofarmaceutika u gornjem desnom plućnom režnju i medijastinumu, čime su utvrđeni somatostatinski receptori u tim dijelovima tijela. Bolesnica je liječena kemoterapijom (cisplatin i etopozid) i oktreotid acetatom, ali PET/CT je pokazivao progresiju tumora, te je provedena palijativna radioterapija. Tumor je brzo progredirao i bolesnica je preminula jedanaest mjeseci nakon utvrđivanja dijagnoze. Zaključak: PNET je agresivni i smrtonosni tumor, te ga treba uzeti u obzir u diferencijalnoj dijagnostici tumora prsnoga koša, bez obzira na dob bolesnika.Introduction: Primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET) is a group of rare, highly malignant neoplasms usually found in children and adolescents. The tumor tends to metastasize early, and consequently the survival rate is low. Case report: A 29-year-old female presented with pain in the right side of the thorax and progressive breathlessness of one-month duration. Multi-slice computed tomography (MSCT) of the chest revealed a large pleural effusion in the right hemithorax, and a large expansive formation in the right upper lobe. Thoracentesis was performed, and malignant cells were found in pleural effusion. Bronchoscopic examination revealed extrinsic compression on the bronchi, without malignant cells in the samples taken. Transthoracic MSCT guided biopsy of the mass histologically revealed small cells, with hyperchromatic nuclei and atypical mitosis. Immunohistochemically, the cells were positive for CD99, NSE and CD56. Positron emission tomography (PET) CT revealed intense accumulation of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose in the right upper lobe and in the mediastinal lymph nodes. Octreoscan showed pathological accumulation of radiopharmaceuticals in the right upper lobe and mediastinum, indicating a lesion with the expression of somatostatin receptor. The patient received chemotherapy (cisplatin and etoposide), and octreotide acetate. PET/CT showed tumor progression. Palliative radiotherapy was administered. The disease progressed rapidly and the patient died subsequently eleven months after the diagnosis. Conclusion: PNET is an aggressive and lethal disease, therefore should be considered in the differential diagnosis of thoracic tumors regardless of the age of the patient

    Primitive neuroectodermal tumor of the lung with pleural effusion - a case report

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    Uvod: Primitivni neuroektodermalni tumor pluća (PNET) spada u skupinu izrazito malignih tumora, koji se najvećim dijelom javljaju u djece i adolescenata. Ovaj tumor rano metastazira i ima nisku stopu preživljavanja. Prikaz slučaja: 29-godišnja žena tijekom mjesec dana imala je bolove u desnoj strani prsišta i progresivnu zaduhu. Višeslojna kompjutorizirana tomografija (MSCT) prsnoga koša pokazivala je opsežan desnostrani pleuralni izljev i veliku ekspanzivnu tvorbu u gornjem desnom plućnom režnju. Učinjena je torakocenteza, a u pleuralnom izljevu nađene su maligne stanice. Bronhoskopski je viđena vanjska kompresija na bronhe, bez malignih stanica u uzetim uzorcima bronha. U transtorakalnoj, CT-om vođenoj biopsiji tvorbe pluća, histološkom analizom utvrđene su male stanice, s hiperkromatskim jezgrama i atipičnim mitozama. Imunohistokemijski stanice su bile pozitivne na CD99, NSE i CD56 markere. Pozitron-emisijska tomografija kombinirana s kompjutoriziranom tomografijom (PET/CT) pokazivala je jako nakupljanje 18F-fluorodeoksiglukoze u gornjem desnom plućnom režnju i medijastinalnim limfnim čvorovima. Scintigrafijom somatostatinskih receptora (oktreoskan) nađeno je nakupljanje radiofarmaceutika u gornjem desnom plućnom režnju i medijastinumu, čime su utvrđeni somatostatinski receptori u tim dijelovima tijela. Bolesnica je liječena kemoterapijom (cisplatin i etopozid) i oktreotid acetatom, ali PET/CT je pokazivao progresiju tumora, te je provedena palijativna radioterapija. Tumor je brzo progredirao i bolesnica je preminula jedanaest mjeseci nakon utvrđivanja dijagnoze. Zaključak: PNET je agresivni i smrtonosni tumor, te ga treba uzeti u obzir u diferencijalnoj dijagnostici tumora prsnoga koša, bez obzira na dob bolesnika.Introduction: Primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET) is a group of rare, highly malignant neoplasms usually found in children and adolescents. The tumor tends to metastasize early, and consequently the survival rate is low. Case report: A 29-year-old female presented with pain in the right side of the thorax and progressive breathlessness of one-month duration. Multi-slice computed tomography (MSCT) of the chest revealed a large pleural effusion in the right hemithorax, and a large expansive formation in the right upper lobe. Thoracentesis was performed, and malignant cells were found in pleural effusion. Bronchoscopic examination revealed extrinsic compression on the bronchi, without malignant cells in the samples taken. Transthoracic MSCT guided biopsy of the mass histologically revealed small cells, with hyperchromatic nuclei and atypical mitosis. Immunohistochemically, the cells were positive for CD99, NSE and CD56. Positron emission tomography (PET) CT revealed intense accumulation of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose in the right upper lobe and in the mediastinal lymph nodes. Octreoscan showed pathological accumulation of radiopharmaceuticals in the right upper lobe and mediastinum, indicating a lesion with the expression of somatostatin receptor. The patient received chemotherapy (cisplatin and etoposide), and octreotide acetate. PET/CT showed tumor progression. Palliative radiotherapy was administered. The disease progressed rapidly and the patient died subsequently eleven months after the diagnosis. Conclusion: PNET is an aggressive and lethal disease, therefore should be considered in the differential diagnosis of thoracic tumors regardless of the age of the patient

    Estimated collective effective dose to the population from nuclear medicine diagnostic procedures in Croatia: A comparison of 2010 and 2015

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    <div><p>Objective</p><p>This study presents national surveys of patient exposure from nuclear medicine (NM) diagnostic procedures in 2010 and 2015 in the Republic of Croatia.</p><p>Methods</p><p>The survey was performed according to the European Commission Dose DataMed (DDM) project methodology. 28 most frequent NM diagnostic procedures were identified. Data about frequencies of procedures and average administered activities of radioisotopes used in those procedures were collected. Average administered activities were converted to effective doses according to the dose conversion coefficients. Then the collective effective dose to the population and an effective dose per capita were calculated based on the number of the most frequent NM diagnostic procedures and the average effective dose per procedure.</p><p>Results</p><p>In 2010, 41200 NM diagnostic procedures led to 146.7 manSv collective effective dose to the population and in 2015, 42000 NM diagnostic procedures led to 146.8 manSv collective effective dose to the population. The frequencies of NM diagnostic procedures were 9.7 and 9.8 annually per 1000 population with 34.1 μSv and 34.2 μSv effective dose per capita for 2010 and 2015, respectively. The main contributors to the annual collective dose from NM in Croatia are examinations of the bone, heart, thyroid and PET/CT tumour diagnostic. Average administered activities have not changed considerably from 2010 to 2015. Nevertheless, within the frequency of some of the procedures, significant changes were found in five-year period.</p><p>Conclusions</p><p>Frequencies, average administered activities and collective effective dose to the population from NM diagnostic procedures in Croatia are comparable to the values reported by other European surveys. Changes were found between 2010 and 2015 and we intend to perform this study periodically to identify possible trends, but also to raise awareness about the potential dose optimization.</p></div