77 research outputs found

    The degree of participation indicator of sales of livestock products in the main social factors

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    The article discusses the solution of the problem of social factors of natural human needs through analysis of sales of main animal products. The driving force behind the development of any society is the social factor. The basis of allocation of the social factor is such a connection of social facilities, in which some of them (the reasons) under certain conditions, with the need to generate other social objects or their properties (the investigation). As factors of social acts, first of all, the activities of people to warrant the ultimate diversity of social life. The role of the factor of social performs a variety of material and spiritual education: needs, manufacturing, social institutions, organizations, property Wednesday, interests, values, opinions, orientation, installation people, etc. The work is devoted to an actual problem of sociology, social factor of natural human needs - needs in food. Human needs are diverse and have different importance. Need - is the objective condition for normal human existence. However, a person is multidimensional: it has elements of functioning without which human existence is not possible (working heart, brain, stomach, etc.), and there are those that cause discomfort, but not fatal. The work involves the analysis and forecasting of market of meat products in the Russian Federation: multiple regression, and ARIMA seasonal decomposition model. The Russian economic theory of consumption issues involved in such scholars as V.M.Ageev, Yu.V.Borozdin, K.K.Valtuh, Yu.N.Ivanov, V.A.Inozemtsev, A.I.Ponomarev, VT .Smirnov, S.S.Shatalin and others. of great importance for the study of the socio-economic aspects of consumption are research scientists such as E.M.Agababyan, G.V.Bachinsky, V.G.Grebennikov, V.E.Komarov, N.A.Kostyashkin, A.I.Levin, G.I.Latysheva, M.A.Mozhina, B.M.Mochalov, V.S.Nemchinov, O.I.Ozherelev, M.P.Osadko, K.I.Ostrovityaninov, N.S.Perekalina, OS Pchelintcev, V.V.Radaev, NM Rimashevskaya, I.I.Stolyarov, I.G.Stepanov, K.P.Tronev, U.G.Chernyavsky, N.I.Shehet. Many personal consumption patterns are considered in A.Antonova, V.Bobkova, A.Gulyuginoy, T.Davydovoy, V.Zherebina, T.Zaslavskoy, N.Zverevoy, I.Kalabihinoy, A.Kotlyara, V.A.Litvinova, A .Shevyakova, V.Yadova and others

    Forecasting techniques in the research rail market

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    © Research India Publications.The paper presents the results of a study of volume loading of oil and oil products and the forecast. Studied the market of railway transportation in the Russian Federation, presents data on volume of oil and oil products. Forecasting of volume of oil and oil products carried out by methods (ARIMA) and exponential smoothing in the package of applied programs Statistica 6.0

    The Temple and the Rite: Social Functions of the Sacred by Davydov I.P.

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    The book under review was published in 2021 and its title can be translated as The Temple and the Rite: Social Functions of the Sacred. It became a result of fifteen years of work conducted by Doctor of Philosophy Ivan Pavlovich Davydov. Epistemology and methodology of religious science, problems of myth and rite, as well as the issues of religious art, are central to his research. The basic method used by I. P. Davydov is structural functionalism and the theoretical base he applies is the philosophy of Postmodernism represented by the names of G. Bataille, R. Caillois, J. Kristeva, M. Foucault, M. Blanchot. The book is divided into two main parts. In the first part I. P. Davydov focuses on theoretical issues: the concept of transgression in the philosophy of Postmodernism, definition of the term religion, description of the functions of religion, and specification of the myth-ritual concept. The author introduces his original method of functional analysis of archetypal images of the collective unconscious. In the second part of the book, the author deals with the study of Christian hymnography, iconography, and architecture through the prism of the method mentioned above. It can be regarded as an attempt to substantiate and verify the theoretical constructions of the first part by analyzing the empirical material of religious art. This part of the research serves to illustrate the practical application of the author’s method. Here the author defines major religious concepts, such as semiotics of sacred spaces, iconography, iconology, and icon, from the position of religious studies and philosophy and substantiates their scientific importance. We may conclude that this work in light of the latitude of the problems raised in it can be useful for the wide range of researchers working not only in the field of religious studies but also in the other fields of knowledge: anthropology, cultural studies, art history, psychoanalysis, etc. The readers can acquaint themselves with the method of functional analysis in the first part of the book and adapt it to their research, using the examples from the second part of the book as the patterns

    Methods of optimization of economic systems as a mechanism for the effectiveness of training it professionals in high school

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    The article deals with in-depth and comprehensive study of the techniques of economic systems optimization, identification of the theoretical foundations, trends, pedagogical conditions and means of forming the subject competence of students of information directions of bachelors degree program. A model of an individual trajectory of the natural sciences and professional training on the example of an in-depth development of economic systems optimization methods was proposed and the mechanism of its implementation was considered. As the result of the taken study the authors have proposed and justified the application of a set of professionally-designed tasks of training for IT professionals in the field of economics, methods of optimization of economic systems as a mechanism for the effectiveness of training IT professionals, methods of mathematical modeling, in order to improve teaching methods, implementation of more effective mechanisms for training of IT professionals in the learning process are discussed. Methods of optimization of economic systems are important components of the training of future analysts and IT professionals. The use of traditional teaching methods in modern society is no longer enough to train IT professionals in the field of economy. There is a necessity to improve teaching methods, to introduce more effective ones into the educational process, managing the process of assimilation of knowledge, forming ability and skills, which are aimed at developing of a sustained conscious positive attitude towards their profession of future IT specialist, independent decision-making with problematic tasks, related to the exercise of professional functions


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    The paper presents data on study of meat productivity horses Yakut breed. As a result, it was found that meat productivity of horses, including quality of meat products, largely depends on feed conditions. As result of research, it was found that animals from second and third groups exceeded first group in pre-slaughter weight by 3.29 and 2.99 %, carcass weight by 4.42 and 3.38 %, fat by 8.85 and 3.05 %. The study of meat quality was carried out in terms of chemical composition and organoleptic characteristics. During analysis, it was found that meat samples of first group contained more moisture compared to second and third groups by 1.96 and 1.10 %. At the same time, second and third groups exceeded the first group in protein by 1.43 and 0.73 %, fat by 0.53 and 0.36 %, P by 1.62 and 0.54 %, Cu by 9.52 and 4.76 %, Mg by 9.23 and 5.14 %, Se by 3.57 and 1.79 %, as well as vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2 and B3. The organoleptic evaluation of meat products found that all samples met quality requirements of the standard. Thus, analysis of the data showed that meat productivity of horses depends to a greater extent on feeding conditions

    The monitoring of students' satisfaction with the quality of tasks for training to pass the boundary testing on microbiology, virology and immunology department

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    In this article the importance of carrying polls for evaluation of students' satisfaction with the quality of tasks for training to pass the boundary testing is discussed. The results of survey among II year students from all faculties are discussed.В статье обосновывается необходимость проведения опросов студентов удовлетворенностью качеством разработанных кафедрой микробиологии, вирусологии и иммунологии тренировочных тестовых заданий для подготовки к сдаче рубежных компьютерных контролей. Представлен анализ результатов анкетирования студентов II курса всех факультетов

    Kinetic regularities, catalyst deactivation and reactivation

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    Funding text 1 The research is funded from Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Program No. 075–03–2021–287/6 (Russia). Funding text 2 XPS measurements were carried out at the Central laboratories of Tomsk Polytechnic University (Analytical Center). HRTEM was carried out at the Innovation centre for Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies of Tomsk Polytechnic University. The ICP-OES analysis was carried out using the core facilities of “Physics and Chemical methods of analysis” of Tomsk Polytechnic University. Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia for Scientific Employment Stimulus Institutional Call (CEECINST/00102/2018), UIDB/50006/2020 and UIDP/50006/2020 (LAQV), UIDB/00100/2020 and UIDP/00100/2020 (Centro de Química Estrutural).Betulin, being a pentacyclic triterpene alcohol and an extractive from birch bark, along with its oxo-derivatives, has a broad range of physiological properties of interest for synthesis of pharmaceuticals. Instead of oxidizing betulin with strong and toxic oxidizing agents the present study shows a possibility of using liquid-phase oxidation of betulin with air over supported Ag NPs catalysts as an alternative method for synthesis of its oxo-derivatives. Based on catalytic studies, high resolution transmission electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and ultraviolet-visible diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, the evolution of the surface of nanosilver catalysts during the catalysis was demonstrated, as well as under the impact of reactant gas composition. The kinetic regularities and causes of deactivation of supported Ag NPs catalysts were revealed. An approach to the regeneration of silver catalysts was proposed. Kinetic analysis with numerical data fitting was performed resulting in an adequate description of the concentration dependencies.publishersversionpublishe

    Активация аутофагии в клетках рака молочной железы in vitro после воздействия ингибиторами PI3K/AKT/mTOR

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    Introduction. Current chemotherapy of breast cancer has a wide range of disadvantages, in particular, the development of therapy-related infections and hormonal imbalance. Combination of main cytostatic with glucocorticoids allows to broaden its therapeutic interval and to decrease the total toxicity of the treatment. However, long-term treatment with glucocorticoids leads to the development of severe side effects via activation of multiple molecular mechanisms. Thus, glucocorticoids activate prosurvival mTOR-dependent autophagy. Therefore, the evaluation of PI3K (phosphoinositide 3-kinases) / Akt (protein kinase B) / mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin) inhibitors as adjuvants for breast cancer therapy is important for optimization of treatment protocol.Aim. Analysis of the effects of PI3K/Akt/mTOR inhibitors, rapamycin, wortmannin and LY-294002 in combination with glucocorticoids in breast cancer cell lines of different subtypes.Materials and methods. We demonstrated the inhibition of PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling and the autophagy induction after the treatment of breast cancer cells with rapamycin, wortmannin and LY-294002 by Western blotting analysis of Beclin-1, phospho-Beclin-1 (Ser93 and Ser30).Conclusion. PI3K/Akt/mTOR inhibitors in combination with Dexamethasone cooperatively inhibited mTOR signaling and activated autophagy in breast cancer cells in vitro.Введение. Химиотерапия рака молочной железы имеет широкий спектр недостатков, в частности развитие сопутствующих инфекций и гормональных нарушений. Комбинация с синтетическими глюкокортикоидами позволяет расширить терапевтический интервал и снизить общую токсичность препаратов основной линии терапии. Однако длительное применение глюкокортикоидов способствует развитию ряда побочных эффектов, которые могут реализовываться за счет различных молекулярных механизмов. Так, глюкокортикоиды могут инициировать индукцию аутофагии, ведущую к выживанию опухолевых клеток. Запуск механизма аутофагии является mTOR-зависимым, в связи с чем актуальной является оценка возможности введения в качестве адъювантов в терапию рака молочной железы ингибиторов сигнального пути PI3K (фосфоинозитид-3‑киназа) / Akt (протеинкиназа B) / mTOR (мишень рапамицина млекопитающих).Цель работы – анализ действия ингибиторов PI3K / Akt / mTOR рапамицина, вортманнина и LY-294002 в комбинации с глюкокортикоидами на запуск аутофагии в клеточных линиях рака молочной железы различного гистогенеза.Материалы и методы. Методом Вестерн-блоттинга было показано, что рапамицин, вортманнин и LY-294002 ингибируют активность сигнального пути PI3K / Akt / mTOR и индуцируют аутофагию в клетках рака молочной железы, о чем судили по повышению уровня ключевого белка макроаутофагии, Beclin-1, и его фосфорилированных форм phospho-Beclin-1 по остаткам серина Ser93 и Ser30.Заключение. В ходе работы было показано, что ингибиторы сигнального пути PI3K / Akt / mTOR в комбинации с дексаметазоном кооперативно подавляют сигнальный путь mTOR и активируют аутофагию в клетках РМЖ in vitro

    Факторы формирования поверхностного притока к озерам антарктического оазиса Холмы Ларсеманн

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    The study aims to identify formation factors of water inflow to the Antarctic lakes of the Larsemann Hills oasis (East Antarctica). The objects of study are 11 lakes of the oasis. The analysis was performed based on the expeditionary data of the Russian Antarctic Expedition (RAE): 63rd season (23 December 2017 – 3 February 2018), 64th season (12 January 2019 – 27 February 2019), 65th season (2 November 2019 – 24 March 2020). Data of lakes water level observations, aerial photography of the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and route surveys are given, the results of identifying the boundaries of the lakes catchments are presented. The factors that determine the formation of water inflow to the lakes in this region were identified based on the analysis of the materials. The most significant are the meteorological conditions, the presence of perennial snowfields and glacial areas in the catchments, and the presence of lakes that can cause outburst flood. The seasonally thawed layer also has an impact on the formation of the inflow to the lakes. The vegetation cover is not so important for inflow formation in this region due to the physical and geographical conditions. As for anthropogenic activity, it mainly affects the environmental situation of the catchments and water quality, while the anthropogenic influence on the formation of water inflow to the lakes in the oasis is limited to the territories of polar stations. The factors identified should be taken into account in the further study of hydrological processes, the creation of models that describe them, and the organization of field observations.Объектами исследования являются 11 водоемов антарктического оазиса Холмы Ларсеманн. Работа выполнена по материалам сезонных работ 63 — 65-й РАЭ: используются наблюдения за уровнем воды озер, аэрофотосъемки БПЛА, маршрутные обследования, приведены результаты выделения границ водосборных площадей озер. Наиболее значимыми выявленными факторами, определяющими формирование притока воды к озерам, являются метеорологические условия (количество твердых осадков, ветровой режим, температура воздуха), наличие многолетних снежников и ледниковых участков на водосборах, прорыв верхнего в системе озера. Сезонно-талый слой рыхлых отложений регулирует склоновый сток по мере протаивания и промерзания. Особенностью оазиса является то, что на формирование стока практически не влияют растительный покров и антропогенная деятельность