59 research outputs found
Efektivitas Pembelajaran dengan Memanfaatkan Video yang Dikemas dalam Bentuk Cd Interaktif pada Mata Kuliah Inovasi Pembelajaran Matematika
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pembelajaran matematika dengan memanfaatkan video yang dikemas dalam bentuk CD Interaktif pada mata kuliah inovasi pembelajaran matematika pada mahasiswa dapat mencapai tuntas dan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pembelajaran matematika dengan memanfaatkan video yang dikemas dalam bentuk CD Interaktif pada mata kuliah inovasi pembelajaran matematika terhadap hasil belajar mahasiswa. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian Quasy Experimental. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa semester III jurusan pendidikan matematika IKIP PGRI Semarang yang terdiri dari sembilan kelas. Dengan teknik purposive sampling dipilih dua kelas, kelas 3D sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas 3C sebagai kelas kontrol. Variabel penelitian dalam penelitian ini yaitu kreativitas mahasiswa (X) sebagai variabel bebas dan hasil belajar (Y) sebagai variabel terikat. Cara pengambilan data dengan observasi dan tes hasil belajar. Olah data dengan uji banding dan uji pengaruh. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa uji ketuntasan dengan rata-rata 73,25 artinya telah mencapai ketuntasan dan terjadi perbedaan prestasi antara kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol yang ditunjukkan dengan rata-rata 73,25 pada kelas eksperimen dan 68,30 pada kelas kontrol serta diperoleh variabel kreativitas mahasiswa berpengaruh positif terhadap prestasi belajar dengan persamaan regresi ?é?ádan pengaruhnya sebesar 12 %. Hal tersebut menunjukkan pembelajaran kelas eksperimen mencapai efektif. ?é?
Summary of the demographic model and sampling from Freedman et al. [1].
<p>Their critical inclusion of data from the Australian Dingo illustrates that high copy number in <i>AMY2B</i> is not a basal trait in dogs. The reciprocal monophyly of wild and domestic suggests that, despite the geographical diversity of sampling, descendants of the wolf population that contributed to dog domestication are not represented and may only be accessible using ancient DNA.</p
All data used in the article
List of the specimens used in the study with reference to the museum collection, specimen ID, wild or domestic status, country of origin or breed, group of age and raw 3D coordinate
SI Figure 1: A depiction of the location and number of homologous landmarks used in the analysis. from A test for paedomorphism in domestic pig cranial morphology
Thirty-six unilateral, three-dimensional coordinates were taken from the right hand side of the crania. In green the landmarks used for the neurocranial analysis, in red landmarks used for the facial analysis. See SI-table 1 for an anatomical description of the landmarks
SI Table 1: List of all specimens included in the study. Juvenile: 0-3 months, before the eruption of all deciduous teeth, sub-adult: 3-15 months, and adult: over 15months, after deciduous teeth being replaced by permanent teeth. from A test for paedomorphism in domestic pig cranial morphology
Juvenile: 0-3 months, before the eruption of all deciduous teeth, sub-adult: 3-15 months, and adult: over 15months, after deciduous teeth being replaced by permanent teeth
SI Figure 2: Results of analyses performed on the three ontogenetic series for which specimens in the three classes of age were available. from A test for paedomorphism in domestic pig cranial morphology
Domestic pigs are represented by the Berkshire and Deutches Edelschwein breeds, and the wild boar by specimens from Poland. Panel A is equivalent to fig 1.B: Shape variations along the two first principal components; Dissimilarly between the groups; growth in size. Panel B is equivalent to fig. 2: Evolution through growth of the size ratio between the facial and neurocranial regions
Additional file 2: Figure S3. of Origin and phylogenetic status of the local Ashanti Dwarf pig (ADP) of Ghana based on genetic analysis
Variation in coat colours of local Ashanti Dwarf pigs (ADP) of Ghana. Image A and B show spotting and patchy coat colours appearing in the litters of selected “purebred” ADPs, whilst C and D show spotted and belted patterns in local livestock of known mixed ancestry. (TIF 535 kb
Additional file 6: Figure S6. of Origin and phylogenetic status of the local Ashanti Dwarf pig (ADP) of Ghana based on genetic analysis
A: Principal Component Analysis of local pigs of Ghana based on SNP genotyping. (AR = Ashanti region; CR = Central region; ER = Eastern region; GAR = Greater Accra region; NR = Northern region; UWR = Upper West region). B: PCA analysis of Ghanaian pigs and European and Asian populations. (TIF 244 kb
Accuracy of HAYSTAC and other methods for an oral microbiome simulation.
Bar plot showing the mean count of false positives (red), false negatives (orange), and true detected species (blue) for two versions of the oral microbiome dataset, each with six replicates: (A) modern simulation, with fixed read lengths (n = 6); and (B) ancient simulation, with variable read lengths and post-mortem damage (n = 6). The dotted line shows the average number of simulated species in each set of samples (i.e., the maximum true positive; n = 178), and numbers above the error bars indicate the mean species count in each category. For the modern simulation, HAYSTAC substantially outperforms Kraken2/Bracken, KrakenUniq and MALT with respect to false positives, and performs equivalently with Sigma. For the ancient simulation, HAYSTAC outperforms all four other methods with respect to false positives. The overall high rates of false negative identifications are due to the absence of many simulated species from the reference database for all four methods. HAYSTAC also outperforms all the other four methods in both the modern and ancient Oral Microbiome datasets by identifying the highest number of true positive species.</p
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