2,425 research outputs found

    Availability of difficult airway equipment to rural anaesthetists in Queensland, Australia

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    Introduction: Since 1990 several airway devices have become available to assist in difficult intubation. Multiple surveys have assessed difficult airway equipment availability in international anaesthetic departments and emergency departments. The practice of GP anaesthetists is unique in both its multidisciplinary nature and geographical isolation. Objectives: General practitioners performing general anaesthesia in rural and remote Queensland, Australia were surveyed to assess their access to difficult airway equipment and whether this was related to the remoteness of their location or attendance at continuing professional development activities. Methods: Design: survey. Setting: proceduralists performing general anaesthesia in hospitals categorised as Rural, Remote and Metropolitan Area (RRMA) classification 4 to 7 inclusive were surveyed. Outcome measure: data collected included demographic information, availability of airway management equipment, and attendance at continuing professional development activities. The received data was entered into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and analysed in Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS Inc; Chicago, IL, USA) using the frequencies and crosstabs functions. The Fisher’s exact test was used. A p-value of less than 0.10 was considered noteworthy and a p-value of less than 0.05 was considered to be significant. A statistical comparison was made between the known demographics of the target population and the survey responders. The known demographics were derived from the Health Workforce Queensland database and included age, gender, practice location and practitioner type. Results: Seventy-nine surveys were distributed and 35 returned (response rate 44%). This represented 21 hospitals. There was no statistical difference between the target population and the survey responders in terms of age and gender. There was no statistical difference in terms of practice location, although the small percentage responding from RRMA 6 was notable. There was a statistically significant difference between the groups in terms of practitioner type. Hospital-based practitioners were relatively under-represented in the responder group. Eighty-two per cent of practitioners felt they had access to appropriate equipment and this was not significantly related the remoteness of their location. There was wide variation in available equipment. Simple adjuncts such as the bougie and stylet were not universally available but cricothyroidotomy sets were more common. Practitioners in the more remote locations were less likely to have attended an educational activity such as conference, workshop or skills laboratory (p=0.05). Conclusions: We suggest standardisation of difficult airway equipment for rural practitioners. This could be supported by increased availability of airway management workshops in remote areas. Such an intervention would be in line with other initiatives to standardise medical equipment in rural and remote Queensland hospitals. Familiarity with infrequently used equipment may assist practitioners and their locums. Standardisation of equipment and practice is a recognised method of improving patient safety

    Comparison of structured observation and pictorial 24 h recall of household activities to measure the prevalence of handwashing with soap in the community.

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    This study compared structured observation with a 24 h pictorial recall of household activities ('sticker diary') to measure the prevalence of handwashing with soap (HWWS) in the community. The study was done within a cluster-randomised trial evaluating a handwashing promotion programme in Bihar, India. HWWS at key occasions in mothers and school children was measured by structured observation in 299 households from 32 villages. Sticker diaries recalling common activities, including personal hygiene, were used to measure HWWS in 299 households from a further 20 villages. Sticker diary HWWS prevalence estimates were about 13% points higher than structured observation estimates, but the differences varied by the type of handwashing occasion. This study confirms structured observation as the method of choice for the study of handwashing behaviours. The sticker diary method may be useful in large-scale surveys. Sticker diaries may overestimate HWWS at important occasions, but probably less so than conventional questionnaire tools

    Generative Invertible Networks (GIN): Pathophysiology-Interpretable Feature Mapping and Virtual Patient Generation

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    Machine learning methods play increasingly important roles in pre-procedural planning for complex surgeries and interventions. Very often, however, researchers find the historical records of emerging surgical techniques, such as the transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR), are highly scarce in quantity. In this paper, we address this challenge by proposing novel generative invertible networks (GIN) to select features and generate high-quality virtual patients that may potentially serve as an additional data source for machine learning. Combining a convolutional neural network (CNN) and generative adversarial networks (GAN), GIN discovers the pathophysiologic meaning of the feature space. Moreover, a test of predicting the surgical outcome directly using the selected features results in a high accuracy of 81.55%, which suggests little pathophysiologic information has been lost while conducting the feature selection. This demonstrates GIN can generate virtual patients not only visually authentic but also pathophysiologically interpretable

    Hierarchical Regression for Multiple Comparisons in a Case-Control Study of Occupational Risks for Lung Cancer

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    BACKGROUND Occupational studies often involve multiple comparisons and therefore suffer from false positive findings. Semi-Bayes adjustment methods have sometimes been used to address this issue. Hierarchical regression is a more general approach, including Semi-Bayes adjustment as a special case, that aims at improving the validity of standard maximum-likelihood estimates in the presence of multiple comparisons by incorporating similarities between the exposures of interest in a second-stage model. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS We re-analysed data from an occupational case-control study of lung cancer, applying hierarchical regression. In the second-stage model, we included the exposure to three known lung carcinogens (asbestos, chromium and silica) for each occupation, under the assumption that occupations entailing similar carcinogenic exposures are associated with similar risks of lung cancer. Hierarchical regression estimates had smaller confidence intervals than maximum-likelihood estimates. The shrinkage toward the null was stronger for extreme, less stable estimates (e.g., "specialised farmers": maximum-likelihood OR: 3.44, 95%CI 0.90-13.17; hierarchical regression OR: 1.53, 95%CI 0.63-3.68). Unlike Semi-Bayes adjustment toward the global mean, hierarchical regression did not shrink all the ORs towards the null (e.g., "Metal smelting, converting and refining furnacemen": maximum-likelihood OR: 1.07, Semi-Bayes OR: 1.06, hierarchical regression OR: 1.26). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE Hierarchical regression could be a valuable tool in occupational studies in which disease risk is estimated for a large amount of occupations when we have information available on the key carcinogenic exposures involved in each occupation. With the constant progress in exposure assessment methods in occupational settings and the availability of Job Exposure Matrices, it should become easier to apply this approach

    The various power decays of the survival probability at long times for free quantum particle

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    The long time behaviour of the survival probability of initial state and its dependence on the initial states are considered, for the one dimensional free quantum particle. We derive the asymptotic expansion of the time evolution operator at long times, in terms of the integral operators. This enables us to obtain the asymptotic formula for the survival probability of the initial state ψ(x)\psi (x), which is assumed to decrease sufficiently rapidly at large x|x|. We then show that the behaviour of the survival probability at long times is determined by that of the initial state ψ\psi at zero momentum k=0k=0. Indeed, it is proved that the survival probability can exhibit the various power-decays like t2m1t^{-2m-1} for an arbitrary non-negative integers mm as tt \to \infty , corresponding to the initial states with the condition ψ^(k)=O(km)\hat{\psi} (k) = O(k^m) as k0k\to 0.Comment: 15 pages, to appear in J. Phys.

    Vasectomy, cigarette smoking, and age at first sexual intercourse as risk factors for prostate cancer in middle-aged men.

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    A population-based case-control study was conducted in men aged 60 or less to assess the risk of prostate cancer associated with vasectomy and other factors. Data were obtained from 216 case-control pairs by telephone interviews; this number represented 55% of all eligible cases. The matched pairs relative risk (RR) for vasectomy in ever married men was 1.4 with a 95% confidence interval (CI) of 0.9-2.3. There was a positive association between the number of years since vasectomy and prostate cancer risk (1-sided P = 0.01). Early age at first sexual intercourse was associated with increased prostate cancer risk (age less than 17 vs. 21+, RR = 2.3, 95% CI = 1.3, 4.0) but there were no consistent associations with number of sexual partners or frequency of sexual intercourse. Cigarette smoking was also associated with increased risk of prostate cancer (RR = 1.9, 95% CI = 1.2, 3.0) and there was a positive dose-response relationship with years of smoking (1-sided P = 0.001). We discuss the possible implication of the low response rate on each of these findings. To determine whether the association with vasectomy might have a hormonal basis, we compared levels of testosterone (T) and testosterone binding globulin-binding capacity (TeBG-bc) in 33 of the vasectomized control men with levels in 33 non-vasectomized controls of the same age, weight and height. T levels were higher in vasectomized than in non-vasectomized controls (1-sided P = 0.06). The ratio of T to TeBG-bc (an index of bioavailable T) was 13.5% higher in vasectomized men (1-sided P = 0.03)

    Re-interpreting conventional interval estimates taking into account bias and extra-variation

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    BACKGROUND: The study design with the smallest bias for causal inference is a perfect randomized clinical trial. Since this design is often not feasible in epidemiologic studies, an important challenge is to model bias properly and take random and systematic variation properly into account. A value for a target parameter might be said to be "incompatible" with the data (under the model used) if the parameter's confidence interval excludes it. However, this "incompatibility" may be due to bias and/or extra-variation. DISCUSSION: We propose the following way of re-interpreting conventional results. Given a specified focal value for a target parameter (typically the null value, but possibly a non-null value like that representing a twofold risk), the difference between the focal value and the nearest boundary of the confidence interval for the parameter is calculated. This represents the maximum correction of the interval boundary, for bias and extra-variation, that would still leave the focal value outside the interval, so that the focal value remained "incompatible" with the data. We describe a short example application concerning a meta analysis of air versus pure oxygen resuscitation treatment in newborn infants. Some general guidelines are provided for how to assess the probability that the appropriate correction for a particular study would be greater than this maximum (e.g. using knowledge of the general effects of bias and extra-variation from published bias-adjusted results). SUMMARY: Although this approach does not yet provide a method, because the latter probability can not be objectively assessed, this paper aims to stimulate the re-interpretation of conventional confidence intervals, and more and better studies of the effects of different biases

    Nationwide outbreak of STEC O157 infection in the Netherlands, December 2008-January 2009: continuous risk of consuming raw beef products.

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    The Netherlands experienced a nationwide outbreak of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) O157 with onset of symptoms from the end of December 2008 until the end of January 2009. A total of 20 laboratory-confirmed cases were linked to the outbreak strain, serotype O157: H-, stx1, stx2, eae and e-hly positive. The investigation into the source of this outbreak is still ongoing, but evidence so far suggests that infection occurred as a result of consuming contaminated raw meat (steak tartare)

    Trailblazers in Cancer Research : The Next Generation – The British Association of Cancer Research Early Career Conference

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    ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank Mrs Janet Alexander and Ms Barbora Gaborova for their invaluable help with this conference's organisation, marketing, and administration.Peer reviewe

    Case registry systems for pandemic influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 in Europe: are there lessons for the future?

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    Countries across Europe developed a range of database systems to register pandemic influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 cases. Anecdotal reports indicate that some systems were not as useful as expected. This was a cross-sectional, semi-structured survey of health professionals who collected and reported pandemic influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 cases in 23 countries within the 27 European Union (EU) Member States plus Norway. We describe here the experiences of using pandemic case register systems developed before and during the pandemic, whether the systems were used as intended and, what problems, if any, were encountered. We conducted the survey to identify improvements that could be made to future pandemic case registers at national and EU level. Despite many inter-country differences, 17 respondents felt that a standardised case register template incorporating a limited number of simple standard variables specified in advance and agreed between the World Health Organization and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control could be useful. Intra- and inter-country working groups could facilitate information exchange, clearer system objectives and improved interoperability between systems