7,808 research outputs found

    JT90 thermal barrier coated vanes

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    The technology of plasma sprayed thermal barrier coatings applied to turbine vane platforms in modern high temperature commercial engines was advanced to the point of demonstrated feasibility for application to commercial aircraft engines. The three thermal barrier coatings refined under this program are zirconia stabilized with twenty-one percent magnesia (21% MSZ), six percent yttria (6% YSZ), and twenty percent yttria (20% YSZ). Improvement in thermal cyclic endurance by a factor of 40 times was demonstrated in rig tests. A cooling system evolved during the program which featured air impingement cooling for the vane platforms rather than film cooling. The impingement cooling system, in combination with the thermal barrier coatings, reduced platform cooling air requirements by 44% relative to the current film cooling system. Improved durability and reduced cooling air requirements were demonstrated in rig and engine endurance tests. Two engine tests were conducted, one of 1000 cycles and the other of 1500 cycles. All three coatings applied to vanes fabricated with the final cooling system configuration completed the final 1500 cycle engine endurance test. Results of this test clearly demonstrated the durability of the 6% YSZ coating which was in very good condition after the test. The 21% MSZ and 20% YSZ coatings had numerous occurrences of significant spalling in the test

    Galaxy formation with radiative and chemical feedback

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    Here we introduce GAMESH, a novel pipeline which implements self-consistent radiative and chemical feedback in a computational model of galaxy formation. By combining the cosmological chemical-evolution model GAMETE with the radiative transfer code CRASH, GAMESH can post process realistic outputs of a N-body simulation describing the redshift evolution of the forming galaxy. After introducing the GAMESH implementation and its features, we apply the code to a low-resolution N-body simulation of the Milky Way formation and we investigate the combined effects of self-consistent radiative and chemical feedback. Many physical properties, which can be directly compared with observations in the Galaxy and its surrounding satellites, are predicted by the code along the merger-tree assembly. The resulting redshift evolution of the Local Group star formation rates, reionisation and metal enrichment along with the predicted Metallicity Distribution Function of halo stars are critically compared with observations. We discuss the merits and limitations of the first release of GAMESH, also opening new directions to a full implementation of feedback processes in galaxy formation models by combining semi-analytic and numerical methods.Comment: This version has coloured figures not present in the printed version. Submitted to MNRAS, minor revision

    Where does galactic dust come from?

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    Here we investigate the origin of the dust mass (Mdust) observed in the Milky Way (MW) and of dust scaling relations found in a sample of local galaxies from the DGS and KINGFISH surveys. To this aim, we model dust production from Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars and supernovae (SNe) in simulated galaxies forming along the assembly of aMW-like halo in a well-resolved cosmic volume of 4 cMpc using the GAMESH pipeline. We explore the impact of different sets of metallicity and mass-dependent AGB and SN dust yields on the predicted Mdust. Our results show that models accounting for grain destruction by the SN reverse shock predict a total dust mass in the MW, that is a factor of ~4 less than observed, and cannot reproduce the observed galaxy-scale relations between dust and stellar masses, and dust-togas ratios and metallicity, with a smaller discrepancy in galaxies with low metallicity (12 + log(O/H) < 7.5) and low stellar masses (Mstar < 107 M⊙). In agreement with previous studies, we suggest that competing processes in the interstellar medium must be at play to explain the observed trends. Our result reinforces this conclusion by showing that it holds independently of the adopted AGB and SN dust yields


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    In this paper we derive exact quantum Langevin equations for stochastic dynamics of large-scale inflation in de~Sitter space. These quantum Langevin equations are the equivalent of the Wigner equation and are described by a system of stochastic differential equations. We present a formula for the calculation of the expectation value of a quantum operator whose Weyl symbol is a function of the large-scale inflation scalar field and its time derivative. The unique solution is obtained for the Cauchy problem for the Wigner equation for large-scale inflation. The stationary solution for the Wigner equation is found for an arbitrary potential. It is shown that the large-scale inflation scalar field in de Sitter space behaves as a quantum one-dimensional dissipative system, which supports the earlier results. But the analogy with a one-dimensional model of the quantum linearly damped anharmonic oscillator is not complete: the difference arises from the new time dependent commutation relation for the large-scale field and its time derivative. It is found that, for the large-scale inflation scalar field the large time asymptotics is equal to the `classical limit'. For the large time limit the quantum Langevin equations are just the classical stochastic Langevin equations (only the stationary state is defined by the quantum field theory).Comment: 21 pages RevTex preprint styl

    Heat transfer in rotating serpentine passages with trips normal to the flow

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    Experiments were conducted to determine the effects of buoyancy and Coriolis forces on heat transfer in turbine blade internal coolant passages. The experiments were conducted with a large scale, multipass, heat transfer model with both radially inward and outward flow. Trip strips on the leading and trailing surfaces of the radial coolant passages were used to produce the rough walls. An analysis of the governing flow equations showed that four parameters influence the heat transfer in rotating passages: coolant-to-wall temperature ratio, Rossby number, Reynolds number, and radius-to-passage hydraulic diameter ratio. The first three of these four parameters were varied over ranges which are typical of advanced gas turbine engine operating conditions. Results were correlated and compared to previous results from stationary and rotating similar models with trip strips. The heat transfer coefficients on surfaces, where the heat increased with rotation and buoyancy, varied by as much as a factor of four. Maximum values of the heat transfer coefficients with high rotation were only slightly above the highest levels obtained with the smooth wall model. The heat transfer coefficients on surfaces, where the heat transfer decreased with rotation, varied by as much as a factor of three due to rotation and buoyancy. It was concluded that both Coriolis and buoyancy effects must be considered in turbine blade cooling designs with trip strips and that the effects of rotation were markedly different depending upon the flow direction

    Optical and X-ray Observations of the Afterglow to XRF030723

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    The X-ray-flash XRF030723 was detected by the HETE satellite and rapidly disseminated, allowing for an optical transient to be detected ~1 day after the burst. We discuss observations in the optical with Magellan, which confirmed the fade of the optical transient. In a 2-epoch ToO observation with Chandra, we discovered a fading X-ray source spatially coincident with the optical transient. We present spectral fits to the X-ray data. We also discuss the possibility that the source underwent a rebrightening in the X-rays, as was observed in the optical. We find that the significance of a possible rebrightening is very low (~1 sigma).Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Santa Fe GRB Conference Proceedings, 200
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