182 research outputs found

    Influence of the quasi-biennial oscillation and El Niño-Southern Oscillation on the frequency of sudden stratospheric warmings

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    Stratospheric sudden warmings (SSWs) are a major source of variability during Northern Hemisphere winter. The frequency of occurrence of SSWs is influenced by El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO), the 11 year solar cycle, and volcanic eruptions. This study investigates the role of ENSO and the QBO on the frequency of SSWs using the National Center for Atmospheric Research's Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model, version 3.5 (WACCM3.5). In addition to a control simulation, WACCM3.5 simulations with different combinations of natural variability factors such as the QBO and variable sea surface temperatures (SSTs) are performed to investigate the role of QBO and ENSO. Removing only one forcing, variable SSTs or QBO, yields a SSW frequency similar to that in the control experiment; however, removing both forcings results in a significantly decreased SSW frequency. These results imply nonlinear interactions between ENSO and QBO signals in the polar stratosphere during Northern Hemisphere winter. This study also suggests that ENSO and QBO force SSWs differently. The QBO forces SSW events that are very intense and whose impact on the stratospheric temperature can be seen between December and June, whereas ENSO forces less intense SSWs whose response is primarily confined to the months of January, February, and March. The effects of SSWs on the stratospheric background climate is also addressed here

    A momentum budget study of the semi‐annual oscillation in the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model

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    The representation of the semi‐annual oscillation (SAO) in climate models shows a common easterly bias of several tens of metres per second compared to observations. These biases could be due to deficiencies in eastward tropical wave forcing, the position or strength of the climatological summertime jet or the strength/timing of the Brewer–Dobson circulation. This motivates further analysis of the momentum budget of the upper stratosphere within models and a more detailed comparison with reanalyses to determine the origin of the bias. In this study, the transformed Eulerian mean momentum equation is used to evaluate the different forcing terms that contribute to the SAO in the MERRA2 reanalysis dataset. This is then compared with the equivalent analysis using data from a climate simulation of the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM). The comparison shows that WACCM underestimates eastward forcing by both resolved and parameterised waves at equatorial latitudes when compared with MERRA2 and also has a weaker tropical upwelling above 1 hPa

    Model documentation, chapter 4

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    The modeling groups are listed along with a brief description of the respective models

    Understanding the mechanisms for tropical surface impacts of the quasi‐biennial oscillation (QBO)

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    The impact of the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) on tropical convection and precipitation is investigated through nudging experiments using the UK Met Office Hadley Center Unified Model. The model control simulations show robust links between the internally generated QBO and tropical precipitation and circulation. The model zonal wind in the tropical stratosphere was nudged above 90 hPa in atmosphere-only and coupled ocean-atmosphere configurations. The convection and precipitation in the atmosphere-only simulations do not differ between the experiments with and without nudging, which may indicate that SST-convection coupling is needed for any QBO influence on the tropical lower troposphere and surface. In the coupled experiments, the precipitation and sea-surface temperature relationships with the QBO phase disappear when nudging is applied. Imposing a realistic QBO-driven static stability anomaly in the upper-troposphere lower-stratosphere is not sufficient to simulate tropical surface impacts. The nudging reduced the influence of the lower troposphere on the upper branch of the Walker circulation, irrespective of the QBO, indicating that the upper tropospheric zonal circulation has been decoupled from the surface by the nudging. These results suggest that grid-point nudging mutes relevant feedback processes occurring at the tropopause level, including high cloud radiative effects and wave mean flow interactions, which may play a key role in stratospheric-tropospheric coupling

    Report of the 1988 2-D Intercomparison Workshop, chapter 3

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    Several factors contribute to the errors encountered. With the exception of the line-by-line model, all of the models employ simplifying assumptions that place fundamental limits on their accuracy and range of validity. For example, all 2-D modeling groups use the diffusivity factor approximation. This approximation produces little error in tropospheric H2O and CO2 cooling rates, but can produce significant errors in CO2 and O3 cooling rates at the stratopause. All models suffer from fundamental uncertainties in shapes and strengths of spectral lines. Thermal flux algorithms being used in 2-D tracer tranport models produce cooling rates that differ by as much as 40 percent for the same input model atmosphere. Disagreements of this magnitude are important since the thermal cooling rates must be subtracted from the almost-equal solar heating rates to derive the net radiative heating rates and the 2-D model diabatic circulation. For much of the annual cycle, the net radiative heating rates are comparable in magnitude to the cooling rate differences described. Many of the models underestimate the cooling rates in the middle and lower stratosphere. The consequences of these errors for the net heating rates and the diabatic circulation will depend on their meridional structure, which was not tested here. Other models underestimate the cooling near 1 mbar. Suchs errors pose potential problems for future interactive ozone assessment studies, since they could produce artificially-high temperatures and increased O3 destruction at these levels. These concerns suggest that a great deal of work is needed to improve the performance of thermal cooling rate algorithms used in the 2-D tracer transport models

    Stratospheric response to the 11-year solar cycle: Breaking planetary waves, internal reflection and resonance

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    Breaking planetary waves (BPWs) affect stratospheric dynamics by reshaping the waveguides, causing internal wave reflection and preconditioning sudden stratospheric warmings. This study examines observed changes in BPWs during the northern winter due to enhanced solar forcing and the consequent effect on the seasonal development of the polar vortex. During the period 1979-2014, solar-induced changes in BPWs first observed in the uppermost stratosphere. High solar forcing was marked by sharpening of the potential vorticity (PV) gradient at 30-45°N, enhanced wave absorption at high latitudes and a reduced PV gradient between these regions. These anomalies instigated an equatorward shift of the upper stratospheric waveguide and enhanced downward wave reflection at high latitudes. The equatorward refraction of reflected waves from the polar upper stratosphere then led to enhanced wave absorption at 35-45°N, 7-20 hPa, indicative of a widening of the middle stratospheric surf zone. The stratospheric waveguide was thus constricted at ~45-60°N, 5-10 hPa in early Boreal winter; reduced upward wave propagation through this region resulted in a stronger upper-stratospheric westerly jet. From January, the regions with enhanced BPWs acted as “barriers” for subsequent upward and equatorward wave propagation. As the waves were trapped within the stratosphere, zonal wavenumber 2-3 anomalies were reflected poleward from the stratospheric surf zone. Resonant excitation of some of these reflected waves resulted in rapid growth of wave disturbances and a more disturbed polar vortex in late winter. These results provide a process-orientated explanation for the observed solar cycle signal. They also highlight the importance of nonlinearity in the processes that drive the stratospheric response to external forcing

    Downward wave reflection as a mechanism for the stratosphere-troposphere response to the 11-year Solar Cycle

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    The effects of solar activity on the stratospheric waveguides and downward reflection of planetary waves during northern early to mid- winter are examined. Under high solar (HS) conditions enhanced westerly winds in the subtropical upper stratosphere and the associated changes in the zonal wind curvature led to an altered waveguide geometry across the winter period in the upper stratosphere. In particular, the condition for barotropic instability was more frequently met at 1 hPa near the polar night jet centred at ~55°N. In early winter the corresponding change in wave forcing was characterized by a vertical dipole pattern of the Eliassen-Palm (E-P) flux divergent anomalies in the high-latitude upper stratosphere accompanied by poleward E-P flux anomalies. These wave forcing anomalies corresponded with negative vertical shear of zonal mean winds and the formation of a vertical reflecting surface. Enhanced downward E-P flux anomalies appeared below the negative shear zone; they coincided with more frequent occurrence of negative daily heat fluxes and associated with eastward acceleration and downward group velocity. These downward reflected wave anomalies had a detectable effect on the vertical structure of planetary waves during November to January. The associated changes in tropospheric geopotential height contributed to a more positive phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation in January and February. These results suggest that downward reflection may act as a ‘top-down’ pathway by which the effects of solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation in the upper stratosphere can be transmitted to the troposphere

    Importance of immediate electronic-based feedback to enhance feedback for first-time cpr trainees

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    Sudden cardiac arrest is one of the leading causes of death globally. The recommended clinical management in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest cases is the immediate initiation of high-qual-ity cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Training mannequins should be combined with technology that provides students with detailed immediate feedback on the quality of CPR performance. This study aimed to verify the impacts of the type of feedback (basic or detailed) the responders receive from the device while learning CPR and how it influences the quality of their performance and the motivation to improve their skills. The study was conducted at the Medical University of Lublin among 694 multi-professional health students during first aid classes on basic life support (BLS). The students first practiced on an adult mannequin with a basic control panel; afterward, the same mannequin was connected to a laptop, ensuring a detailed record of the performed activities through a projector. Next, the participants expressed their subjective opinion on how the feedback provided during the classes, basic vs. detailed, motivated them to improve the quality of their CPR performance. Additionally, during the classes, the instructor conducted an extended observation of students’ work and behavior. In the students’ opinion, the CPR training with detailed feedback devices provided motivation for learning and improving CPR proficiency than that with a basic control panel. Furthermore, the comments given from devices seemed to be more acceptable to the students, who did not see any bias in the device’s evaluation compared to that of the instructor. Detailed device feedback motivates student health practitioners to learn and improve the overall quality of CPR. The use of mannequins that provide detailed feedback during BLS courses can improve survival in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest
