2,177 research outputs found

    Minimal assumption derivation of a Bell-type inequality

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    John Bell showed that a big class of local hidden-variable models stands in conflict with quantum mechanics and experiment. Recently, there were suggestions that empirical adequate hidden-variable models might exist, which presuppose a weaker notion of local causality. We will show that a Bell-type inequality can be derived also from these weaker assumptions.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures; assumption 8 revised, typos correcte

    Tiefwasser-Verankerungssysteme des Instituts für Meereskunde Kiel

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    An astronomical analysis of the data in the pseudo-Hipparchus palimpsest in the Codex Climaci Rescriptus

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    In 2022, Gysembergh et al. published a paper in JHA claiming ‘New evidence for Hipparchus’ Star Catalogue’. In this paper we challenge this hypothesis by stating that (a) we disagree with their astronomical dating and find inconsistencies by using the given numbers, and (b) the terminology and the data format used in the palimpsest do not match Hipparchus or anybody else. Therefore, the palimpsest does not prove anything about Hipparchus’s star catalogue nor did Hipparchus use rectangular constellation borders. Specifically, the constellation of Corona Borealis, typically depicted as a circle since Babylonian times, is not considered a rectangle by Hipparchus. Furthermore, a palimpsest that cannot be dated properly does not confirm the long-known relationship between Hipparchus and Ptolemy as the authors claim.Otto Neugebauer FellowshipPeer Reviewe

    Executive pay and corporate financial performance. An exploratiove data analysis

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    The relationship between executive pay and corporate financial performance continues to attract wide academic, media and policy attention. The very high salaries enjoyed by senior executives in corporations in the US are often contrasted with the relatively low pay received by executives in Europe and Asia. Empirical research on executive pay has mainly concentrated on the pay-performance relationship. Although the adopted data sets were very different within and across countries, the results are very similar and show very low payfor- performance elasticities. Despite the similar results, several methodological issues are still uncovered. Almost all studies assume linear or semi-log linear pay functions without applying a test of the adequate functional form. Most models do not allow for variations across corporations, industries, countries and time. It it assumed that pay functions are homogeneous across corporations, variations are captured by the fixed effects in the constants and assumption about the errors. The purpose of the paper is to circumvent these possible misspecifications by adopting an explorative data analysis using nonparametric methods which impose rather weak restrictions on the model. We start with the most general model but use methods that allow for a stepwise closer look by specifying the various objectives of investigation or the model we deduce from the previous results. In particular, we study heterogeneity between various industry groups. The results show quite clearly that all this methodological issues matter empirically, e.g. industry effects are important, assumptions of additivity crucial and nonlinearities strong and leads to underestimations of the elasticities in a standard parametric model. In sum, the results might have far reaching implications for further empirical studies on executive pay. At least, it weakens the concern expressed by many in that field that strong pay-forperformance incentives for executives are missing

    WP2 Report from the ECHO IT Days

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    SiS in the circumstellar envelope of IRC +10126: maser and quasi-thermal emission

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    We present new Effelsberg-100 m, ATCA, and VLA observations of rotational SiS transitions in the circumstellar envelope (CSE) of IRC +10216. Thanks to the high angular resolution achieved by the ATCA observations, we unambiguously confirm that the molecule's J=1-0 transition exhibits maser action in this CSE, as first suggested more than thirty years ago. The maser emission's radial velocity peaking at a local standard of rest velocity of -39.862±\pm0.065 km/s indicates that it arises from an almost fully accelerated shell. Monitoring observations show time variability of the SiS (1-0) maser. The two lowest-JJ SiS quasi-thermal emission lines trace a much more extended emitting region than previous high-J SiS observations. Their distributions show that the SiS quasi-thermal emission consists of two components: one is very compact (radius<1.5", corresponding to <3×1015\times 10^{15} cm), and the other extends out to a radius >11". An incomplete shell-like structure is found in the north-east, which is indicative of existing SiS shells. Clumpy structures are also revealed in this CSE. The gain of the SiS (1-0) maser (optical depths of about -5 at the blue-shifted side and, assuming inversion throughout the entire line's velocity range, about -2 at the red-shifted side) suggests that it is unsaturated. The SiS (1-0) maser can be explained in terms of ro-vibrational excitation caused by infrared pumping, and we propose that infrared continuum emission is the main pumping source.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. A high-resolution version can be found at https://gongyan2444.github.io/pdf/cw-leo-sis.pdf 3D movies of SiS cubes can be found at https://gongyan2444.github.io/movie/sis10-3d.avi and https://gongyan2444.github.io/movie/sis21-3d.av

    Untersuchungen über die Sauerstoffbestimmung im Meerwasser, 4. Teil : über eine Sonde zur digitalen und analogen Registrierung von Sauerstoffpartialdruck, Temperatur und Druck im Meerwasser

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    Es wird ein Gerät zur gleichzeitigen analogen Registrierung und digitalen Aufzeichnung von Sauerstoffpartialdruck, Temperatur und Tiefe beschrieben. Es werden Angaben über die Konstruktion, die Funktion und über die Handhabung sowie Eichung der Sonde gemacht. An apparatus for the simultaneous and analog record of the oxygen tension, the temperature and the depth is described. Details of the construction, the function, the treatment, and of the calibration of the oxygen probe are given

    Zur Bestimmung von Nitrat in Meer- und Trinkwasser

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    Es wird eine Methode zur einfachen, schnellen und genauen Bestimmung von Nitrat in Meer- und Trinkwasser beschrieben. Die nitrathaltige Wasserprobe wird unter Zusatz von Ammoniumchlorid und Ammoniak in einem Jones-Reduktor quantitativ zu Nitrit reduziert und das Nitrit photometrisch bestimmt. 0,05 µg-atom Nitrat-Stickstoff im Liter können noch sicher nachgewiesen werden. Die Standardabweichung der Bestimmung liegt bei einem Gehalt von 1,4 µg-atom N03- - N/L bei ∓ 0,016 µg-atom = ∓ 1,2%. Mit 6 Reduktoren können in der Stunde etwa 20 Wasserproben untersucht werden. A simple, rapid and accurate method for the determination of nitrate in sea and drinking water is described. Ammoniumchloride and ammonia solution are added to the water sample containing nitrate. The sample is quantitatively reduced to nitrite in a Jones reductor with cadmium amalgame. The nitrite is determinated photometrically. 0,05 µg-atom nitrate-nitrogen per liter can be detected surely. The standard cleviation at the 1,4 µg-atom level is ∓ 0,016 µg-atom N03--N / L = ∓ 1,2%. With 6 reductors about 20 samples can be analyzed within 1 hour

    Untersuchungen über die Sauerstoffbestimmung im Meerwasser, 2. Teil : über die kontinuierliche ampèrometrische Bestimmung der Vertikalverteilung des Sauerstoffs im Meer

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    Die Anwendungsmöglichkeiten der elektrochemischen Sauerstoffbestimmung im Meerwasser werden diskutiert und die Verhältnisse bei der polarographischen (ampèrometrischen) Sauerstoffreduktion an einer planen, mit einer Cellophan- und Plastikfolie bedeckten Platinkathode näher beschrieben. Es werden genaue Angaben über die Konstruktion einer druckentlasteten Sauerstoffsonde zur Aufnahme von Vertikalregistrierungen der Sauerstoffverteilung im Meer bis in Tiefen von 350 m gemacht. In Laboruntersuchungen wurde die Beziehung zwischen Diffusionsstrom und Sauerstoffgehalt, der Temperaturkoeffizient des Diffusionsstromes, die Einstellzeit der Sonde sowie die Konstanz und Zuverlässigkeit der Messungen bestimmt. Bei einer Reproduzierbarkeit besser als 0,5% hat die Sonde eine Drift von 0,8 % in 5 Tagen. Die niedrigste Strömungsgeschwindigkeit bzw. Fiergeschwindigkeit der Elektrode beträgt ca. 2 m/min. Das Gerät registriert mit großer Empfindlichkeit ebenfalls Schwefelwasserstoff. Der Übergang von Sauerstoff- zur Schwefelwasserstoffanzeige ist an der Umkehr der Stromrichtung kenntlich. Von der ersten praktischen Anwendung der Sonde in der Ostsee sind Beispiele angegeben

    Untersuchungen über die Sauerstoffbestimmung im Meerwasser, 1. Teil

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    Durch zweckmäßig angesetzte Experimente wurden die systematischen Fehler der chemischen Sauerstoffbestimmung in Meerwasser nach der WINKLER-Methode aufgedeckt und die Fehler der einzelnen Schritte quantitativ erfaßt. Dadurch kann der systematische Fehler bei der jeweils angewandten Modifikation abgeschätzt werden. Es werden die Möglichkeiten zur automatischen Titration bei der Sauerstoffbestimmung untersucht und ein Verfahren zur „dead-stop"-Titration beschrieben. Die Standardabweichung der automatischen Methode ist ± 0,03 ml 02/l bei Verwendung von 50 ml-Flaschen zur Probennahme. Die Methode ist schnell und genau. The systematic errors of the chemical determination of oxygen in sea water by the WINKLER method are pointed out by experiments and determined quantitively. By this it is possible to estimate the systematic error of the modifications applied in praxis. The possibilities of automatic titration in the WINKLER determination are investigated. A rapid and accurate method for automatic "dead stop" titration is described. If 50 ml sampling bottles are taken the standard deviation is ± 0,03 ml 02/l