130 research outputs found

    Bibliography of Ryszard Gradziński

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    A tribute to Professor Joachim "Achim" Szulc (1954-2020)

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    Bacterial influence on speleothem oxygen isotope composition : an example based on cave pisoids from Perlová Cave (Slovakia)

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    The origin of recently growing irregular cave pisoids in Perlova Cave (Velká Fatra Mts, Slovakia) seems to be due to the activity of hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria. Several samples of water and freshly deposited calcite from cave pisoids were analysed for stable oxygen isotope ratios. The obtained values were checked using the O’Neil equation. Almost all the calcite samples display values more positive than their calculated counterparts. This phenomenon is ascribed to a fractionation process mediated by bacteria. The light isotope of oxygen is preferentially taken up by the hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria. It causes the relative enrichment in the heavy isotope in the bacterias’ surroundings, which is recorded in the calcite precipitated around the bacterial cells

    Needle-fibre calcite and nanofibres as components of holocene fissure-filling carbonates in southern Poland

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    The article deals with the carbonates, filling fissures in limestone bedrock and presently exposed in a south-facing rock wall of Kramnica hill (Pieniny Klippen Belt, southern Poland). The carbonates are composed of (i) needle-fibre calcite crystals, (ii) carbonate nanofibres, (iii) carbonate nanoparticles, and (iv) micrite and sparite calcite crystals. Detrital grains from the carbonate bedrock occur subordinately. The spatial relationships of the components give documentation that the nanofibres were formed simultaneously with or slightly later than the needle-fibre calcite crystals. There exists a continuous chain of forms from nanoparticles to elongated nanofibres. This, in turn, indicates that all the above morphological forms are related genetically. In relatively wide fissures, the carbonates studied formed stepped microterracettes, similar to those of speleothems, mainly of moonmilk type. Conversely, narrow fissures are completely filled with carbonates, which display parallel lamination. The carbonates were formed in the late Holocene. However, "dead carbon effect" precludes the possibility of any precise dating of them. Their \sigma13C and \sigma18O values are in ranges from -5.1‰ to -3.8‰ and from -6‰ to -4.7‰, respectively. The carbonates studied bear a strong resemblance to soil and spelean, moonmilk-type carbonates. This indicates that continuity exists between the depositional environments of soil and spelean carbonate

    Cave nomenclature : a naturalist point of view

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    This article deals with (i) the general rules of creating the names for particular caves, and (ii) terminology which is used to define and categorize subterranean cavities. Two rules, which are in common usage in stratigraphy and, to some extent, also in biological nomenclature, should also concern cave names. They are the following: the principle of priority and the principle of stability of a geographic name which is a part of compound names of a particular cave. Other aspects discussed in the articles are meanings of different terms used for classification of underground spaces. In the author’s opinion a cave is a general term depicting all underground spaces which are accessible for man. Several examples of cave names from Poland are given and discussed

    Morphotype variation of orthophragminids as a palaeoecological indicator : a case study of Bartonian limestones, Pod Capkami Quarry, Tatra Mts, Poland

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    Nummulites-Discocyclina bioclastic packstone and Discocyclina rudstone occur in the transgressive sequence of the Middle–Upper Eocene deposits in the Tatra Mts. The succession of the studied facies is a direct response to a rapid environmental change, related to progressive deepening. Facies transition from Nummulites- Discocyclina bioclastic packstone of proximal mid-ramp to Discocylina rudstone of distal mid- and outer-ramp is an exemplary record of a deposition during deepening conditions. Increasing of diversity of the genus Discocyclina, decreasing of diversity of other foraminifera up the section and vertical variation of orthophragminid mor- photypes from the ovate- through saddle- to the disc-shaped tests are related to deepening and shadowing of the depositional environment

    Origin of calcite-cemented Holocene slope breccias from the Długa Valley (the Western Tatra Mountains)

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    New locality of slope breccias was found in the Western Tatra Mts. It occures in the Długa Valley on a steep slope of ravine beneath the belt of Jurassic radiolarite cliffs. The brecccia consists of angular clasts of radiolarite bound with calcite cements. Void spaces between the clasts contain shells of Holocene snails. The cements are built of columnar crystals composed of acicular subcrystals and of skeletal crystals. The crystals grew rapidly from supersaturated solution due to CO2 degassing. Cementation occurred in vadose conditions in the Atlantcic Phase soon after the scree formation