14 research outputs found

    A Discrete Choice Analysis of the Household Shares of Risky Assets

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    This paper studies household decisions about participation and investment in risky financial markets, using a unique panel dataset of Italian households. Micro data show that households are enormously heterogeneous in their financial decisions. Most of this heterogeneity is associated with the choice of participating in risky financial markets, and with time persistence in this decision. We postulate a model of portfolio choice with two types of financial assets, risky and riskless, and costs of participation. We use a flexible approach to estimate the conditional probability distribution function of the household shares of risky assets. We find that both household the cash-on-hand/non- financial-income ratio and non-financial-income have a positive e¤ect on the household shares of risky financial assets, mainly due their influence on the household likelihood of participating in the risky financial assets. The evidence also shows that the lagged household share of risky asset is an important determinant of the household choice. Nevertheless, we find that the age of the household’s head has not statistical relevance.household portfolio, longitudinal data, discrete choice.

    Returns to schooling in Uruguay

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    In this paper we analyze the economic returns to schooling in Uruguay. Instrumental variables are used to estimate mean and quantile regressions. An indicator of whether an Internet connection is available at home is used as an instrument for the years of schooling of the household head. The evidence shows that the simple Mincer OLS estimates are downward biased. When estimates are controlled for measurement error in schooling reports the results indicate that an additional year of schooling increases wage rates by 22 percent.returns to schooling, schooling premium

    Decomposing the Gaps between Afro-descendants and Whites along the Wage Distribution

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    In this paper we analyze the racial wage gap in Uruguay in the period 2006-2009 using data from the Household Survey collected by INE (the National Statistics Institute). We select a sample of full-time men workers aged 25-59. We decompose the gap between log hourly-wages of Whites and Afro-descendants at the mean and at each percentile of the wage distribution using the distributional regression approach proposed in Chernozhukov et al. (2009). We find that Afro-descendants are paid less in all position of the wage distribution and that the gap increases from the median up. It is around 0.20 until the median and reaches 0.60 at percentile 90. The results from the decomposition show that both the gap that can be explained by selected characteristics (years of schooling, potential experience and region) and the residual widen at the upper tail of the distribution.Wage gap, Afro-descendants, Discrimination, Counterfactual estimation

    Estimating heterogeneous costs of participation in the risky asset markets

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    This paper develops and estimates a dynamic structural model of participation in the risky financial asset markets using household level panel data. We specify a simple economic model in order to capture the portfolio choice over the life cycle. We solve the model using numerical techniques. Then we embed the optimal solution into the statistical (auxiliary) model and estimate the structural parameters using Generalized Indirect Inference. This paper focuses on the estimation of the non proportional costs to participate in the risky asset markets. We consider heterogeneous costs among education groups. We find that participation costs in the risky asset markets are positive and significant. We also conclude that they vary a lot among education groups.Portfolio choice, dynamic programming, indirect inference

    Vivienda y Fiscalidad en España: un análisis empírico

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    This paper analyzes the determinants of housing tenure choice and its re- lationship with the income taxes structure by using 6672 Spanish income tax forms of 1993. We use a model that jointly estimates the agent housing tenure decision, her probability of overcoming the legal tops for deductions and the in- come tax savings derived from home ownership. Results show that the agent.s income is signi.cant on the tenure choice as well as other characteristics of the agent like her marital status. Furthermore, the amount of tax deductions is a¤ected by the presence of a self-selection bias. Finally, we also conclude that the 1993 lawful tax system a¤ected the amount invested in housing.Housing Demand, Personal Taxes, Empirical Analysis.

    Movilidad intergeneracional y raza en Uruguay

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    In this paper we analyze intergenerational educational mobility for afro-descendants and no afro-descendants in Uruguay. We consider the relationship between educational achievements of teenagers and their parents’. The results show that relative mobility is higher among afro-descendants than among no-afro descendants and that absolute mobility is higher than relative mobility among afro descendants. We also estimate the educational expected gap between afro and no-afro teenagers. The gap observed between teenagers is similar than the gap observed between parents. Finally, educational differences among parents explain more than a half of the teenager gap.Intergenerational mobility, education, afro-descendants

    Estrategias de decodificación

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    El problema fundamental de la comunicación es reproducir en un punto, de forma exacta o aproximada, un mensaje seleccionado en otro punto. El ruido es un valor aleatorio que se suma a la información útil transformando la señal que llega al receptor, también en aleatoria. Sabiendo que la información enviada pertenece a un conjunto finito de mensajes, el receptor debe detectar el mensaje recibido (no estimarlo), para lo cual, en caso de no poder traducirlo exactamente debido a la adición del ruido, deberá tomar la decisión por uno de los posibles mensajes válidos. Esto se logra al costo de cierta redundancia en la codificación y aumento de la complejidad. De alguna manera de lo mencionado surge que una buena técnica de decodificación permite obtener la decisión correcta. El objetivo del siguiente trabajo es analizar las diferentes estrategias utilizadas en el diseño de codificadores/decodificadores, para luego realizar una comparación de las distintas técnicas de decodificación mencionadas.Eje: IV - Workshop de procesamiento distribuido y paraleloRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Estrategias de decodificación

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    El problema fundamental de la comunicación es reproducir en un punto, de forma exacta o aproximada, un mensaje seleccionado en otro punto. El ruido es un valor aleatorio que se suma a la información útil transformando la señal que llega al receptor, también en aleatoria. Sabiendo que la información enviada pertenece a un conjunto finito de mensajes, el receptor debe detectar el mensaje recibido (no estimarlo), para lo cual, en caso de no poder traducirlo exactamente debido a la adición del ruido, deberá tomar la decisión por uno de los posibles mensajes válidos. Esto se logra al costo de cierta redundancia en la codificación y aumento de la complejidad. De alguna manera de lo mencionado surge que una buena técnica de decodificación permite obtener la decisión correcta. El objetivo del siguiente trabajo es analizar las diferentes estrategias utilizadas en el diseño de codificadores/decodificadores, para luego realizar una comparación de las distintas técnicas de decodificación mencionadas.Eje: IV - Workshop de procesamiento distribuido y paraleloRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Contributions to social security in Argentina, Chile and Uruguay: densities, transitions and duration

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    Los programas de pensiones latinoamericanos tienen baja cobertura. Utilizando paneles de registros administrativos de Argentina, Chile y Uruguay, caracterizamos las historias de contribución de la población. Construimos tres indicadores: densidad de cotización, tasas de transición y duración de los períodos de contribución y no contribución. Los datos obtenidos son preocupantes. La densidad de cotización promedio es baja y bastante heterogénea a través de la población. Los períodos de contribución son cortos y las interrupciones frecuentes. Las tasas de transición son altas a edades tempranas y tienden a caer a lo largo de la vida, indicando gran rotación entre los jóvenes.Pension programs in Latin America have low coverage. We use large panel databases coming from administrative records of Argentina, Chile and Uruguay to characterize the histories of contribution of the population. We compute three indicators: density of contribution, transition rates and duration of the spells of contribution and no contribution. The picture that emerges is worrisome. The density of contributions is low on average and pretty heterogeneous across the population. The spells of contribution are short and interruptions are frequent. Transition rates are higher at early ages and tend to decline later in life, indicating high turnover among young individuals.Instituto de Investigaciones Económica

    Vivienda y fiscalidad en España: un análisis empírico

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    Este trabajo analiza los determinantes de la forma de tenencia de la vivienda habitual y su relación con la estructura tributaria en España, utilizando datos de declaraciones del Impuesto sobre la Renta de las Personas Físicas. Se estiman la decisión de tenencia, la probabilidad de alcanzar ciertos límites legales a las deducciones y el ahorro fiscal asociado a la adquisición de la vivienda. Los resultados muestran que la renta y otras características del agente, tales como su estado civil, son estadísticamente significativas en la decisión de tenencia y se concluye que el sistema fiscal afectaba el importe invertido en vivienda