18 research outputs found

    Antifungal effect of volatile organic compounds produced by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens CPA-8 against fruit pathogen decays of cherry

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    The present work focuses on the antifungal effect of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) produced by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens CPA-8 against Monilinia laxa, M. fructicola and Botrytis cinera, three postharvest fruit pathogens of sweet cherry fruit. VOCs were evaluated with a double petri dish assay against mycelial and colony growth of target pathogens. For this purpose, CPA-8 was grown on different media and cultured for 24 and 48 h at 30 掳C before assays. Data showed that mycelial growth inhibition was higher when CPA-8 was grown on Tryptone Soya Agar (TSA) while no differences were generally observed when CPA-8 was cultured for either, 24 and 48 h. Moreover, no effects were observed on colony growth. The main volatile compounds emitted by CPA-8 were identified by solid-phase microextraction (SPME)-gas chromatography as 1,3 pentadiene, acetoin (3-hydroxy-2-butanone) and thiophene. Pure compounds were also tested in vitro on mycelial growth inhibition and their EC50 values against the three pathogens were estimated. Thiophene was the most effective VOC, showing more than 82% suppression of mycelial growth at the highest concentration (1.35 渭L/mL headspace) and EC50 values ranging from 0.06 to 6.67 渭L/mL headspace. Finally, the effectiveness of thiophene and CPA-8 VOCs was evaluated against artificially inoculated cherry fruits. Among the target pathogens, M. fructicola was clearly controlled by CPA-8 with less than 25% of rotten fruits compared to the control (65% disease incidence) and for all pathogens, less than 37.5% of CPA-8 treated decayed fruits produced spores (disease sporulation). Otherwise, pure thiophene showed no effect against any pathogen on disease incidence and disease sporulation. The results indicated that VOCs produced by B. amyloliquefaciens CPA-8 could develop an additive antifungal effect against postharvest fruit pathogens on stone fruit.This research was supported by the European project BIOCOMES FP7-612713 and by the Catalan government (Generalitat de Catalunya) for the PhD grant 2016-FI-B2 00143 (Amparo M. Gotor)

    New advances in the control of brown rot in stone fruit using the biocontrol agent Bacillus amyloliquefaciens CPA-8

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    La podridura marr贸 causada pel fong Monilinia spp. 茅s responsable d'importants p猫rdues en la postcollita de la fruita de pinyol. Entre les estrat猫gies de control respectuoses amb el medi ambient, cal destacar l'煤s d'agents de biocontrol (ABCs). Aquesta tesi t茅 com a objectiu completar el desenvolupament de l'ABC B. amyloliquefaciens CPA-8 per aix铆 obtenir un producte efica莽 que proporcioni una estrat猫gia comercialment viable. Els principals resultats es classifiquen en (i) caracteritzaci贸 de CPA-8 (disseny de marcadors moleculars, respostes ecofisiol貌giques, sensibilitat a antibi貌tics, producci贸 d鈥檈nterotoxines); (ii) desenvolupament de productes basats en CPA-8 (millora del medi de creixement, selecci贸 de la tecnologia de formulaci贸, optimitzaci贸 de l'assecat per llit flu茂ditzat-atomitzaci贸); i (iii) definici贸 de l'estrat猫gia de control de CPA-8 (activitat en diferents hostes, definici贸 de llindars t猫cnics i efic脿cia en assajos de camp). La integraci贸 dels productes basats en CPA-8 en els sistemes de cultiu habituals contribueix en el maneig de les malalties de postcollita en fruita d'os en el marc d'una agricultura sostenible i / o ecol貌gica.\\\\La podredumbre marr贸n causada por el hongo Monilinia spp. es responsable de importantes p茅rdidas en la poscosecha de la fruta de hueso. Entre las estrategias de control respetuosas con el medio ambiente, cabe destacar el uso de agentes de biocontrol (ABCs). Esta tesis tiene como objetivo completar el desarrollo del ABC B. amyloliquefaciens CPA-8 para as铆 obtener un producto eficaz que proporcione una estrategia comercialmente viable. Los resultado se clasifican en (i) caracterizaci贸n de CPA-8 (dise帽o de marcadores moleculares, respuestas ecofisiol贸gicas, sensibilidad a antibi贸ticos, producci贸n de enterotoxinas); (ii) desarrollo de productos basados en CPA-8 (mejora del medio de crecimiento, selecci贸n de la tecnolog铆a de formulaci贸n, optimizaci贸n del secado por lecho fluido-atomizaci贸n); y (iii) definici贸n de la estrategia de control de CPA-8 (actividad en diferentes hu茅spedes, definici贸n de umbrales t茅cnicos y eficacia en ensayos de campo). La integraci贸n de los productos basados en CPA-8 en los sistemas de cultivo habituales contribuye en el manejo de las enfermedades de poscosecha en fruta de hueso en el marco de una agricultura sostenible y/o ecol贸gica.Brown rot caused by the fungus Monilinia spp. is responsible for substantial postharvest losses of stone fruit. Among the environment-friendly strategies of control, the application of biological control agents (BCAs), has been strongly considered. Therefore, this thesis aimed to complete de development of the BCA Bacillus amyloliquefaciens CPA-8 to obtain efficacious CPA-8-based products that provide a plausible commercial strategy. The main findings are classified into (i) CPA-8 characterisation (molecular markers design, ecophisiological responses, sensibility to antibiotics, production of enterotoxins); (ii) CPA-8-based products development (improvement of the growth medium, selection of the formulation approach, fluid-bed spray-drying optimisation); and (iii) definition of the CPA-8 control strategy (activity in a wide range of hosts, definition of some technical thresholds and field efficacy at harvest and postharvest time). The integration of the CPA-8-based products here developed into the usual cropping systems can contribute to the management of post-harvest diseases in stone fruit in the framework of a sustainable and/or organic agriculture