3 research outputs found

    Osip in uspešnost študentov pri e-študiju

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    This paper deals with the dropout rate for e-learning academic courses in correlation with student satisfaction with distance education. This study explores two main ideas: student satisfaction with e-learning and the locus of control. The results show that the main reason for persistence with e-learning academic courses is a significantly high level of satisfaction with e-learning and satisfaction with the students' own academic performance.Prispevek obravnava osip študentov e-študija in razloge, ki študente vodijo k opustitvi študija. Osredotoči se na povezavo med zadovoljstvom študentov z e-okoljem in uspešnostjo pri študiju, pri čemer upošteva tudi lokus kontrole. Rezultati kažejo, da so glavni razlogi, ki študente e-študija odvračajo od opustitve študija, zelo visok nivo zadovoljstva z e-študijem in z lastno uspešnostjo pri študiju


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    Naloga obravnava dejavnike, ki študij pospešuejo, ter tiste, ki študij zavirajo. Ugotavlja, kako pozitivno vplivati na potek učnega procesa, kako zmanjšati število neuspešnih posameznikov in ponuja model prehodnosti.The sutdy exposes factors that have positive effect on study progress as well as those factors that inhibit the study progress. It points out how we can affect the study progress in a positive way and how to reduce the number of drop outs from study

    The dropout rate from e-learning courses and the satisfaction of students with e-learning

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