12 research outputs found

    An introduction to the Russian adaptation of the battery for the assessment of language in children (BVL_RU)

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    Introduction. A significant percentage of children (i.e., 5 to 8%) may present a significant language delay and/or impairment (Tomblin et al. 1997) which is not directly linked to any intellectual or cognitive disability. In such cases, children receive a diagnosis of Primary Language Impairment (PLI). Considering these numbers, it is extremely important to have reliable batteries of tests suitable to characterize and quantify such linguistic impairments in affected children. To the best of our knowledge, however, there is a need for such diagnostic tools for Russian speaking children. The majority of the existing language assessment procedures is based on qualitative evaluations and lack modern validating and standardizing procedures. The current study aims to describe the Russian adaptation of the \u201cBatteria per la Valutazione del Linguaggio in bambini dai 4 ai 12 anni\u201d (BVL_4-12; Marini et al., 2015). This is a comprehensive battery of tests with solid theoretical and psychometric properties that has been designed to assess comprehension, oral production, and repetition skills in children aged 4 through to 12. Most importantly, it is now being adapted also to other languages (e.g., Spanish, Slovenian, and German) ensuring the possibility to compare the linguistic performance of bilinguals and children with different languages from a cross-linguistic perspective. Materials & Procedures. The Russian adaptation of the BVL_4-12 (BVL_RU) has paid particular attention to the specific features of Russian language (e.g., lexical frequencies as well as its phonological and grammatical properties). It has been administered to a cohort of preschool children from Omsk and Kursk, Russia. All children performed within normal range on the Raven's Progressive Matrices and on tasks designed to assess their phonological short-term and working memory. Results & Discussion. After describing the tasks that form the BVL_4-12, we outline the performance of 2 children with diagnosis of PLI by calculating z-scores for each measure of the Battery. This analysis confirmed the presence of significant impairments in such children and suggested that the Battery is a valuable diagnostic tool to characterize their linguistic profile


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    Abstract. The article describes the differential diagnosis of chronic pelvic pain in women, discussesterminology and the scheme of non-specific pelvic pain diagnosis. Non-specific pelvic pain (NsPP) is a type of chronic pelvic pain. It occurs in the absence of actual somatic pathology by analogy with the term “non-specific back pain”. The causes of NsPP are the trigger zones of skeletal muscles and ligaments of the pelvis. The authors examined 50 women with NsPP at the age of 20-40 years and revealed myogenic trigger zones in all women: in pelvic floor muscles, in the gluteal muscles, in femoral adductor muscles, in oblique abdominal muscles. Traditionally, these problems are diagnosed as pelvic floor syndrome or coccygodynia with the priority of vertebrogenic etiology of the disease. Althoughthe current literature does not indicate the cause of non-specific pain in the back, it should be recognized that the term includes myogenic (myofascial) pain, as myofascial component plays a key role in NsPP along with central sensitization. In European countries NsPP syndrome is usually treated by urologists, and recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of chronic pelvic pain include a modern description of pathophysiology and psychosocial aspects, as well as classification, diagnosis and treatment. In Russia it is usually treated by urologists and manual therapists. The diagnosis includes psychometric tests such as Visual Analogue Scale, Menstrual Distress Questionnaire,Pelvic Pain Questionnaire for Girls and Women, Vaginal Laxity Questionnaire, Dismenorrhea Daily Diary etc. The implementation of these tests in the Republic of Tatarstan requires creation of Tatar-language and linguistic validation of Russian-language diagnostic materials.Keywords: pelvic pain, non-specific pelvic pain pain diagnosis,clinical linguistics,neurology, gynecology

    Potential possibilities of application of new types of high-speed vessels in the tourist sphere of the Black Sea aria

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    The paper deals with some issues related to the study of the potential use of new types of high-speed passenger ships for the organization of maritime passenger traffic between the ports of the Black Sea. In addition, a project was proposed for organizing excursion passenger lines between the Black Sea and Mediterranean ports, as well as tours along the coastline. Recently, special attention has been paid to the development of sea tourism in the Black Sea. However, for the organization of this type of tourist activity, it is important to understand the possibilities of using special types of marine passenger ships developed by domestic designers. The implementation of design ideas in the very near future will make it possible to organize highly efficient maritime liner and cruise communications on the Black Sea

    Near-field radiation from sectoral horns

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    The purpose of the presented work is to investigate the forming of radiation at the plates in the "near-field reactive" regions of rectangular waveguides and sectoral horns. The influence of quadratic phase distortions at the horn aperture on forming the radiation in the near-field region is investigated. The possibility to form the axi-symmetric radiation characteristics of horn radiators in near zone by means of appropriate choice of the value of quadratic phase distortions and horn geometrical sizes is demonstrated

    A Comprehensive Model of Neuropsychological and Speech Assessment for Children with ASD

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    Modern scientific projects connected with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) study the difficulties in differential diagnosis of ASD and other types of developmental dysphasia, issues of cognitive and physical development of children with ASD, formation of trajectories for their individual and group education and training, their social integration. The relevance of the study is explained by the necessity to work out a system of medical, psychological, linguistic and educational support for children with ASD corresponding to the modern requirements of society and global practices. The aim of the research is to develop a comprehensive model of neuropsychological assessment and study of speech development for preschool children with ASD. This model assumes the implementation of a) the Russian-language version of the Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment and Placement Program (VB-MAPP), b) the Russian-language version of the BVL battery for speech assessment (BVL_RU), c) traditional for Russia approaches to the diagnosis of developmental disorders and speech impairment. The platform for the project is the kindergarten of Kazan Federal University "We are together". The comprehensive model includes a new methodological framework, which implements the achievements of cognitive sciences, neuropsychology and neurolinguistics in interdisciplinary fields. The results of the research can be implemented into the practice of teaching preschool children with ASD and become the basis for the further development of this comprehensive model for schoolchildren with ASD

    Potential possibilities of application of new types of high-speed vessels in the tourist sphere of the Black Sea aria

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    The paper deals with some issues related to the study of the potential use of new types of high-speed passenger ships for the organization of maritime passenger traffic between the ports of the Black Sea. In addition, a project was proposed for organizing excursion passenger lines between the Black Sea and Mediterranean ports, as well as tours along the coastline. Recently, special attention has been paid to the development of sea tourism in the Black Sea. However, for the organization of this type of tourist activity, it is important to understand the possibilities of using special types of marine passenger ships developed by domestic designers. The implementation of design ideas in the very near future will make it possible to organize highly efficient maritime liner and cruise communications on the Black Sea

    A Comprehensive Model of Neuropsychological and Speech Assessment for Children with ASD

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    Modern scientific projects connected with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) study the difficulties in differential diagnosis of ASD and other types of developmental dysphasia, issues of cognitive and physical development of children with ASD, formation of trajectories for their individual and group education and training, their social integration. The relevance of the study is explained by the necessity to work out a system of medical, psychological, linguistic and educational support for children with ASD corresponding to the modern requirements of society and global practices. The aim of the research is to develop a comprehensive model of neuropsychological assessment and study of speech development for preschool children with ASD. This model assumes the implementation of a) the Russian-language version of the Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment and Placement Program (VB-MAPP), b) the Russian-language version of the BVL battery for speech assessment (BVL_RU), c) traditional for Russia approaches to the diagnosis of developmental disorders and speech impairment. The platform for the project is the kindergarten of Kazan Federal University "We are together". The comprehensive model includes a new methodological framework, which implements the achievements of cognitive sciences, neuropsychology and neurolinguistics in interdisciplinary fields. The results of the research can be implemented into the practice of teaching preschool children with ASD and become the basis for the further development of this comprehensive model for schoolchildren with ASD.1227-123