31 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Frequency of Partially Burnt Large Carnivore Bones in the Pleistocene Sediments at the Vindija Cave (Croatia)

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    U okviru istraživanja paleoekoloških odnosa velikih fosilnih zvijeri, te mogućeg utjecaja čovjeka na oblikovanje njihovih populacija, načinjena je i analiza tragova nagorijevanja uočenih na kostima životinja. Ciljevi istraživanja bili su potvrđivanje postavke o kontinuiranom naseljavanju ljudi u špilji Vindiji tijekom svih klimatskih faza srednjeg i gornjeg pleistocena i kao moguća dopuna potonje razmatranje samoga intenziteta naseljavanja. Analiza frekvencije nagorjelih kostiju izvršena je pod pretpostavkom da je kvantitativna varijabilnost nagorjelih kostiju izravna posljedica intenziteta naseljavanja fosilnih hominida. Maksimumi porasta nagorjelih kostiju uočeni su u toplijim fazama, a minimumi u hladnijim fazama do sada poznate klimatske sheme. Intenzitet naseljavanja ljudi u špilji Vindiji bio je najveći u razdoblju taloženja slojeva G, H i I, odnosno od Würma1/2 do Würma 2/3. Znakovito je da su upravo u sloju, odnosno "kompleksu" G (ali i u sloju Fd) pronađeni ostaci neandertalaca (tzv. kasni neandertalski uzorak)

    Uzroci smrtnosti vukova u Hrvatskoj u razdoblju od 1986. do 2001.

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    We recorded a total of 92 dead grey wolves (Canis lupus) in Croatia during the period1986-2001: 60 (65.2%) were shot, 18 (19.6%) died as a result of traffic accidents, while the cause of death of 6 (6.5%) wolves remained unknown, 5 (5.4%) suffered from rabies, and one each was killed by axe, by hay-fork, and by other wolves. Among dead wolves the share of females was 56%, mean age was 1.9 years, and the mean mass of adult wolves was 31.4 kg. We analyzed separately the 10 years (1986-1995) preceding, and the first 6 years (1996-2001) after the legal protection of the species (15 May 1995), when 30 and 62 wolves died, respectively. Annual mortality rose from 3.0 prior to protection to 10.3 after protection (3.4 times). This increase in mortality indicates no enforcement of the legal protection, as well as an increase in animosity by local people; it was also partly influenced by wolf population growth and it would appear that the recorded mortality is sustainable. We propose to adapt the legislation to permit the controlled hunting of wolves. This would in all likelihood lead to decreased animosity and would keep the wolf population safe from uncontrolled hunting.Od 1986. do 2001. zabilježena je smrt ukupno 92 siva vuka (Canis lupus) u Hrvatskoj: 60 (65.2%) su ustrijeljena, 18 (19.6%) je poginulo u prometnim nezgodama, za 6 (6.5%) vukova je uzrok smrti ostao nepoznat, 5 (5.4%) je imalo bjesnoću, a po jedan su ubijeni sjekirom, vilama ili od drugih vukova. Udio ženki među mrtvim vukovima je bio 56%, prosječna dob je bila 1.9 godina, a prosječna masa 31.4 kg. Posebno je analizirano posljednjih 10 godina (1986-1995) prije, te prvih 6 godina (1996-2001) nakon zakonske zaštite vrste (15. svibanj 1995.), a u kojim je razdobljima stradalo 30 odnosno 62 vuka. Godišnja smrtnost je porasla sa 3.0 prije zaštite na 10.3 nakon zaštite (3.4 puta). Ovaj porast pokazuje da se zakon ne provodi, kao i porast neprihvaćanja vuka od lokalnog stanovništva. Porast smrtnosti dijelom je povezan i s porastom populacije vuka te se čini da je veličina zabilježene smrtnosti podnošljiva za populaciju. Predlaže se prihvaćanje propisa koji bi omogućavali ograničeni i kontrolirani lov vukova. To bi moglo dovesti i do smanjenja mržnje prema vuku i posljedičnog smanjenja rizika za populaciju od nekontroliranog ilegalnog ubijanja

    Pojavnost patoloških promjena na vučjim zubima (Canis lupus L.) u Hrvatskoj.

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    Skulls (N = 34) of gray wolves (Canis lupus) from Croatia were examined for acquired pathological changes of teeth. Skulls originated from wolves which had died due to various reasons in Croatia between 1997 and 2006. Age of examined animals ranged from 7 months to 8.5 years. Three skulls (8.9%) had pathological changes of teeth or alveolar bone. All dentitions with pathological changes belonged to females older than 2 years. Periodontitis, with changes in the alveolar bone, was determined on the alveolus of lower fourth premolar (P4) in two individuals and on the alveolus of the mandibular first molar (M1) in one specimen. A complicated crown-root fracture was found in two individuals. All caries lesions were found on premolars and molars. Caries was found on the upper jaw in one animal and on the lower jaw of another animal, while a third animal had it on both jaws. Pathological changes in the dentition of wolves in Croatia have not been previously recorded in Croatia. Data on pathological changes of wolves’ teeth contribute to the knowledge of biology and health of this species, especially on factors limiting longevity.Pregledane su 34 lubanje sivoga vuka (Canis lupus) i opisane stečene patološke promjene na zubima. Lubanje su potjecale od vukova koji su zbog različitih razloga stradali u Hrvatskoj od 1997. do 2006. godine. Dob tih vukova kretala se u rasponu od sedam mjeseci do osam i pol godina. Patološke promjene na alveolarnoj kosti zabilježene su na zubalima triju lubanja, odnosno na 8,8% pregledanih lubanja. Sve lubanje na čijim su zubalima nađene patološke promjene pripadale su ženkama starijima od dvije godine. U dvije jedinke opisan je periodontitis s promjenama u alveolarnoj kosti donjega četvrtoga pretkutnjaka (P4), a u jedne na gornjem prvom kutnjaku (M1). Potpuna fraktura zuba opisana je u dvije jedinke. U sve tri jedinke na pretkutnjacima i kutnjacima bio je prisutan i karijes i to na zubima gornje čeljusti kod jedne, donje čeljusti kod druge, a kod treće na zubima donje i gornje čeljusti. U hrvatskoj literaturi dosad nisu opisane patološke promjene na zubalu u ove vrste velike zvijeri. Podatci o patološkim promjenama na vučjim zubima pridonose boljem poznavanju biologije, osobito čimbenika koji utječu na životni vijek ove vrste

    Musterjenska kamena industrija iz jame Vinica (Hrvaško Zagorje).: Nova spoznanja o regionalni srednjepaleolitski tehnologiji

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    In this paper we present techno-typological and raw material analysis of the Mousterian lithic assemblage from Vinica cave (Hrvatsko zagorje, Croatia) excavated during late 1990s and early 2000s. Lithic artefacts are found in two Mouste- rian layers, c and d, whose age is determined by 14C AMS dating. Sample from layer d brought indefinite age older than 50,300 years BP while calibrated age for the sample from layer c is 36–34.5 ka BP. Quartz is predominant raw material in both layers followed by different cherts. Quartz cobbles were knapped on-site while at least some chert artefacts were not flaked in the cave but brought from elsewhere as blanks and tools. Among small number of tools, scrapers are the most frequent. Small lithic assemblages from both layers suggest that cave was used as short term Neandertal camp during Middle Paleolithic.V prispevku predstavljamo tehnotipološko in surovinsko analizo musterjenskega kamnitega inventarja iz jame Vinica (Hrvaško Zagorje), pridobljenega med izkopavanji ob koncu prejšnjega in začetku tega tisočletja. Kamniti artefakti so bili najdeni v dveh musterjenskih plasteh, v plasti c in d, katerih starost je določena z radiokarbonskim datiranjem po metodi AMS. Rezultati datiranja vzorca iz plasti d kažejo, da je starejši od 50.300 let BP. Kalibrirana starost vzorca iz plasti c je 36–34,5 ka BP. V obeh plasteh med surovino prevladuje kremen, sledijo različni roženci. Kremenove prodnike so obdelovali na najdišču. Vsaj nekateri artefakti iz roženca niso bili odbiti v jami, ampak so bili vanjo prineseni kot odbitki in orodja. Med maloštevilnimi orodji prevladujejo strgala. Skromen kamniti inventar obeh plasti kaže, da je jama v srednjem paleolitiku neandertalcem služila kot kratkotrajno zatočišče

    Digital Radiovisiography in Bone Density Analysis: Neanderthal and Early Modern Homo sapiens Versus Modern Homo sapiens Supraorbital Region

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    Cilj uratka bio je prikaz evolucijskih trendova, odnosno razlika između neandertalaca (Vindija), najstarijeg suvremenog čovjeka (Velika pećina) i suvremenog čovjeka (uzorak lubanja iz zbirke “Drago Perović” Medicinskog fakulteta u Zagrebu) na tlu Hrvatske, pomoću distribucije vrijednosti najveće gustoće kosti unutar medijalne trećine svake promatrane nadočne regije. Po prvi je put u snimanju fosilnog i recentnog koštanog materijala korištena metoda digitalne radiviziografije (RVG). To je neinvazivna metoda pri kojoj su uzorci kostiju izloženi minimalnom zračenju pri kojem ne postoji mogućnost oštećenja unutarnje strukture kosti, pa tako ni mogućih oštećenja DNK. Dobivene su jednake vrijednosti najveće gustoće kostiju za sve taksone (minimum vrijednosti je 256 što odgovara gustoći metala koji se koristi u dentalnoj implantaciji), ali s razlikom u načinu distribucije i količini kompaktne kosti

    Research of golden jackal (Canis aureus) in the Nature park Lonjsko polje by acoustic and camera traps methods

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    Naglo širenje područja obitavanja čaglja, ali i povećanje gustoće populacije, govori o visokom stupnju prilagodlji­vosti te vrste različitim stanišnim uvjetima. Prije 15-tak godina, pojava čaglja na području Parka prirode (PP) Lonj­sko polje bila je sporadična, dok danas na tom području nedvojbeno egzistiraju teritorijalni čopori. U razdoblju od 2012. do 2015. godine provedeno je istraživanje s ciljem utvrđivanja broja i minimalne prosječne teritorijalne gustoće čopora čagljeva na području PP Lonjsko polje primjenom akustične metode i metode fotozamki.Akustičnom metodom je procijenjeno da je na području PP Lonjsko polje u istraživanom razdoblju obitavalo 14 teritorijalnih čopora čagljeva, područje odaziva čagljeva bilo je od 186,30 do 214,50 km2 te se minimalna procijenjena gustoća čopora čagljeva kretala u rasponu od 0,65 do 0,75 na 10 km2. U usporedbi s drugim istraživanim područjima u Hrvatskoj teritorijalna gustoća čopora čagljeva procijenjena akustičnom metodom na području PP Lonjsko polje je nešto manja, a jedan od mogućih razloga je činjenica da su određeni dijelovi PP Lonjsko polje u nekim razdobljima nedostupni čagljevima zbog poplava, što bi moglo imati utjecaj na njihovo korištenje prostora.U razdoblju od 2012. do 2015. godine metodom fotozamki je prikupljeno 437 (8,8 %) fotografija/video isječaka na kojim su zabilježeni čagljevi. Nakon uklanjanja triplikata preostalo je 336 događaja čaglja odnosno fotografija/video isječaka na kojima je ukupno zabilježeno 359 jedinki čaglja, bez mogućnosti determinacije na razini jedinke. Od ukupnog broja događaja, jedna jedinka je zabilježena u 94,64 % događaja, a u 0,30 % događaja zabilježen je najveći broj jedinki, odnosno 5 jedinki na istoj fotografiji/video isječku. Uporabom metode fotozamki je utvrđeno da je najveći stupanj aktivnosti čagljeva noću (73,51 % od ukupnog broja događaja) i u sumrak (19,64 %), ali su zabilježene i dnevne aktivnosti (6,85 %). Najveći broj događaja, zabilježen je između 3 i 5 sati. Tijekom dana, u četiri godine primjene metode fotozamki, nikada nije snimljena fotografija čaglja između 14 i 16 sati te 17 i 18 sati. Čagalj iskorištava resurse koje mu omogućavaju ljudske aktivnosti i naseljena područja. Međutim, ako na području obitavanja čaglja prevladavaju mozaici poljoprivrednih površina, gdje plijena ima u izobilju, ali je ograničena mogućnost dnevnog zaklona, čagljevi se pretežito kreću noću, što smanjuje rizik od susreta s ljudima.Golden jackal (Canis aureus Linné, 1758) belongs to the family Canidae, which is characterized by opportunism and life in a pack. The rapid dispersion of golden jackal, as well as the increase of population density, indicates a high degree of ability of this species to adjust to different habitat conditions. Only 15 years ago, the appearance of the golden jackal in the Lonjsko polje Nature Park (NP) was sporadic. Today, territorial packs in this area are widespread and confirmed. Lonjsko Polje NP is located in the alluvial plain of the central Sava river basin, with mosaics of diffe­rent habitats typical for flooded areas such as flooded forests, marshes, swamps, meadows and agricultural lands. Except insects, which make a significant proportion of fauna of this area, and mammal species related to aquatic and terrestrial habitats, more than 70% of all bird species recorded in Croatia inhabit NP Lonjsko polje. Small rodents, insects, birds and bird eggs, are highly represented in the diet of golden jackals.During the research period from 2012 to 2015, the minimum number and minimum density of golden jackal territorial packs were estimated in the area of Lonjsko polje NP by acoustic and camera trap methods.Using the acoustic (playback) method, we confirmed the existence of 14 territorial packs in Lonjsko polje NP (Figure 1). From each calling station a recorded group yip-howl was broadcasted, and the GPS locations where the jackal’s response was heard, were recorded. For the calculation of the packs territory, around each recorded GPS location, the circle of 1.8 and 2 km radius was created. Outside of this radius human ear is not able to hear the sound of golden jackals howling. For the pack number estimation Point Cluster and Heatmap analysis in Q GIS 3.4. were used. By the use of the Q GIS function “Dissolve” in the Geoprocessing tools the total effective area of the response of the packs was calculated and it ranged from 186.30 to 214.50 km2. The minimum density of territorial packs per 10 km2 was calculated as a ratio of the number of packs and the total area of response of jackals and ranged from 0.65 to 0.75 packs per 10 km2. If compared to other areas in Croatia, the territorial density of the jackal packs estimated by the acoustic method in the area of NP Lonjsko Polje was slightly smaller. This is probably due to land unavailability caused by floods which impacts the pattern of space use of animals. As part of this research, in the period from 2012 to 2015, five camera traps had been set and were afterwards periodically relocated to the places where the occurrence of golden jackals was expected. The golden jackal was recorded on 437 (8.8% from all photos with recorded animal or humans; Figure 3) photos or video clips. After the removal of the triplicates, 336 events of golden jackal photos or video clips were confirmed (Table 1). Without distinguishing individuals from each other, altogether, 359 individuals were recorded. In 94.64% of all events, only one individual was recorded. The largest number of individuals, 5 individuals on the same photo/video clip, was recorded in 0.30% of events. To analyze daily/night/twilight activity and circadian rhythm, photos/videos were sorted by date and time in to 3 categories: day, night and twilight (Figure 4). Student’s T-test for two variables confirmed the highest activity of golden jackal during the night (73.51% from all events, p <0.01) and twilight (19.64%, p <0.05). Daily activity was recorded as well (6.82% from all events). The maximum number of events was recorded between 3 and 5 AM. During the day, in the four years of application of the camera trap method, a photo of the jackal was never taken between 2 and 4 PM and 5 and 6 PM. Golden jackal exploits the resources out coming from human activities, especially in the areas inhabited by humans. However, if mosaics of cultivated areas are a dominant habitat type, where prey is abundant but the possibility of daytime cover is limited, the jackal mostly move at night, reducing the risk of encountering humans. Hence, the high incidence of nocturnal photographs of golden jackal is probably the consequence of the prevailing human-dominated landscape, the presence of large areas of wet meadows in the Nature Park Lonjsko Polje and the increased risk of suffering due to human activities (traffic, hunting, direct persecution)

    Camera Traps on Wildlife Crossing Structures as a Tool in Gray Wolf (Canis lupus) Management - Five-Years Monitoring of Wolf Abundance Trends in Croatia.

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    The conservation of gray wolf (Canis lupus) and its coexistence with humans presents a challenge and requires continuous monitoring and management efforts. One of the non-invasive methods that produces high-quality wolf monitoring datasets is camera trapping. We present a novel monitoring approach where camera traps are positioned on wildlife crossing structures that channel the animals, thereby increasing trapping success and increasing the cost-efficiency of the method. In this way we have followed abundance trends of five wolf packs whose home ranges are intersected by a motorway which spans throughout the wolf distribution range in Croatia. During the five-year monitoring of six green bridges we have recorded 28 250 camera-events, 132 with wolves. Four viaducts were monitored for two years, recording 4914 camera-events, 185 with wolves. We have detected a negative abundance trend of the monitored Croatian wolf packs since 2011, especially severe in the northern part of the study area. Further, we have pinpointed the legal cull as probable major negative influence on the wolf pack abundance trends (linear regression, r2 > 0.75, P < 0.05). Using the same approach we did not find evidence for a negative impact of wolves on the prey populations, both wild ungulates and livestock. We encourage strict protection of wolf in Croatia until there is more data proving population stability. In conclusion, quantitative methods, such as the one presented here, should be used as much as possible when assessing wolf abundance trends