747 research outputs found

    Inner shelf sediments off Chesapeake Bay. III, Heavy minerals

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    The heavy minerals in the sand sized fraction of 112 grab samples collected off the Virginia coast were analyzed for their variations in mineralogy. The main purpose was to characterize the heavy mineral suite and to delineate potentially important economic areas

    Changes in Industrial and Occupational Structures of Texas Counties, 1960-80

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    This paper identifies and examines industrial and occupational changes that have accompanied population growth in Texas. According to the 1960 U.S. Census definitions for county size, Texas counties were grouped as metropolitan, urban-nonrnetropolitan, and rural-nonmetropolitan. Employment in 13 industrial and 9 occupational categories was used to measure sustenance differentiation. Industrial employment (SDI) diversified in both the sixties and seventies as nonrnetropolitan counties became more structurally homogeneous. Occupational employment (SDO) decreased in operative, labor, and farmer-farm worker jobs and increased in sales, crafts, clerical, and professional-technical-kindred jobs. Additionally, in 1980 SDI and SDO were markedly less correlated than in previous years, suggesting a change in previous structural relationships between industry and occupation. Migration rates were much more highly correlated with SDI than with SDO over the 20 years

    Production of functional proteins: balance of shear stress and gravity

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    A method for the production of functional proteins including hormones by renal cells in a three dimensional culturing process responsive to shear stress uses a rotating wall vessel. Natural mixture of renal cells expresses the enzyme 1-.alpha.-hydroxylase which can be used to generate the active form of vitamin D: 1,25-diOH vitamin D.sub.3. The fibroblast cultures and co-culture of renal cortical cells express the gene for erythropoietin and secrete erythropoietin into the culture supernatant. Other shear stress response genes are also modulated by shear stress, such as toxin receptors megalin and cubulin (gp280). Also provided is a method of treating an in-need individual with the functional proteins produced in a three dimensional co-culture process responsive to shear stress using a rotating wall vessel

    Production of Functional Proteins: Balance of Shear Stress and Gravity

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    The present invention provides for a method of culturing cells and inducing the expression of at least one gene in the cell culture. The method provides for contacting the cell with a transcription factor decoy oligonucleotide sequence directed against a nucleotide sequence encoding a shear stress response element

    Production of functional proteins: balance of shear stress and gravity

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    The present invention provides a method for production of functional proteins including hormones by renal cells in a three dimensional co-culture process responsive to shear stress using a rotating wall vessel. Natural mixture of renal cells expresses the enzyme 1-a-hydroxylase which can be used to generate the active form of vitamin D: 1,25-diOH vitamin D3. The fibroblast cultures and co-culture of renal cortical cells express the gene for erythropoietin and secrete erythropoietin into the culture supernatant. Other shear stress response genes are also modulated by shear stress, such as toxin receptors megalin and cubulin (gp280). Also provided is a method of treating in-need individual with the functional proteins produced in a three dimensional co-culture process responsive to shear stress using a rotating wall vessel

    Factors Associated with Sow Stayability

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the association of production factors with stayability to parity 4 (STAY 4), defined as the ability of a sow to reach 4th parity. Data was from the National Pork Producers Council Maternal Line National Genetic Evaluation Program, which included 6 genetic lines and consisted of 3,283 female pigs. Factors significant for STAY 4 included: farm, entry date, age at first farrowing, average daily gain, gilt backfat, and lactation prior to removal, feed intake, number born alive, and lactation length. Age at first farrowing and lactation feed intake in the lactation prior to removal had the greatest phenotypic relationships with sow longevity across genetic lines. A younger age at first farrowing under a uniform environment was positively related to length of productive life. Genetically, selection for a reduced age at first farrowing should increase sow longevity. However, a sow that is older at first farrowing may also be favorable for sow longevity. Commercial producers should strive to increase lactation feed intake through good management to ensure sow longevity

    New mammals

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    3 p. ; 24 cm