1,342 research outputs found

    The Prevalence of Myopia in Children in Spain: An Updated Study in 2020

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    In recent years, there was a significant increase in myopia incidence worldwide. However, it is still not clear how it affects Spanish children. Since 2016, this research team analyzed myopia prevalence and risk in 9668 children aged between 5 and 7 years. It was shown that the prevalence rates increased from 16.8% in 2016 to 20.4% in 2019. The objective of this study is to update the prevalence rate of myopia in Spain in 2020 and analyze the risk and prevention factors of myopia. Methods: The participants underwent an optometric examination, and a questionnaire on their lifestyle, family history, and geographical origin was carried out. Finally, data were analyzed using the SPSS version 27 program. Results: 1601 children from various Autonomous Communities of Spain were examined. In 2020 the myopia rates did not increase compared to 2019 (p 0.05). There was a link between the time spent in near vision and family history with the prevalence of myopia (p < 0.05). Conclusions: The prevalence of myopia in Spain in children between 5 and 7 years old increased significantly between 2016 and 2020.Depto. de Optometría y VisiónFac. de Óptica y OptometríaTRUEFundación Alain Afflelou (España)pu

    Reactivity with Electrophiles of Imido Groups Supported on Trinuclear Titanium Systems

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    Several trinuclear titanium complexes bearingamido mu-NHR, imido mu-NR, and nitrido mu(n)-N ligands have been prepared by reaction of [{Ti(eta(5)-C5Me5)(mu-NH)}(3)(mu(3)-N)] (1) with 1 equiv of electrophilic reagents ROTf (R = H, Me, SiMe3; OTf = OSO2CF3). Treatment of 1 with triflic acid or methyl triflate in toluene at room temperature affords the precipitation of compounds [Ti-3(eta(5)-C5Me5)(3)(mu(3)-N)(mu-NH)(2)(mu-NH2)(OTf)] (2) or [Ti-3(eta(5)-C5Me5)(3)(mu(3)-N)(mu-NH)(mu-NH2)(mu-NMe)(OTf)](3). Complexes 2 and 3 exhibit a fluxional behavior in solution consisting of proton exchange between mu-NH2 and mu-NH groups, assisted by the triflato ligand, as could be inferred from a dynamic NMR spectroscopy study. Monitoring by NMR spectroscopy the reaction course. of 1 with MeOTf allows the characterization of the methylamido intermediate [Ti-3(eta(5)-C5Me5)(3)(mu(3)-N)(mu-NH)(2)(mu-NHMe)(OTf)] (4), which readily rearranges to give 3 by a proton migration from the NHMe amido group to the NH imido ligands. The treatment of 1 with 1 equiv ofMe3SiOTf produces the stable ionic complex [Ti-3(eta(5)-C5Me5)(3)(mu(3)-N)(mu-NH)(2)(mu-NHSiMe3)][OTf] (5) with a disposition of the nitrogen ligands similar to that of 4. Complex 5 reacts with 1 equiv of [K{N(SiMe3)(2)}] at room temperature to give [Ti-3(eta(5)-C5Me5)(3)(mu(3)-N)(mu-N)(mu-NH)(mu-NHSiMe3)] (6), which at 85 degrees C rearranges to the trimethylsilylimido derivative [Ti-3(eta(5)-C5Me5)(3)(mu(3)-N)(mu-NH)(2)(mu-NHSiMe3)] (7). Treatment of 7 with [K{N(SiMe3)(2)}] affords the potassium derivative [K{(mu(3)-N)(mu(3)-NH)(mu(3)-NiSMe3)Ti-3(eta(C5Me5)-C-5)(3)(mu(3)-N)}] (8), which upon addition of 18-crown-6 leads to the ion pair [K(18-crown-6)] [Ti-3(eta(5)-C5Me5)(3)(mu(3)-N)(mu-NH)(mu-NHSiMe3)] (9). The X-ray crystal structures of2, 5, 6, and 8 have been determined.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España, Comunidad de Madrid, Universidad de Alcalá, Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia de Españ

    Electrophilic attack on trinuclear titanium imido-nitrido systems

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    Alkylation of [{Ti(eta(5)-C5Me5)(mu-NH)}(3)(mu(3)-N)] with MeOTf occurs at the imido ligands to produce the methylamido derivative [Ti-3(eta(5)-C5Me5)(3)(mu(3)-N)(mu-NH)(2)(mu-NHMe)(OTf)] which readily rearranges to form the methylimido complex [Ti-3(eta(5)-C5Me5)(3)(mu(3)-N)(mu-NH)(mu-NH2)(mu-NMe)(OTf)].Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia de España, Comunidad de Madrid, Universidad de Alcal

    Cleavage of Dinitrogen from Forming Gas by a Titanium Molecular System under Ambient Conditions

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    Simple exposure of a hexane solution of [TiCp*Me3](Cp* = h5-C5Me5) to an atmosphere of commercially available and inexpensive forming gas (H2/N2 mixture, 13.5-16.5 % of H2) at room temperature leads to the methylidene-methylidyne-nitrido cube-type complex [(TiCp*)4(m3-CH)(m3-CH2)(m3-N)2] via dinitrogen cleavage. This paramagnetic compound reacts with [D1]chloroform to give the titanium(IV) methylidyne-nitrido species [(TiCp*)4(m3-CH)2(m3-N)2], whereas its one-electron oxidation with AgOTf or [Fe(h5-C5H5)2](OTf) (OTf = O3SCF3) yields the diamagnetic ionic derivative [(TiCp*)4(m3-CH)(m3-CH2)(m3-N)2](OTf). The m3-nitrido ligands of the methylidyne-nitridocubane complex can be protonated with [LutH](OTf)(Lut = 2,6-lutidine) or hydrogenated with NH3·BH3 to afford m3-NH imido moieties.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España, Universidad de Alcal

    The Computer-Vision Symptom Scale (CVSS17): Development and Initial Validation

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    Purpose.: To develop a questionnaire (in Spanish) to measure computer-related visual and ocular symptoms (CRVOS). Methods.: A pilot questionnaire was created by consulting the literature, clinicians, and video display terminal (VDT) workers. The replies of 636 subjects completing the questionnaire were assessed using the Rasch model and conventional statistics to generate a new scale, designated the Computer-Vision Symptom Scale (CVSS17). Validity and reliability were determined by Rasch fit statistics, principal components analysis (PCA), person separation, differential item functioning (DIF), and item–person targeting. To assess construct validity, the CVSS17 was correlated with a Rasch-based visual discomfort scale (VDS) in 163 VDT workers, this group completed the CVSS17 twice in order to assess test-retest reliability (two-way single-measure intraclass correlation coefficient [ICC] and their 95% confidence intervals, and the coefficient of repeatability [COR]). Results.: The CVSS17 contains 17 items exploring 15 different symptoms. These items showed good reliability and internal consistency (mean square infit and outfit 0.88–1.17, eigenvalue for the first residual PCA component 1.37, person separation 2.85, and no DIF). Pearson's correlation with VDS scores was 0.60 (P < 0.001). Intraclass correlation coefficient for test–retest reliability was 0.849 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.800–0.887), and COR was 8.14. Conclusions.: The Rasch-based linear-scale CVSS17 emerged as a useful tool to quantify CRVOS in computer workers

    Partial Hydrogenation of a Tetranuclear Titanium Nitrido Complex with Ammonia Borane

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    The treatment of [{Ti(eta(5)-C5Me5)}(4)(mu(3)-N)(4)] with NH3BH3 leads to the paramagnetic imidonitrido complex [{Ti(eta(5)-C5Me5)}(4)(mu(3)-N)(3)(mu(3)-NH)], which can also be obtained by stepwise proton and electron transfer with HOTf and [K(C5Me5)].Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España, Universidad de Alcalá, Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia de Españ

    Vaciados de escayola y corridos de terraja en obras de restauración

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    Durante la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII y el siglo XIX, se utilizaron numerosos elementos ornamentales en las fachadas de los edificios residenciales de las grandes ciudades, imitando las prácticas de la arquitectura monumental. Cornisas, impostas, escudos, molduras, ménsulas, etc., decoran los edificios respondiendo de esta forma a los intereses suscitados desde diferentes ámbitos: arquitectónico, económico, sociológico, etc. La piedra natural, por cuestiones económicas, era empleada en pocas ocasiones y se recurría a otras técnicas artesanales como la elaboración de la ornamentación en taller mediante vaciados de escayola o la ejecución "in situ" con pastas y morteros de yeso y corridos de terraja. Lo cierto es que, hoy en día, esos edificios forman parte del casco antiguo de las ciudades y se encuentran protegidos por normativas que impiden su destrucción o sustitución por otros acabados más "modernos". La restauración de estos elementos es compleja ya que se trata de materiales fácilmente degradables sometidos a los agentes atmosféricos y carentes de protecciones adecuadas; a esto se une la falta generalizada de conocimientos sobre las técnicas de trabajo y los materiales a emplear, que se agrava en un oficio artesanal que recibe numerosas presiones económicas que afectan a su trabajo. Materiales como la escayola, el pegamento de escayola o formulaciones especiales de semihidratos, como el “Álamo 70”, se mezclan en unas técnicas empíricas con resultados poco eficaces en muchas ocasiones. El presente artículo pretende arrojar luz sobre este campo, caracterizando los productos utilizados en la actualidad desde el punto de vista de su comportamiento al exterior y analizando distintas soluciones para la protección de los materiales frente a la acción del agua por métodos de hidrofugación en masa, en superficie o por inmersió

    Una tipología de casos para enseñar el modelo de evolución por selección natural

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    The teaching of all content requires using specific cases or examples as problems that give meaning to the construction of nearby scientific models. There are several criteria for the selection of such cases. In this paper we present the fundamentals of a proposal for the selection of cases for the teaching of the model of evolution by natural selection. This proposal is based on the interaction between these cases and the epistemological conceptions and obstacles of the students. Each category of cases proposed here is defined by the concepts and obstacles whose explanation and revision facilitates. It is also suggested that the awareness of these conceptions and obstacles is a necessary condition for learning as it is understood from the theoretical framework of modeling

    Frequent co-expression of EGFR and NeuGcGM3 ganglioside in cancer: it’s potential therapeutic implications

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    Interaction between epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) signaling with GM3 ganglioside expression has been previously described. However, little is known about EGFR and NeuGcGM3 co-expression in cancer patients and their therapeutic implications. In this paper, we evaluate the co-expression of EGFR and NeuGcGM3 ganglioside in tumors from 92 patients and in two spontaneous lung metastasis models of mice (Lewis lung carcinoma (3LL-D122) in C57BL/6 and mammary carcinoma (4T1) in BALB/c). As results, co-expression of EGFR and NeuGcGM3 ganglioside was frequently observed in 63 of 92 patients (68 %), independently of histological subtype. Moreover, EGFR is co-expressed with NeuGcGM3 ganglioside in the metastasis of 3LL-D122 and 4T1 murine models. Such dual expression appears to be therapeutically relevant, since combined therapy with mAbs against these two molecules synergistically increase the survival of mice treated. Overall, our results suggest that NeuGcGM3 and EGFR may coordinately contribute to the tumor cell biology and that therapeutic combinations against these two targets might be a valid strategy to explore.Fil: Palomo, Addys González. Centro de Inmunología Molecular; CubaFil: Santana, Rancés Blanco. Centro de Inmunología Molecular; CubaFil: Pérez, Xiomara Escobar. Instituto Nacional de Oncología y Radiobiología; CubaFil: Santana, Damián Blanco. Instituto Nacional de Oncología y Radiobiología; CubaFil: Gabri, Mariano Rolando. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología. Laboratorio de Oncología Molecular; ArgentinaFil: Monzon, Kalet León. Centro de Inmunología Molecular; CubaFil: Pérez, Adriana Carr. Centro de Inmunología Molecular; Cub

    Turning carbon dots into selenium bearing nanoplatforms with in vitro GPx-like activity and pro-oxidant activity

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    Selenium (Se) has been defined as the “Janus element”, with one face showing antioxidant activity and the other pro-oxidant activity. The biological effect of Se depends on both dose and speciation. Se nanoparticles are attracting major interest, although their large-scale preparation for biomedical applications is not trivial. We hypothesize that acid anhydride-coated carbon dots (AACD) are an attractive platform for preparing nanoparticles containing chemically defined Se. The reaction of AA-CD with 3- selenocyanatopropan-1-amine yields carbon dots bearing selenocyanate and carboxylate groups (CD-SeCN) that allow for tuning the hydrosolubility. CD-SeCN has a Se content of 0.36 μmol per mg of nanoparticles, and they show the typical photoluminescence of carbon dots. The selenocyanate groups (SeCN) exhibited glutathione peroxidase-like activity and cytotoxicity. Data show that antioxidant behavior differs between normal and tumor cells, and the evaluation on HEK293 and A549 cells reveals that the toxicity of CD-SeCN depends on dose, time, and intracellular glutathione (GSH) content. The toxicity of CD-SeCN decreases with the time of incubation and the cell death mechanism switches from necrosis to apoptosis, indicating that CD-SeCN is neutralized. Additionally, high levels of intracellular GSH exert a protective effect. These results support a pharmacological potential in cancers with low levels of intracellular GSH. The use of AA-CD as nanoplatforms is a general strategy that paves the way for the engineering of advanced nanosystemsSpanish institution Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades (No. CTQ2017- 86125-P)Unit of Excellence in Chemistry Applied to Biomedicine and the EnvironmentCentro de Instrumentacion Cientifica (Universidad de Granada)Universidad de Granada/CBUASpringer Natur